Prayers for the Southeast

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Well, they are lined up like planes at Atlanta airport waiting for takeoff: :eek:

Tropical Storm Hanna, Hurricane Ike (I am old enough to remember "I Like Ike" at GOP Convention), and Tropical Storm Josephine....

Granted, Hanna is projected to be no more than a Cat 1 hurricane, and to veer quickly up the coast. But hurricane watchers know these things can intensify quickly and change course.

So am sending prayers for folks along the SE Coast (and also in Northeast if it shoots up that way).... These whirling storms can spin off tornadoes, bring much flooding, and definitely imperil lives and property.

Any of you folks in the affected areas, please take care and be safe.
I will add my prayers to yours and ask that the storms lose strength before they hit landfall.
I do pray that they all dodge the bullet.

The storms tend to bring their friends like tornado and rain. We've had over 25 watchs and warnings on both of these in and around this area today.

My prayers are with those in Hanna's path.

We live on one of the Northeast's barrier beaches - Fire Island - off the Southern coast of Long Island. In 1938 we had the hurricane of the century, which devastated much of the Northeast and destroyed hundreds of houses on our island. Since then we've been relatively lucky, but we know that one day one of these storms is going to come our way again. We're prepared to evacuate, and we have done so in past years when storms have threatened. Here's hoping that the current crop of storms go in some other direction.

Stay SAFE ALL and great BIG thoughts and prayers for
all of you

zipper2 (DEB)
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. This is just like 20004 when we back to back to back storms. Hmmm, I wonder if those storms contributed to the demise of my aortic valve that year :D.

There were almost 1,000 trees blown down in the Jacksonville area due to Faye. The only extremely small bright spot is the free firewood :D:D:D. People are anxious to get it out of their yards. Yes, we do have fireplaces in Florida. I also use it for camping for our family and Cub Scouts. I don't collect a whole lot, just a couple of car loads :). I keep telling my wife that is my new hobby. I enjoy splitting it.

We live on one of the Northeast's barrier beaches - Fire Island - off the Southern coast of Long Island. In 1938 we had the hurricane of the century, which devastated much of the Northeast and destroyed hundreds of houses on our island. Since then we've been relatively lucky, but we know that one day one of these storms is going to come our way again. We're prepared to evacuate, and we have done so in past years when storms have threatened. Here's hoping that the current crop of storms go in some other direction.


We're with you, Jim. In CT on Long Island Sound, right across from Fisher's Island. Keeping my fingers crossed that we get through this season without a hit!
We're with you, Jim. In CT on Long Island Sound, right across from Fisher's Island. Keeping my fingers crossed that we get through this season without a hit!

Thanks, Phyllis. Tomorrow I will go "off island" to move the car to higher ground because of flood warnings. It takes about a half an hour on the ferry to reach the Long Island mainland. I'll re-park then take the boat back to the island for the weekend. It gets' "exciting" :eek:this time of the year!

Thanks for your sentiments!


I talked to a friend in Charleston SC this afternoon and the local authorities are suggesting evacuation ... they are heading this way .... better safe than sorry!!
Hi All

Well, we're transplanted Long Islanders and just can't seem to get out of the way. We're expected to get Hanna in VA this evening and tomorrow. I can handle the rain and winds, but it's those tornados that pop up that scare me......ugh. We already have outside furniture in the garage and will bring in plants later today. Good luck and prayers to everyone in Hanna's path. I'll worry about Mr. Ike next week....

Ev, maybe it's better you are in Virginia this time.

They said on CNN that this storm may go where storms seldom go on the east coast all the way up.

Wishing dry weekend for all of you. Prayers. Blessins............
Thanks, Ann

Right now it's absolutely beautiful out.....I do think we'll be fine, but will see how it goes. We're not on the Chesapeake, but not fare from the creeks, either......should be interesting.

Thanks, Ann. We are all tucked in and I think pretty well prepared. We are expecting high winds and a lot of rain. It looks like the projected path puts us right in the center but we are inland and it doesn't seem like much of a threat except for the flooding and tornadoes.
Well, the rain has started wind, but just a light rain for now. We're all buttoned up for the night and hopefully won't have any of those little tornados that this storm has spun off.

Will let you all know how we fare.
