Endocarditis & sinus infection?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
Just curious:

Is it possible for a sinus infection to trigger endocarditis?

My cousin's son, age 22, is physically & mentally challenged. He was born with MVP & polycystic kidney diease (in his only kidney).
He's in a hospital in Houston right now with a sinus infection so severe that the left side of his head swelled up yesterday. His mom thought perhaps it was related to jaw realignment surgery he had in early July, but X-rays, blood tests & a CT scan pointed to an extremely nasty sinus infection.

He's been on IVs of antibiotics since Wednesday, is spending a 2nd night in the hospital.

I was just wondering what bacteria are associated with endocarditis and what causes some cases of endocarditis.

I'm not sure because I haven't personally dealt with endocarditis, but I know some who have. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, any type of bacteria/fungus can cause endocarditis. That's why my cardio is very proactive about having any infection I've had treated right away. I had even asked him last week if it was OK that we still did my angiogram because I had a female-issue infection and he said it was OK, but he made sure I was treated for it as soon as I was discharged from the hospital.

My best wishes for your cousin's son.

Thanks. I'm hoping the doctors have considered the connection between a bacterial infection & endo and have his cardiac info. When he had his jaw surgery (underbite reduction), the doctors also removed 1 wisdom tooth, so I'm hoping they knew he has a valve problem.

My cousin's son has had health problems since birth -- born with bilateral cleft palate (which required tube-feeding rather than bottle-feeding him), hearing/visual problems, only one kidney (which is affected by PKD, a life-threatening condition) and the MVP, for starters. He's 22, but looks like he's 13-14. Every time I hug him, I feel like I'm going to crush him!
Just curious:

Is it possible for a sinus infection to trigger endocarditis?

My cousin's son, age 22, is physically & mentally challenged. He was born with MVP & polycystic kidney diease (in his only kidney).
He's in a hospital in Houston right now with a sinus infection so severe that the left side of his head swelled up yesterday. His mom thought perhaps it was related to jaw realignment surgery he had in early July, but X-rays, blood tests & a CT scan pointed to an extremely nasty sinus infection.

He's been on IVs of antibiotics since Wednesday, is spending a 2nd night in the hospital.

I was just wondering what bacteria are associated with endocarditis and what causes some cases of endocarditis.

It is not probable but is possible since the infection is severe. Usually
endo occurs if your system is swarmed wth bacteria and/or you have
scar tissue in the heart (usually valves) which makes it easier for the
bacteria to latch or stick onto. If it is a local infection it would be less
likely , but if the microbes are present in the blood and systemic it is
more probable. The most common culprits are Staph aureus , Staph
Epidermis, and Streptococcus.
I hope all goes well for him.
I'm sending good wishes-Dina:)


I may have had sub-acute bacterial endocarditis and if so, it started with a flu and I suffer from recurring sinus infections. I think any infection can cause endocarditis; its the bacteria regardless of location that can go to your heart via the bloodstream.

Hope that helps. Though no MD, I'd think MDs would do a three blood cultures and possible a transesophageal echocardiogram.

My best wishes,

I may have had sub-acute bacterial endocarditis and if so, it started with a flu and I suffer from recurring sinus infections. I think any infection can cause endocarditis; its the bacteria regardless of location that can go to your heart via the bloodstream.

Hope that helps. Though no MD, I'd think MDs would do a three blood cultures and possible a transesophageal echocardiogram.

My best wishes,

What was your heart history prior to your endocarditis; I mean did you have
any cardiac surgeries before the infection? I am curious since my first bout
with endocarditis came as a result of dental surgery and I had no heart
problems or abnormalities.
Thanks, Dina:)