Proof that all teenagers aren't bad!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

I went back to work today to try to do some light housekeeping in my classroom as I can't lift anything heavier than 10 lbs until next Tues. This week is registration at the high school where I teach, and I ran into many of my former 4th and 5th period students who were really excited to see me (and vice versa)! :D I had a great relationship with my students from last year. We chatted about our summers and after I told them about my Exciting Hospital Adventure this week, they all offered to come to my room and get my desks organized, since the custodians moved everything around this summer to clean. They refused to let me lift a finger and got everything back to right for me this afternoon.

Anyway, I about cried with joy at how sweet and helpful my "kids" were. I feel so blessed and glad I chose to be a teacher.
Anyway, I about cried with joy at how sweet and helpful my "kids" were. I feel so blessed and glad I chose to be a teacher.
Yes, when you don't have to deal with the administrators, teaching is an awesome job! ;) Glad your "kids" were there to help!
That's what I miss about teaching - the good kids! I had plenty, but those few turds seemed to stink up the whole bunch. The administration didn't help either!
Niki and Lisa:
I so know what you mean about administration. I was talking with some fellow teachers today about how incompetent some counselors are at school. We have a great principal, but some of the counselors couldn't find their way out of a paper bag, even with instructions. :p
What a nice gesture from your former students. As a mom of teenagers I enjoy hearing postive feedback. I have a 15 yr old son and a 13 yr old daughter who drive me crazy sometimes at home but their teachers give me positive feedback about their behavior at school. Nice to hear!

daughter is bookkeeper and sec'y to principal. She tells me parents can be a real pain, too!

Ain't that the truth!!! :rolleyes: I have morning parking lot duty this year... Give me a hundred screaming students any day over even one of their parents in the parking lot! And we wonder why their kids don't think the rules apply to them??? :p
My DW is a teacher and has said many times if was not for ?some? of the parents and ?some? of the administrators her job would be damn near perfect ? she loves her students.