Tachy (SVT) or Panic?

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Feb 22, 2007
East Ontario, Canada
I'm sitting here today with a holter monitor on....Friday morning at 3 a.m. and again at 6 a.m. my heart was going really fast.
Usually when I'm sleeping it's at about 55 bpm, but it woke me up at about 120 bpm.
Taking my Metoprolol did no good so hubby took me to the ER. BP was high also.
I managed to calm down while on the heart monitor with my hubby doing his best to make me laugh.

Anyway, I was lucky there was good staff on duty and I had a relatively easy time to calm down without more meds.
ECG looked fine according to the doc on duty.
Blood was taken and while the nurse had the needle in my arm, I asked her to pull another tube for INR.
Results of CBC, Potassium, Sodium, etc. were fine.
Still waiting for results of Thyroid.
The doc and I had a little discussion and he was asking about stresses....I do get nervous and stressed about every little thing.
So, for a fast HR would it be better to take more Metoprolol or take a little dose of Ativan?
...So, for a fast HR would it be better to take more Metoprolol or take a little dose of Ativan?
I'm sorry to hear of this difficulty. But about the meds, please ask your doctor to be sure.

Hope you are feeling better soon, Bina :) .
Gosh golly gee whiz, what a bummer and sorry you have to go through all this. Wish I could answer your question :( maybe you should ask your doctor.
How long do you have to wear the monitor?
The monitor goes back tomorrow....and then the results get sent to my GP.
My cardio doesn't see patients for "small" problems or med adjustments.
Previously I've only taken a tiny dose of Ativan for a dental visit.
Norma, my darling nubians are my de-stressor......actually I'm probably rattled because last week my computer had a nasty virus, I've only got one field of hay cut, and Sept.6-7 my in-laws are coming to visit.
Pass the Ativan!!! ha ha
Norma, my darling nubians are my de-stressor......actually I'm probably rattled because last week my computer had a nasty virus, I've only got one field of hay cut, and Sept.6-7 my in-laws are coming to visit.
Pass the Ativan!!! ha ha

You mean, pass the "tequila" please!!! :):D:)
Bina, Sorry to hear your having to go through all this..
I wore a heart monitor for about three days. It near showed anything wrong.:confused: My heart goes through skipping beats every once in awhile.My BP seems ok. So who knows.
It could be the meds but i would check with your dr.
Hope everything works out ok. Keep us posted. :)
Yes, the PVC or skipping beats I've gotten used to, but the palps or tachy-ness really gets on my nerves.
I could understand it more if I misbehaved, but I don't smoke, don't drink, I eat low fat, low salt, no coffee, no partying, I am totally b-o-r-i-n-g.

Nice bonus today:
After my dinner I saw a tractor and mower cutting the hay in my fields. And doing a fantastic job, I should add.
It turns out that one of the farmers down the road has a teenage son who is eager to practise his skills and my fields were a perfect choice with a section of gentle slope and a few tight corners around our small tree farm area.
Hmmm, maybe I will sleep better tonight.....one less thing on my mind :)
I am totally b-o-r-i-n-g.

Don't ever say that your boring. Far from it. Your full of spunk, humor, charm and knowledge. So don't sell yourself short.....as far as the in-laws go.....grin and bare it and or run and hide:D

But seriously, think happy thoughts and feel better real soon. Don't worry about the hay for now.......you come first! :)
I am totally b-o-r-i-n-g.

Don't ever say that your boring. Far from it. Your full of spunk, humor, charm and knowledge. So don't sell yourself short.....as far as the in-laws go.....grin and bare it and or run and hide:D

But seriously, think happy thoughts and feel better real soon. Don't worry about the hay for now.......you come first! :)
The doc and I had a little discussion and he was asking about stresses....I do get nervous and stressed about every little thing.
So, for a fast HR would it be better to take more Metoprolol or take a little dose of Ativan?

I think if your brain is making your heart race, your brain has to learn to calm it back down again.

Seriously. You can do it. My insanely high steroid dose will suddenly make my whole brain and body go AUGUGHGHGGHGH! which, of course, also makes my HR go up. So I have to get my brain to calm the whole works down again, and it does.

I think before you chalk this up to anything you should see a cardiologist, if that means finding a new one who does do small stuff and med adjustments, then so be it, 120 could be SVT, but it may not be, so a good set of tests is warranted. I hesitate to say anything about meds because I really think thats something your cardio should take care of, and if it comes to it you should see an EP doc.

(lots of people around me thought my SVTs werent SVTs, they thought they were stress related, NOT!, I'm on 240 of diltiazem, and its not working 100% perfect, but about 85% of my issues are GONE!!!)

gotta go head off to clinical

....Friday morning at 3 a.m. and again at 6 a.m. my heart was going really fast.
Usually when I'm sleeping it's at about 55 bpm, but it woke me up at about 120 bpm.

Could dreaming explain this? A bad nightmare or even a nice sensual encounter :eek: :)

Sept.6-7 my in-laws are coming to visit.
Pass the Ativan!!! ha ha

Copy that Bina. :( Aaaaaarrrggh....this weekend it's the in-laws Golden Wedding getogether and our attendance is obligitory. Father in law is a buttoned up retired United Reform Church minister. Looking on the bright side he might let his hair down and give us half a glass of wine each. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
So did you feel anything when you were on the Holter? I once kidded my cardio that the cure to my arrhythmia was to wear a Holter monitor! :)
Missed this thread earlier somehow, Bina. Hope everything has settled down (cancellation of the in-laws visit would be too much to hope for, I guess :D) and you are feeling much better....
Bina, I sure hope your heart rate has calmed down.Very scary to wake up like that. I don't doubt anxiety and stress having a part in it, and am glad you have a neighbor helping with the hay! You have become such a staple here, we all depend on you, and your wonderful sense of humor! You know we're in your corner. All the best, Brian
I'm back from returning the Holter monitor. Yay!
Last night around midnight my heart did some of its "weird" dance....skipping, and minor vibrating, but no real tachy stuff. I'm interested to see what the doc gives as a diagnosis.

The ER doc had mentioned relaxation techniques as well as the traditional physical methods of stopping palps....coughing, bearing down, etc.
And, yes, I've woken up many nights from scary dreams with palps, but my HR has been controllable. This time it just would not stop, which makes me think it was more likely panic. Who knows.

Another thought, maybe I will have to be rude and put my inlaws in a motel for 2 nights.
Would a tent in the backyard be out of the question?

Thanks so much for all your comments and kindness!