Please!!! This country will never be the same

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Good Lord, where do find this stuff Ross?

Cooker would have my vote if I lived in the States. I noticed too that he already has the girls drooling for him.........OMG wait till they see him.

Go Cooker Go
Come on, now, really... does this country want a candidate who will continue the chimp dynasty (good one, Bonzo, you sly devil you :D), who will turn us into a country of swingers, who probably doesn't even know how many houses he has, or thinks domestic policy is above his paygrade...


is the country ready for a caped crusader who will keep hot dog eating contests at the center of Fourth of July celebrations (NO banana pudding; this will not become a banana republic!)....

(Okay this is silly, but this video is worth it if only to check out the hot Maxim model again. :p
With regard to candidates from the weigh in/throw down thread, the Ref must maintain a neutral stance in order to ensure a fair and balanced election process.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
No monkey shenanigans allowed!:p:p
Come on, now, really... does this country want a candidate who will continue the chimp dynasty (good one, Bonzo, you sly devil you :D), who will turn us into a country of swingers, who probably doesn't even know how many houses he has, or thinks domestic policy is above his paygrade...


is the country ready for a caped crusader who will keep hot dog eating contests at the center of Fourth of July celebrations (NO banana pudding; this will not become a banana republic!)....

(Okay this is silly, but this video is worth it if only to check out the hot Maxim model again. :p

I see where this is going ? I did not ask for this candidacy ? It was thrust upon me by a segment of the nation that wants change ? This will not be a continuation of the current administration, no chimp impostor, the real deal with the acrobatic skills to do the job ? If the ?Caped One? wishes to throw his leotard in the ring I welcome him ? If his kick off platform of overindulgence on high fat foods if only once a year (for now) is any indication of where he will take this country we are in for four more years of pork belly politics ? EAT MORE FRUIT ? :)Vote Chimp In 2008:)
With regard to candidates from the weigh in/throw down thread, the Ref must maintain a neutral stance in order to ensure a fair and balanced election process.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
No monkey shenanigans allowed!:p:p

How about having us on "Meet The Ref"?:D:p ... impromptu questions for the candidates?:eek:
LOL .... Funny, funny man:D .... SuperBob, would you consider being my running mate? ... Now that's a ticket that will get votes!!!!

Now, Cooker if you're going to run for President, you have to do this the right way. You have to appoint a team of supporters to "vet" Veep possibilities. You have to float a long list of supposed potential candidates, the better to massage lots of big egos. Then you have to narrow it to a short list and encourage media speculation for weeks and weeks and weeks. Then you could have a gimmick on your website where folks could sign up to be the "first to know" of your choice. Only then might you pick Superbob. Actually, I think "the Ref" would be a good choice, or Bina (oops, she's a Canadian, isn't she -- small detail :D).... Well, you might want a non-Southerner, got to think about balancing the ticket, you see. :D Two cornpone characters from the South? -- dunno. Course if you did go all-South, Bubba (NO, not THAT one -- our Georgia Bubba) could bedazzle the electorate with his nearly incomprehensible rhetoric. :p
Bedazzle my butt, filibuster is more like it! :D

Looks like thet lef' boot has been thrown in mah direckshun. Or is thet a slap in th' cheek (no not THAT one) wif one of them wawk gloves. Or is it thet gauntlet thin'ie them high falootin' folks is allus a tryin' t'git rid of. Seems like they is allus throwin' it down. As enny fool knows, yo' gotta throw it UP t'git rid of it.

Ennyway, befo'e ah git so sidetracked ah wind up in Alabama, ah's hyar t'meet th' challenge. Me an' mah Bubba Mafia'd like t'go on reco'd thet we'd provide th' necessary votes fo' th' Choomp, ah mean Chimp, t'carry this hyar Southern States. We haf already disposed of all them Chads fum 2000 (ah hear they is somewhar in th' swamps down in Flo'ida, o' in Cuba, ah ain?t rightly sho'nuff).

ah have got sevahal friends at Dibold whut owe me money trimenjus time. ah can call up a few ah O YOUs thar.

Now t'speakin' ingagements. As long as ah don?t hafta wears a sueyt an' tie ah w'd does jest fine. Camo is mah choice in case th' crowd gits mean an' nasty. Jeans an' a NRA tee shirt'd wawk most places in th' South, 'cept in Hotlanta. Might git yo' shot fum one of them ILLEGAL guns thar.

ah w'd like t'now outline mah plank of wood fo' this hyar har eleckshun. We'd?????.....


In closin', ah w'd like t'hoombly accepp this hyar award??.

Excuse me, WHAT EARL?

Mah Right Han' Man, Cousin Earl (who insists on stan'in' t'mah lef'---ain?t figgerd out whuffo' he insist on warin' thet surplus bullet-proof vest) tells me it ain?t no award, cuss it all t' tarnation.

Wal, ah appreesheeate th' thunk. Now y?all git out thar an' vote fo' th' Choomp, ah mean Chimp. ah's hyar t'he'p in enny way.

Now back t'th' basement t'wiggle them foil wrapped rabbit ears an' see eff'n ah can pick up some mo'e of thet betch volleyball, ah reckon. Reminds me of th' time on Daytona Betch ah wonnered upon one of them nude betch volleyball games. Didn't reckon too much of them guys lettin' it all hang out, but now them gals, glo'y be. Thet's a sto'y fo' t'other time.

Bubba :)
there are blue dog republicans, yellow dog democrats - what will Cooker have?

I really think Cooker ought to have a female running chimp mate. Just to keep things perfectly balanced. Or is that un-?
I like the idea of the female running mate ... Also like the idea of a total southern ticket ... as SuperBob said I need a list ... anyone may submit their name for the Chimp to eyeball ... I think Heather Locklere might be perfect;) ... smart ... woman ... Lumbee Indian ... southern ....just about covers everything ... I bet she can make cobbler too:D:D;)
I like the idea of the female running mate ... Also like the idea of a total southern ticket ... as SuperBob said I need a list ... anyone may submit their name for the Chimp to eyeball ... I think Heather Locklere might be perfect;) ... smart ... woman ... Lumbee Indian ... southern ....just about covers everything ... I bet she can make cobbler too:D:D;)

Heather Locklear for Veep --- yes, definitely! She would certainly bring a welcome contrast to The Chimp's hairy look on campaign posters.

(See attached.)