Attention Hippies......

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I luv hippies!!!!!!!

I luv hippies!!!!!!!



LOL..... Tell us enquirey minds wanna know

Not much really. It was interesting to say the least. I was just a little devil when the flower power gang was around. Watching Woodstock brought back a lot of memories of that time.
What I really found interesting were the people that were upset because not one of the media photographed the supposed planes over head seeding the clouds. Never knew about that until last night. Judging by how bent out of shape some of the people were, I think it was a bit more then a conspiracy theory. I think they really did do it. Looking at the clouds in the film, it did appear to be no where else except right over the Woodstock fields.

In 1969 at the Woodstock Festival, various people claimed to have witnessed clouds being seeded by the US military. This was said to be the cause of the rain which lasted throughout most of the festival. This remains one of the many conspiracy theories put forth by members of the hippy movement at the time.
So who owned an Afghan coat? I did :eek: :eek: :eek:

Didn't own the coat, but I've owned an Afghan rug for years which was made by the Shiite Muslims...gorgeous rug made by the Hazara tribe.

Also, did y'all know that Woodstock took place on the farm owned by an Uncle of one of our members?!?!

Thanks for posting Ross -- send me an e-mail next time so I won't miss it. Also, interesting 'conspiracy theory' which I'd sure tend to believe. Remember Kent State?!?!
Another great gathering of that time was the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. At age 13, just shy of 14, I and a buddy took the "El" downtown to see what the fuss was all about. We picked the wrong night. Tear gass sucks !
My mom used to take me into town to eat at a diner on the square, right across from the Hoover Vacuum Company. I was 5 or 6 then. The flower children would be all strewn about the front lawn of the Hoover Company, smoking dope, doing LSD and whatever else they had, the cops constantly walking through them and making an occasional arrest or two.....

Some wild times, that's for sure.
Can't say that I saw any, but I'm sure it was probably going on to. Mom didn't let me see everything. She figured what I could see was too much. ... I have not heard that term in years ... I sacrificed my ponytail the day after graduation, before my first interview at Harris Semiconductor ... The senior scientist I interviewed with had hair down to his butt ... I never grew it back ... If I did not have so many scars on my head I might even shave my melon ... I am working toward zero maintenance:D:p
............I sacrificed my ponytail the day after graduation, before my first interview at Harris Semiconductor ... The senior scientist I interviewed with had hair down to his butt ... I never grew it back ...............

Hey cooker it's not too late. After sporting a military style short back and sides for a couple of decades I went for the retro long hair look.

............ I might even shave my melon ...

:eek: :eek: Too much information!! :D
In 1969 at the Woodstock Festival, various people claimed to have witnessed clouds being seeded by the US military. This was said to be the cause of the rain which lasted throughout most of the festival. This remains one of the many conspiracy theories put forth by members of the hippy movement at the time.

Ah, the 60s, the good old days. I was working my way through college in the summer of '69. A friend and I planned to drive up to Woodstock in my jalopy, a 1950 Plymouth sedan. I wasn't sure the car would make it, but we never found out because he decided not to go at the last minute and so I went in to work instead (I was working the graveyard shift at an ice house - a cool place to work in the hot summertime.)

Well, I've regretted not going to Woodstock ever since, although if given a second chance I would rather have been at Monterey two years earlier. I had long hair in those days, I only did grass and hash, never the hard stuff, but I loved the music and I loved the feeling of the late 60s.

Debussy called Wagner's music "a beautiful sunset that has been mistaken for a sunrise." Likewise, the late 60s was, we thought, a lovely sunrise of beauty, optimism, and love...the "dawning of the age of aquarius," that ultimately turned out to be a sunset.

I lost my ponytail a few years ago. I used to tell people I was letting my hair grow out before it all falls out.

I still love the music.

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woodstock at YASGUR'S FARM

woodstock at YASGUR'S FARM

hi ross,
how are you doing? haven't been around much... life gets so busy sometimes.
funny you should mention woodstock.. joey's uncle max owned the farm where the concert was held. joey told his parents that he was going to visit uncle and went to the concert with friends. when he tells us about it, it makes us laugh.
it's actually a miracle that he has any recollection of the event at all!

hope you are hangin' in there, rossman.
i've missed everyone and hope to visit more often.
Hi Sylvia! Ask him about the cloud seeding deal if you can. I'm really interested in knowing if it really happened. Watching the movie, those people seemed pretty darn convincing that it was for real and looking at the clouds over the field, it looked to be only that particular area.
Like Ross, I was too young to be a real hippie, but I certainly thought I was one! I had a leather Peace sign that I wore on my ponytail! We used to go to Hermann Park and the Houston Zoo, and there was a hill that everyone called Hippie Hill. That's where they did their stuff. I wouldn't have recognized sex if I'd seen it, but I know there was a lot of kissing! ;) It sure smelled sweet around there too! :cool:

We also visited Surfside Beach and were warned to stay out of the dunes because of the rattlesnakes. Although there were snakes, I often witnessed people coming out of the dunes that looked much too happy to have been bitten! I also saw my first streaker at this beach in the early 70s!