Roger Frank's AVR is MONDAY, AUGUST 18

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I'd like to wish you well with your upcoming replacement, and I hope that your recovery is quick and easy.:)
We look forward to hearing your experience and hope that someone will update us when they can.
God Bless and Godspeed!
Thanks everyone for your prayers and kind thoughts! I'm heading for the KUMed Center Sunday...scheduled for surgery at 6AM Monday. I'm told this will be the first On-X device used at this hospital and On-X is sending in representatives for the event. I'm sure On-X hopes this will be the start of a long do I! :)

I really think my wife is more nervous than I am at this point...
Hey there Rodger, best wishes and special prayers coming your way for Monday.
Is your wife going to post for you? You know how we like to stay informed.
Sending prayers and best wishes, Roger. Look forward to hearing that all went well!
Best of Luck to you, Roger. I am just over a week post-op and it has gone so smooth for me that I feel a little guilty. As you said, I felt more compassion for my wife and my parents than I had for myself (I had the easy job).

Good luck Roger and remember, we all go with you, so if you can, have someone let us know how it went. We sit here chewing our nails and go nuts until we know for sure a person is in the clear. :)
Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way for a smooth and succesfull surgery and a boring recovery. Please have someone update us as soon as they can. We tend to worry when we don't hear anything.
Roger ~ Best wishes for a successful surgery and a swift recovery. May God be with you and your surgeon on Monday.
Good luck and best wishes. I know you have to be glad that your surgery time has finally come. You will do well!
First welcome Rodger secondly sorry for reason your here,
but we all have everything in common for sure.
Prayers and good vibes goin out to you and your family
as you climb the mountain back to us.Please keep us posted
we are worry warts!!;) Thanks.The best for Monday.

Have fun with your new heart parts!

Wish you well and pray for your surgery and your quick recovery.

Best wishes for a uneventful surgery and recovery. It sounds like you will be well attended, with the ON-X reps present.

Monday will be a tough day for your wife, but cardiac units usually do a very good job of keeping family informed.

Looking forward to seeing you in the Post_Surgery forum soon...