kinda OT, wisdom teeth extractions. . .

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
Hey guys,

I've been putting this off for a while now, but I think its time, I'm going in for a consult to get my wisdom teeth out, 3 of which are classified as full bony impacted. . .they are going to have to dig them out of my jaws by removing some of the bone to get to them.

they are going to have to do general anesthesia for this. the consult is on Aug 1'st, and I am hoping to get the surgery done the third week in august (only week off from clinical) I talked to my cardio's nurse about this this morning, and she said that she would talk to Dr Yeager, but the only stipulation they have is that it has to be done in the hospital O.R. for monitoring and resources availability.

this seems really reasonable to me, and seeing as we still havent nailed down the tachycardia issue(possible SVT's of 180-190BPM) I was (am, maybe?) having I am kind of iffy about things still, and am nervous about going under anesthesia.

what are your experiences with this? is there anything else I should do to cover my tracks? what did your docs suggest? I'm going to talk to the surgeon, and I think Dr Yeager's office needs/wants to talk to the surgeon too. I feel like I should know what to do here, but I am trying to turn the "respiratory therapist" in me off so I am not so darned paranoid about this, I mean its a simple surgery, alot of people have it done, not that big a deal, but knowing the risks/complications makes it harder, especially when I've been having issues so recently. . . any help would be highly appreciated.

thanks ahead of time

Aye, Morgan ... I'm afraid I'm not going to be any help here, really.

Mine were taken out ssssooo many freekin' years ago, I don't remember what all the prep that was done, so I'm not going to even venture to guess.

I do remember that I was not completely under, because I remember watching the tools go in and out of my mouth.... And, I remember sitting in the "recovery" room...and I remember my sister helping me to the car (now my '81 MC, then Mom and Dad's which my sister was driving at the time)...and I remember being home lying on the couch.

I don't remember the drive home, much to my sister's dismay, since she CLAIMS that was the best/most careful she had EVER driven...hmmm.....

GOOD LUCK, Morgan.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Come along and share the good times while we can" ... Lynn Anderson ... 'Rose Garden'
If you are indeed having the extractions done in a hospital with a regular anesthesiologist, I would not be nervous about the anesthesia.

I have a few thoughts:

1. Why do you need the impacted teeth removed? Are they causing you pain?

2. I highly suggest removing ALL of your wisdom teeth at once.
Go for it

Go for it

Hi there. I have had a few anesthetics and had no troubles.

My only advice is..

1) Make sure that they are fully aware of your heart situation. Tell them exactly what you have and anything done re surgeries already.

2) Make sure that they dose you with amoxycillin or other high dose antibiotic before the procedure. You do not want your teeth and gums poked without this as its one of the quickest ways of bacteria to the heart. I have this even to visit my dentist.

3) Don't worry. I felt much better after having my wisdoms out, even though they were not really causing me any pain.

I had a wisdom tooth extracted with anestheti in the dentist office. There was a nurse there who monitored the anesthetic which I believe was done via a drip. It put me to sleep. The dentist would not perform the extraction unless my INR was 2.0 or less.
I will be having all of my wisdom teeth removed on Fri 7/25. This is being done prior to my OHS for AVR. It is being done in a hospital, local anesthesia, not being put completely asleep, and will be receiving a large dose of antibiotics plus seven days more following removal. Not looking forward to it at all. Luckily mine just need to be pulled. Good luck, hope it works out well.
I just had two teeth pulled today

I just had two teeth pulled today

Hey there trinity and friends. I am scheduled for ohs for an aneurysm of the ascending aorta on the 29th and had two teeth pulled today due to clear me (infection) for the surgery. I have a st judes aortic valve and was "bridged on Lovenox to get e off the cumadin for the extractions and will stay on it until I admit to the hospital this Sunday. I have to say it was not that bad. The idea f it was worse the worst part It was done under a local and a healthy dose of laughing gas. I am takingpercodan for the pain and after 9 hours it is OK. I will get some sleep tonight. I miss my teeth, they were both in the rear of my mouth but I will have an implant after the surgery. Good luck to you.