the knee's cleaned out

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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2007
Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada.
Well, the knee surgery see's me home and really quite uncomfortable. Who knew taking screws out would hurt quite as much? Anyway, ice and pain meds are my friends now.

Thanks for all your good thoughts leading up to this surgery.

Take Heart,
Well, it looks like I'll be calling the Healthcare Centre on Monday. I've had two surgeries there and I'm 100% on post-op infection. I just got back from the local ER on big doses of antibiotics to rein in the inflammation and whatever bug's found a home.

Not good, but not as bad as the thrombosis I was also suspecting could have been. We'll be keeping a very close eye on this and hopefully hear something is being done about the incidence of bacterial infections.
Pam, Sorry to hear about this....GEEZ:eek:
Keep an eye on it for sure and you got those
black clouds in ColdLake too thought they
were only over top of my house.
Best thoughts going out and keep us updated k:)

This morning sees a really marked improvement in my knee. It's cooled down considerably and the redness with swelling has diminished. I feel better. My knee feels better.

Those black clouds were literal as well as figurative, zipper. We had some kinda powerful storm yesterday evening. I'm hoping all's well in the big broad world, whereever our friends are.

Take Heart everyone, thanks for your concern.