Anyone in SC

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Jul 10, 2008
Summerville, SC
I have a Bicuspid Aortic Valve that I've had since birth. My cardiologist has been monitoring it every six monthes for about five years. After a rough few weeks of weird fellings, he decided on Monday that the time had come for replacement in mid August. Is it normal to feel nervous, scared, anxious with OHS?:confused I was just curious as to if anyone in SC has had this done. What hopsital/surgeon?
Your feelings are normal. Boy, are they normal!
Lots of people will be along momentarily to recommend hospitals and surgeons in your area. You've come to the right place! Take a deep breath and try to relax (easier said than done, I know). {{{Hugs}}}
I know exactly how your feeling, I feel like I've been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past 2 weeks now, my cardiologist also decided it was time for surgery, went for some testing and now waiting for the surgeon to call, good luck and hang in there.

Your feelings are perfectly normal. It would be abnormal to NOT feel anxious or nervous. We'll all been there. Welcome! You'll get a lot of good advice and encouragement here about how to prepare for this challenge. Lots of people find reassurance here. The success rate is very high. You're getting a serious problem corrected and then you can move ahead with a new, healthier life.

There are folks from SC and thereabouts, including our one and only Cooker, who will be along to tell what they know about medical facilities in that area.

Again, welcome to our world....or the funny farm, as we sometimes call it. :D
Yes, absolutely it's normal to feel nervous, anxious, scared! Sorry, I can't help with surgeries in SC, I had my mitral valve repair done in Dallas, but I am sure there are others here who can.