Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 6-20

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Her we go on the summer "home stretch"!!!!...Friday the 20th is the first day of summer:cool::D:cool:.....I hope everyone has had a good week....losing, gaining, staying the same, whatev....I just hope you have had a good week:D...The ThrowDown will celebrate it's one year anniversary the last Friday of September......Thanks for the folks are the best....:D
Confessions Of A Chimp

Confessions Of A Chimp

:p...I have taken dietary liberties galore this week...:p... 3 Zero bars, chips, two trips to the Mexican restaurant, jelly beans, once to our favorite Italian eatery......99% of this mêlée has been in the evening, I have stayed pretty much with fruit during the day which is why I guess I'm not up 10 pounds:D.......Here's the deal.....I decided I was tired of being tied to nicotine.....although not smoking, I have been chewing the gum for ...well...years.....I got tired of it....have not had a piece (nicotine gum:p) in over a I patted myself on the back with food:D:D......2 pounds up.....good trade off IMHO.

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................196
This week....................198
Weekly Change............+2
Total Loss......................35
Superbob is also weighing in early this week, because today is DW's birthday and tonight there will be a family gathering with cake and ice cream.

SB is thrilled -- thrilled! -- that he has had no change in weight this week. Why? Because he lost 3.5 pounds the week before and the Man of Steel was afraid those pounds would catch back up with him. Hopefully they are gone for good and next week will bring a few more pounds off.

Superbob wishes the Founder of the Throw Down -- the noble Chimp -- all the best tomorrow as he has his surgical procedure to remove the skin cancer. His leadership is indispensable here. We look forward to hearing good news about him.
Superbob is also weighing in early this week, because today is DW's birthday and tonight there will be a family gathering with cake and ice cream.

SB is thrilled -- thrilled! -- that he has had no change in weight this week. Why? Because he lost 3.5 pounds the week before and the Man of Steel was afraid those pounds would catch back up with him. Hopefully they are gone for good and next week will bring a few more pounds off.

Superbob wishes the Founder of the Throw Down -- the noble Chimp -- all the best tomorrow as he has his surgical procedure to remove the skin cancer. His leadership is indispensable here. We look forward to hearing good news about him.

Congratulation on staying the same!!!.....Please wish your DW a Happy Birthday for me!!....Enjoy the celebration and have an extra piece of cake for me!!!!.....Banana Cream I hope!!

............thanks for the well wishes...I am sure all will be well:)
Congratulations SuperChimp. Yes, I said "SuperChimp." That because it takes a little "Super" to kick nicotine, even if it is gum. Very significant move on your part. I'm proud. Also, best wishes for tomorrow. We're expecting our simian leader to return all cleaned up and ready to go.

Congratulations SuperBob. I understand your "fear" about gaining after such a big loss. But, stay the same....way to go. Also, Happy Birthday SuperWife, hope it's good one.
I hesitate to report a 1 pound loss. If history repeats itself, the 1 pound will find me again and bring 4 of his friends along for the fun of it.

Still working out. My Wii Fit congratulated me today on my 28th straight day of working out. I've been doing a ton of yard work as well, and just crumpling into bed at night. You'd think I should be reporting a 5 pound loss. I'm guessing/hoping that my weight training with my Total Trainer has added muscle weight so I'm not seeing the fat loss register on the scale. I'm hoping!

Cooker - I was going to spank you for the 3 Zero bars, but then when I read that you've stopped the n. gum, I think you deserve a pass.

SB - no change is good! Enjoy your DW b-day!

Now it's back to the yard I go. I took down a big bridal veil bush yesterday and I have to bundle up all the branches. And then I have more mulch to put down.
I hesitate to report a 1 pound loss. If history repeats itself, the 1 pound will find me again and bring 4 of his friends along for the fun of it.

Still working out. My Wii Fit congratulated me today on my 28th straight day of working out. I've been doing a ton of yard work as well, and just crumpling into bed at night. You'd think I should be reporting a 5 pound loss. I'm guessing/hoping that my weight training with my Total Trainer has added muscle weight so I'm not seeing the fat loss register on the scale. I'm hoping!

Cooker - I was going to spank you for the 3 Zero bars, but then when I read that you've stopped the n. gum, I think you deserve a pass.
SB - no change is good! Enjoy your DW b-day!

Now it's back to the yard I go. I took down a big bridal veil bush yesterday and I have to bundle up all the branches. And then I have more mulch to put down.

No, no?your right ?..I deserve to be spanked:rolleyes:;)
Sure - as soon as I'm done hammering the nails through the 1x6 piece of pine I've picked up for the occasion.
I'm deathly afraid to step on the scales tomorrow morning! :eek: I know I've gained back even more than before. Next thing you know, I'm going to be back at my starting weight! :mad: I'm very upset with myself, to be honest. I know I can do better. The only thing stopping me from quitting altogether is this throw down. Unfortunately, I keep saying I'm going to eat better and exercise more, but instead I keep eating and sitting on my butt. :(

I think I'm actually doing myself more harm than good. I will get upset with myself for pigging out at dinner, so I'll pack a salad for lunch. Since I can't go anywhere to get something else, I stick to the salad (which is good), but by the time school lets out I'm STARVING. So when I get home I end up snacking more than I should. And then I stuff myself again at dinner and the cycle continues!

So the fact that I KNOW the problem SHOULD mean I can FIX the problem... But it's so much easier said than done. :(
I am starting back walking even if it kills me.....I need to come out of the trees and back on the walking reason not to....I've just been lazy lazy lazy.....DW bought a bushel of peaches.....and you know what that means......COBBLER :eek::eek::eek:
:.....2 pounds up.....good trade off IMHO.

Starting weight........233
This week....................198

Total Loss......................35

In th' tempo'ary Refs hoomble (but honest) opinion, ah see 35 poun's LOSS, not 2 poun's GAIN!

Ain't no back slidin' t'be seen.

Keep it DOWN.

Bubba :)

And good luck today. Keep us posted.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Her we go on the summer "home stretch"!!!!...Friday the 20th is the first day of summer:cool::D:cool

HUH!?...What???you mean Summer didn't start for you guys at the beginning of June? I thought the seasons all started on the 1st of the month!?

I am on strike this weigh-in..:eek:...maybe next week!
No clue this week. I'm sitting in a cabin (with wifi) in the Adirondack Mts.

No scales to be found, nor did I go looking. It's presently raining or I'd be out for a run.

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