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alpha 1

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
everyone says cardiac rehab really helps, ef and everything else, so here we go, i am going to walk the treadmill while adam does the rehab, just for about a half an hour though, because i am a little laid up, i pulled my back out. but
i am going for it, could help depression too.
alpha 1


I really enjoyed my cardiac rehab, it was reassuring for me (I'm kinda a nervous type to begin with) to be able to exercise and *know* I wasn't pushing too hard and that everything was OK. I came to really enjoy the camaraderie of the other folks there too, even though most were older and CABG folk. I got to be the young, healthy one, lol.

I hope you have a great time!



Hope you enjoy rehab half as much as I did. My wife accompanied me several times and really enjoyed the exercise stuff too.

Hope you enjoy! I found my (1) cardiac rehab and (2) back rehab ever so much more fun than the (3) knee rehab I'm now in. Maybe that's because rehabs No. 1 and 2 showed results, and No. 3 not so much so.

Anyway, hope you find it enjoyable and productive.
cardiac rehab

cardiac rehab

Alpha 1,
Best of luck in your rehab. I finished mine a while ago, and it was everything that the community claimed it would be. If nothing else, it was exciting and reassuring to see that my heart was reacting consistently (and appropriately) to exercise. Now that I'm working out on my own, I'm much more comfortable working hard because I have several months of data showing that it's OK to do so. Well, that and a heart monitor :).

And, yes, it helped my outlook quite a bit, too, as you mention. The mental challenge of this process has been harder than the physical one for me, and rehab helped there, too.

Have a great time.
It's been a while since surgery, probably too late, but it seems my insurance carrier (the federal government) just never approved it, never got back to the cardiac rehab people. Have others had this experience?

Like some of you, I'm scared to push myself without the experts and the monitors, so I take it much easier than I really should, and don't make much progress.
I really enjoy cardic rehab. It's reasuring for me to have the nurse there when I first started. I was on a monitor for a while till you graduate to the next phase.
They made me fill really comfortable because I was very nerves at first after surgery and all. I still go to cardio rehab 3 times a week. The rates are pretty good and I enjoy working out with people that have gone through OHS. We have alot of FUN!!!! My Insurance covered so many times, but I still go and pay each month 48.00. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!:D
I really enjoy cardic rehab. It's reasuring for me to have the nurse there when I first started. I was on a monitor for a while till you graduate to the next phase.
They made me fill really comfortable because I was very nerves at first after surgery and all. I still go to cardio rehab 3 times a week. The rates are pretty good and I enjoy working out with people that have gone through OHS. We have alot of FUN!!!! My Insurance covered so many times, but I still go and pay each month 48.00. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!:D
CThrock--Thank you. On your encouragement, I'm going to find out what it will cost to do it without insurance!