3rd valve replacement!!!!

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I'm sort of new to the group and I have enjoyed reading a learning from everyone's experiences. I am 30, a mother of 3 young children (1, 3 &5) and I found out a month ago that my Pulmonary valve is failing. I've been in and out of Dr's appts, echos, MRI, stress test and FINALLY they put me on the schedule for June 12th. But this is my THIRD OHS and I am so scared and just don't have anyone to talk to that can relate to this fear.

I was relatively secure and wasn't too worried with my first 2 surgeries- I was young (15 and 18), but now that I'm not as fit, I'm a little older, and i have 3 babies to care for I am just beside myself with worry and panic!

Why 3 surgeries??? I first had the Ross and the Aortic valve failed within 2 1/2 years. So they replaced that one with a St. Jude. But now my other valve (the homograph) is failing and they have to replace it too.

I knew it was coming one day, but I just can't believe it's here. AND I feel just fine! A little winded going up stairs and up hills, but I figured I was just out of shape (I am that too).

How often do people valve patients have 3 surgeries??? Do any of you have 2 mechanical valves? Isn't my luck running out on this?

Thanks for listening! Any kind words of encouragement are welcome :eek:
Hello there and welcome. Yes there are folks here with two mechanical valves, so that's not new. You just lucked out all the way around in this deal. Your one of those that should have just went mechanical to start with way back when, but opted for other choices and now it's come to this. Problem is, when you made those choices, it was probably the best choices. We just never know how this is going to play out in later life.

3rd will be rough, no doubt about that, but so long as your otherwise healthy, you should be able to get through this one too. Just be sure your surgeon has tons of experience doing his job and the facility close to outstanding.
You`ll be fine!!

You`ll be fine!!

Hi and welcome to this wonderful site. I`ve had 3 MVRs and all with tissue, and now I`m having my fourth, mechanical this time though. My valve`s been quite narrow for a while now but I`m having to deal with yet another worrying situation. I`ve just been diagnosed with lung cancer so until that`s under control the doctors won`t touch me. I`m starting chemo in just under 2 weeks and will have to take it from there. I also had a mini-stroke 4 months ago but it was short-lived. The culprit was my narrow valve so I`ve been on warfarin since then. Im` 43 years-old and I have an 11 year-old daughter.
Not an easy task but reamin positive and you`ll have won half of the battle.
Take care and keep us posted. Perhaps you should now start a thread under the Pre-surgery forum.
Sometimes it just isn't fair, my son is waiting for his second surgery. My heart goes out to you for having to do it a third time. I agree with Ross if you are otherwise healthy you should be fine, stay strong and wishing you the very best of luck.
Welcome to the Group. Going with tissue valve solutions for young women is probably the best choice assuming they wish to marry and have children. Unfortunately, there seems to be a wide variation in the durability of some tissue valves as you found out the hard way. Out of curiosity, what kind of valve did you receive in the Pulmonary Position?

One of the problems (probably the main problem) with multiple surgeries is dealing with Scar Tissue. Be sure to find a Surgeon who has LOTS of Experience with "Re-do's" and dealing with scar tissue. You may need / want to go to a Major Heart Hospital to find such surgeon(s).

One way to minimize the scar tissue issue is to go in via another route. Some surgeons use a Thoracotomy (through the Ribs) for repeat surgeries, especially the Mitral Valve. I'm not sure about access to the pulmonary valve via this route. That would be a good question for an experienced surgeon.

There is a surgeon at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, Dr. Petracek, who specializes in Thoracotomies. He does about 200 per year and is probably the largest user of this technique. Do a Google on "Dr. Petracek" and you will find a link to his website which includes a video of one of his operations.

FYI, we have several members with 2 valves, most commonly in the Aortic and Mitral positions. I have a vague recollection that for some reason, mechanical valves are often not usually recommended for the pulmonary position. The Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve has the longest durability of the Tissue Valves and may be the usual 'tissue valve of choice' for the pulmonary. This is another good question for the surgeon.

'AL Capshaw'
Welcome to VR.com. Sorry to hear you need another OHS. I can't speak from experience but there's quite a few members who have had multiple OHS. Best wishes and good luck.
Hi and welcome.

I have had 3 OHS and a couple other more minor ones associated with OHS. Each one is scary but you can survive multiple surgeries these days. Of course, you want to try and minimize such a serious surgery but sometimes we just don't get dealt the best hand.

Perhaps those of us who have survived multiple surgeries are here to help others know that there is a future after OHS and after OHS and after OHS.;):D

I only have a mechanical mitral (my second replacement) so I cannot address the issue of multiple valves. I am not sure it is much (if any) difference than having just one but I could be wrong.

Please let us know how we can help.
Welcome! If you are young and in pretty good physical health, other than the valve, then you should have a good outcome.

Are your 3 children your biological children or adopted? If you had 3 children with a mechanical valve - there are lots of women here that would love to read your story. (Which might be a good way to take your mind off your upcoming surgery.)

If you are secure in your surgeon, that should relieve some of the anxiousness. But unfortunately - you are a mom, so you are going to be anxious. If you feel it's getting out of hand, don't be afraid to ask your doctor for a little something to help with that.

Best wishes!
Hi and welcome to the group. I'm still awaiting AVR surgery myself so i have no words of wisdom to tell you, but there are a lot of people here that can help you. It's so normal to be terrified...especially when you're a mom with kids you love and worry about. Like the others said, try to get the very best doctor and hospital you can. My best wishes and prayers are with you every step of the way. ~~HUGS~~ Dawn-Marie
Three months ago I had my second OHS and it was easier on me than the first. Same surgeon and same hosptial and same wonderful staff. (Massachusetts General). My first was four years ago but I went through mitral valve repalcement surgery (Bovine) easier this time. I was out of CICU in less than 12 hours post surgery and walking almost immediately after that. My surgeon was unphased by scar tissue and shrugged it off as no problem at all.

I'm sorry the reason you are here but happy you have found us.
No one but those who have been through OHS can understand in the same way those of us who have been there can.

We will help you in every way possible up to, through and after your surgery.
There are some people here extremely knowledgeable, well educated in heart valve/sugery issues who generously share with all of us.

Ask your questions and vent and learn here.
I will never be able to thank those here who helped me get through my surgery and this kind, generous group will do the same for you and all others who come here.
Hello and welcome, I found this site after my tricuspid replacement and it
has been a help as sometimes we dont want to worry those we are closest
to with our worries. So this is where to come.
I have only had 1 OHS , but as it is a tissue valve , I know that I will need to
deal with it again.You are still very young at 30. There are people who are
in their 80's coming out of these surgeries- my own hospital room-mate was
this age and she needed 2 valves replaced.She made a fast recovery and
was off the ventilator in 4 hours.Also in the last 12 years since your last
surgery ; techniques improve, doctors learn from additional years of general
experience, etc.
All that is now needed is a positive belief from yourself, more than belief
but to know it will be well and it will:)
The Best To You - Dina
thirdrdtimesacharm/3red valve surgery

thirdrdtimesacharm/3red valve surgery


I have just recently had an aortic valve replacement, my first. I was just terrified. I can only imagine how you must feel. I have heard of quiet a few people who have multiple surgeries, and recover quiet well. You are young,and are healthy, so that is in your favor.

Please keep us posted. Wishing you the best! Kathy M.
Welcome. Yes, I have had two open heart's and I will admit that I would not look forward to a third, but it could be far, far worse (cancer, or something terminal).

You made the right choices for the time of your life and I am sure if you had gone mechanical early on, you may not have your fantastic children, so you did okay. Life takes changes at times, and we have to deal with them. The one thing you have going in your favor is that you are still quite young.

Keep your chin up for those kiddos of yours and stay positive. I know, easier said than done, but you will be in good hands.

had my valve replaced with a mech valve in april 04/08. just the other day i was thinking if i had to go through one more heart surgery that would be the death of me, because of all the stuff u have to go through like recovering, the medications, appointments etc... But never tought somebody going through this for three times.. Hey my heart goes out to you!!..

NO !!your luck is not running out! Please don't go into your surgery thinking like that. I have 2 mechanical valves We also have several other members who have mother than one mechanical valve Your worry is understandable. Please try not to worry so much. You need to be as strong as possible for your self and especially for your children stress from the worrying lowers your resistance.

Hello 3rdtimes. :)

You are among knowledgeable understanding friends on here.

I started with a mech aortic valve 15 years ago. Following endocarditis it was replaced with a homograft 10 years ago. The tissue valve is now leaking, so replacement three is on the horizon. Quite a few difficulties re scarring and calcification, also lots of tissue removal last time is problematic

However keeping positive is key. Half the battle is mental. Stay strong.:):)
Hello 3rdtimesacharm,

My dad went through his 3rd OHS around this time last year. The surgeries were approx. 12 years apart from each other. He has his first one at 35 and the third one at 62. The first two surgeries were with tissue valves and the third he chose a mechanical. He is doing really well now.

I understand how anxious you must be with 3 small kids. I am 32 yrs old and have 2 little ones (3 yrs and 1 yr) and I worry about the "what ifs" alot. Although I don't have heart issues, I've had other health issues and tend to be a worry wort. What I have realized though is that there are some things you just don't have control over in life. Once you make peace with that and let go, you just have to have faith and trust that everything is going to work out the way it's supposed to. My faith and trust is in the Lord so He brings me peace.

I think one of the biggest issues you will need to think about is making sure you have a strong support system to help you recover from surgery, especially with 3 little ones. You are going to need some R&R until you resume your mommy duties!

Take care.