Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-23

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Good morning! Sounds like most everyone is doing well, or at least not going backwards.

I, too, am at a plateau of sorts. Haven't lost, haven't gained. Fluctuates 3 pounds on and 3 pounds off. But still holding onto the 25 lost since surgery.

My life is finally (fingers crossed) going to resemble normal now, if you can call going from empty nester to 2, 20 year olds coming home to live for the summer. Yep! Our daughter returned from her 4 months in South America on Wednesday. OMG it is good to see her. And our son in Seattle has decided to move back to Portland and hang out with us until he finds some roommates. He does have a full time job waiting here, so that's good. However, we're in the suburbs and buses not too good, so I'll be playing taxi driver a LOT this summer!

I had hoped I would be down another 20 (or at least 10) pounds by the time our daughter returned. Nope. But during that time, I have been just inundated with caring for my father's needs. The latest bout (and I so hope the final adventure) was getting him into the hospital for a little prostate work. While in recovery, his residential facility called me to tell me not to bring him back. :eek::mad: I had already given 30 days notice since I had found a locked facility (remember, he has Alzheimer's and walked off his campus and hopped on a city bus. Plus he has combativeness issues). But I had not even gotten things finalized (not even an assessment by the new place as to whether they would even take him or not). He was due to be released from the hospital the very next day (last friday) and OMG. That was an awful day full of phone calls to attorneys, ombudsmen, social workers, referral people, new facility administrators. Ug. The hospital social worker was an angel and said how rude for the old place to "dump" him and he could stay in the hospital until the new place was ready for him. Gratefully, the new place got their rears in gear and got things set up for a monday move. So. Monday I moved him in. The whole weekend my husband and I moved out his apartment full of stuff. You'd think, with the 95+ temps and all that sweat I'd have lost some weight!!! Definitely got a workout.

ANYWAY (thanks for listening!). He is adjusting beautifully to the new, very simplified (and locked) facility. He has a great outdoor walking path (with a fence that was coming un-nailed which I pointed out to them!! :eek:) and he is pretty confused but I honestly think, misses his beautiful old place even though he can no longer articulate such things (it really was quite innovative and lush with gardens but too much freedom).

So I've learned that I definitely use chocolate for a stress fix! I think since I am not able to drink caffeinated beverages much, when I get stressed, I want to think clearly and reach for chocolate for a quick pick me up. Then, of course, I do a sugar nose dive and it becomes totally counterproductive.

But boy, that bag of cookies with the fudge center did taste good!!

My policewoman is back (my daughter) and she will scold me if she sees anything in the house resembling a diet buster. So that is good!!

Okay. That was way too much information, but I come here more like you are my psychologists than my nutrition counselors!!! Time to get off the "sofa" and get my a** moving again.

No plans for weekend. Daughter in a wedding, but a small affair with only a dessert reception (I will not partake....unless there are those melt in your mouth "wedding cookies"....the softly crunchie powdered sugar dusted melt in your mouth crushed nut things.....oh........just 2! I promise!!!!)

Hang in there everyone.

:D:):D Marguerite

Marguerite....Thanks for the post?..sounds like you are going to have a full summer:)??Now I am a bit concerned:confused:?..are you sure you want to use us for psychological counseling??could be dangerous:D:rolleyes:

I can totally empathize. Both my father and my mother had Alzheimer's. My mother was in assisted living for 8 years -- we tried our darnedest to keep her in her home with home health care aide, but she kept walking away and insisting that wasn't her home. (In her mind, home was somewhere in the far distant past.)

If there is a genetic link, is it any wonder I try to keep working, keep both mind and body busy? Anyway, it is wonderful you have found him a place that has an outdoor walking path and yet is secure.

Certainly the weight charts have to take a back seat to other things sometimes. Good luck with everything!
I got my new Wii Fit today for our Wii Console. It's amazing. It weighs you, takes your age, height and weight and calculates your BMI. You can do yoga, running, strength training and it does all sorts of core balancing exercises. It's really a lot of fun. You are rewarded for working out by new levels being unlocked. You can set a goal weight and the amount of time you want to take to attain it.

The "trainers" along the way give you tips on how to do things correctly. It can tell many things by how your weight is placed on the platform. The trainer said to me - your left hip appears to be more stiff than your right. And then it gave me tips on how to help that out.

Wow, Karlynn. That sounds like an amazing program. I don't have a Wii but it sounds like it could make exercise a fun game. How does the weight match up with your home scales?
Betty, the weight was only 1.5 pounds off. It asked me what type of clothes I had on - light work out or street clothes and took off weight for the clothes (1 for light, 4 for street). There was no option for Suit of Armor. :D

Marguerite - it's a wonder you aren't up 20 pounds! Your story makes me want to head to the cookie jar! My best friend had all 3 adult children move home in the last month. a 21 yr. old, a 23 yr old and a 25 yr old. 2 are finishing up college here and one graduated and is looking for a job - so they are home semi-permanently. I don't know which is worse - having all adult children back at home, or like me having my children live so far away. I told my son "I want you to be close - but not in my house!" :D Good luck - I know your summer will be busy - but you'll like having the chicks in the nest for a while.
Okay... I THINK I am srill at 169...that is what my scale says...same as last week. I really need to get off my doofus and get a new scale. I am worried though-I hurt my leg walking this week (I have a very sore calf muscle, got worse when I was running into work in the rain) and now I am hobbling:confused: I hate to miss walking..
everyone is doing fabulous:) Deb
One for Bonnie

One for Bonnie

Superbob took DW out to an early dinner tonight, and the sweet tooth struck again. :) Even though we still have all the pies and other goodies she bought the other day, she wanted the peach cobbler that was the special dessert. But she wouldn't order it unless I agreed to share it. So what's a gentleman to do? :rolleyes: Superbob dutifully shoveled in his half of the cobbler and ice cream. :eek:

But all the while (with Georgia peaches and all), I was thinking about our dear Bonnie, and how she would address occasional lapses like this (even a Stuckey's pecan log roll or three. :D So I got to thinking: Bonnie said just one pound a week is the way to go. So in honor of Bonnie, Superbob resolves to lose one pound toward his next minus-20 by next Friday's Throw-Down.

Superbob also had his first physical therapy today. It went great! Got evaluated, learned several exercises, and had electrode thingies attached to my knee (got to learn the name of this device), covered by a large icepack, and just luxuriated in a darkened room for 20 minutes while it worked its tingly magic. Felt heavenly. Will be of interest to Cooker that the gal therapists are all hotties ;) -- but most importantly they are smart hotties. So this old man will try to learn how to get his knees back in good working order again. :)
Superbob took DW out to an early dinner tonight, and the sweet tooth struck again. :) Even though we still have all the pies and other goodies she bought the other day, she wanted the peach cobbler that was the special dessert. But she wouldn't order it unless I agreed to share it. So what's a gentleman to do? :rolleyes: Superbob dutifully shoveled in his half of the cobbler and ice cream. :eek:

But all the while (with Georgia peaches and all), I was thinking about our dear Bonnie, and how she would address occasional lapses like this (even a Stuckey's pecan log roll or three. :D So I got to thinking: Bonnie said just one pound a week is the way to go. So in honor of Bonnie, Superbob resolves to lose one pound toward his next minus-20 by next Friday's Throw-Down.

Superbob also had his first physical therapy today. It went great! Got evaluated, learned several exercises, and had electrode thingies attached to my knee (got to learn the name of this device), covered by a large icepack, and just luxuriated in a darkened room for 20 minutes while it worked its tingly magic. Felt heavenly. Will be of interest to Cooker that the gal therapists are all hotties ;) -- but most importantly they are smart hotties. So this old man will try to learn how to get his knees back in good working order again. :)

Sounds like SuperBob had a good day :D.....I too have fallen victim of the sweet tooth today :rolleyes:....I had the electrodes on my shoulder and it felt and worked great...I hope you are well on the way to summer walks with SuperDog.....
They are all hotties in their own way;)....but easy on the eye does aid in the healing process....if nothing else it gives the Chimp involuntary abdominal crunches :D
I like ;) I'd keep them forever. Of course, I say that now...before they actually get here!! I'll be lighting my head on fire in a month!!

Thanks for the support....the thing I find about Alzheimer's and Dementia is that, much like heart surgery...... it's really not so far away from other people's experience. Someone always knows someone who has these things in their lives.

Got on the scale this morning and was actually down afew pounds!! Wish I didn't vary so much...drives me nuts. Mostly I just really want to get back into an exercise routine. That wii thing of Karlynn's sounds like fun!! maybe I'll put it on my list for Santa next the's back to Curves....right after Memorial Day weekend!

:) Marguerite
I like ;) I'd keep them forever. Of course, I say that now...before they actually get here!! I'll be lighting my head on fire in a month!!

Thanks for the support....the thing I find about Alzheimer's and Dementia is that, much like heart surgery...... it's really not so far away from other people's experience. Someone always knows someone who has these things in their lives.

Got on the scale this morning and was actually down afew pounds!! Wish I didn't vary so much...drives me nuts. Mostly I just really want to get back into an exercise routine. That wii thing of Karlynn's sounds like fun!! maybe I'll put it on my list for Santa next the's back to Curves....right after Memorial Day weekend!

:) Marguerite

Stepping on the scales and getting a pleasant surprise........priceless:).....Way to go Marguerite!!!
Okay... I THINK I am srill at 169...that is what my scale says...same as last week. I really need to get off my doofus and get a new scale. I am worried though-I hurt my leg walking this week (I have a very sore calf muscle, got worse when I was running into work in the rain) and now I am hobbling:confused: I hate to miss walking..
everyone is doing fabulous:) Deb

Deb, I know what you mean abo "hobbling". My ankle started hurting last weekend. By
Tuesday afternoon I had pulled my cane out of the closet. Wed I saw my ortho surgeon. Thursday I had to use my crutches. Yesterday I had an MRI and have a return appoint with Ortho this Wednesday. I have no idea what happened to it or how but it is swollen, red, and very very painful. The ortho wants to look at the tendons so he ordered the MRI. I'm hoping it is simply tendonitis and nothing more complicated but it sure has me parked in a chair and feeling sorry for myself.:rolleyes:

I've thought about getting one of those scales that tell you about water percentages and other things besides just the lbs. Do you know anyone that has one?
The ThrowDown seems to be plagued with physical injuries and ailments?..This disturbing to the CEO:(?..Not only is his concern for the physical but also the emotional health of his company of losers??Physical distress can quickly impact emotional health?.One of the best ways to guard against emotional depression brought on by physical ailments is to make a gratitude survey?..dwell on the things you have to be grateful for, the people in your life that love you, the smile of a child??..and if that does not do the trick get a big ass bowl of banana pudding:D and a plate of brownies:D and drown your self pity;) with empty calories:D:D

....sorry for the troubles...The ThrowDown staff has you in our hearts(((hug))):)
Now I feel guilty for making a sarcastic comment about the Chimp's banana pudding. Hope he knows I was just joshing. :) His concern for those of us on the Disabled List is much appreciated.

Anybody got an eating strategy for Memorial Day weekend? We just stocked up for family festivities. Got Nathan's hot dogs to grill. Figure I can maybe limit myself to one with all the works, and eat a few without bun and works, and not do too much damage. Unfortunately, the grocery store had one of those usual holiday weekend specials -- buy one huge bag of potato chips and get another huge bag free. Now, why did we buy those? Oh, I know, because other family members want dip and chips. But they're sitting right there right now begging me to pop up a bag. :eek::eek: I sooooooo don't need to start eating potato chips because there is no stop to it....betcha can't eat just one -- bag.:rolleyes:
Now I feel guilty for making a sarcastic comment about the Chimp's banana pudding. Hope he knows I was just joshing. :) His concern for those of us on the Disabled List is much appreciated.

Anybody got an eating strategy for Memorial Day weekend? :

Just joshing....knew it:D

Eating plan....Hamburgers and lots a Prune Pudding:D:D:D
The ThrowDown seems to be plagued with physical injuries and ailments?..This disturbing to the CEO:(?..Not only is his concern for the physical but also the emotional health of his company of losers??Physical distress can quickly impact emotional health?.One of the best ways to guard against emotional depression brought on by physical ailments is to make a gratitude survey?..dwell on the things you have to be grateful for, the people in your life that love you, the smile of a child??..and if that does not do the trick get a big ass bowl of banana pudding:D and a plate of brownies:D and drown your self pity;) with empty calories:D:D

....sorry for the troubles...The ThrowDown staff has you in our hearts(((hug))):)

I just came back from a kid's program at church and loved watching all the kids having a good time. We even had a spaghetti dinner afterwards and they invited the older folks to go first. I couldn't believe it when I realized that Tom and I were being included in that group! It was fine though since Ireally hungry! I followed up the meal with apple/cranberry crisp and whipped cream and I'm not feeling at all guilty. This is great:)
Running late this week....well not actually running 'cos I dont do that but you know what I mean....Had a small loss this week of around 1 pound....but as its weight that I gained I have really only just gone back to the beginning.

Have to force myself to go walkies...only managed a few short trots out after the dogs when they escape our yard ....its so hard to find the enthusiasm to do this when it cold and grey outside...I too have been having trouble with my hip which is stopping me getting on the cross-trainer.
Running late this week....well not actually running 'cos I dont do that but you know what I mean....Had a small loss this week of around 1 pound....but as its weight that I gained I have really only just gone back to the beginning.

Have to force myself to go walkies...only managed a few short trots out after the dogs when they escape our yard ....its so hard to find the enthusiasm to do this when it cold and grey outside...I too have been having trouble with my hip which is stopping me getting on the cross-trainer.

Ton....A loss is a loss:)....Glad you posted...I was starting to worry because you are always on time....Keep hammering away, it will happen:D
Running late this week....well not actually running 'cos I dont do that but you know what I mean....Had a small loss this week of around 1 pound....but as its weight that I gained I have really only just gone back to the beginning.

Have to force myself to go walkies...only managed a few short trots out after the dogs when they escape our yard ....its so hard to find the enthusiasm to do this when it cold and grey outside...I too have been having trouble with my hip which is stopping me getting on the cross-trainer.

Ton: 1 pound is good progress -- I would gladly take 1 pound a week. :) Hard for us in North America to realize that you are in late autumn there, heading toward winter. Certainly gets harder to exercise outdoors at that point. Hope your orthopedic problem clears up -- I know how that feels. :D Hang in there, we'll make our slow but steady progress.