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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Mr. Talon Christopher Yerkey/Young baking away in the oven.


It's a hard job, so a yawn in the oven is in order!


Don't ask me where they came up with the name.
He for sure is going to remove that dark cloud over your head!
So Ross, are you already a Gramps or is this the first? Congrats BTW.:)

Talon, hmmm you got biker/heavy metal offspring?

What do you think of this sexing before birth business? (Puts on grumpy old man hat) Really does take the excitement out of that, is there a todger or not, moment when they pop out IMHO.
Bonzo Dog said:
So Ross, are you already a Gramps or is this the first? Congrats BTW.:)

Talon, hmmm you got biker/heavy metal offspring?

What do you think of this sexing before birth business? (Puts on grumpy old man hat) Really does take the excitement out of that, is there a todger or not, moment when they pop out IMHO.
This is the first for me. Grandpa at 46.

The name..........No comment...... comment

Sexing---They told me Christopher Lee was going to be Crystal Lynn and when he came out with that male enhancement, well I wasn't too happy.
njean said:
Wow, congratulations Grandpa to Be! :)

Just think ....... you can take him or her frog hunting....... :) :)
If only I could get out and do things. This is one thing the kid is going to miss.
Ross said:
If only I could get out and do things. This is one thing the kid is going to miss.
He will love just being held, read to and played with by his Grandpa. There's still lots of bonding to be done, Ross!
Ross said:
If only I could get out and do things. This is one thing the kid is going to miss.

Now Ross, don't sell yourself short! That child will be sooooo blessed in having a grandpa like you!

You can do so many things --- read & tell stories to that child, watch movies, hold it, cuddle it, love it ---- there is a world of things you can do but the best part, is being there & being a grandpa!!!
:) :)
He's going to be a ladies' man just like his Grandpa! You're beating me by a year. I became a grandma at 47.

You are going to love it. My little Avatar is a year and a half now and we video chat every day. "Ammy" and "Bubba" (her names for us) just think she gets more fun by the day.

Congratulations - when is the timer expected to go off in the oven?
oooh congratulations Grandpa!

I LOVE those scan pics and those are sooo clear. Love the yawning one - had to be a boy getting worn out just lying still and doing nothing! He's obviously in training already! :D

Thanks for the update future Grand papa.

This is SO exciting and don't ever sell yourself short.
Listen to Norma and everything will be fine.

When the due date???? I forgot.
If only I could get out and do things. This is one thing the kid is going to miss.

uh uh. I have to disagree with you there!

Jason's dad is house bound due to spinal problems and other bits and bobs and hasn't ever taken Clo out or anything but she loves being round there with him (always has done) - she will happily sit and read to him, chat to him, watch tv, cuddle up, listen to his stories, do puzzles, share a meal, eat all his biscuits, do painting, cutting and sticking etc etc etc

I can honestly say it has never even crossed my mind that she had missed out on anything this way and I'm pretty sure it's not occured to Jason and Chloe before either - I'd hope he'd feel the same.

You will be a fantastic, loved Grampy!

he's got both his arms stretched out. His poor mommy. Maybe he wasn't yawning after all. He was singing and gesturing with his arms - or maybe saying 'help, get me outta here'.

he looks like you.

won't be long now.
It sure is an interesting and unique choice of name...the little fella is baking nicely...cant hardly wait to see him when he is finished cooking....
Hey Ross:

Hey Ross:

I might have posted this on the forum before-I don't remember for sure. Our daughter Stephanie had tried for a long time to get pregnant. I will always remember taking her call after she saw the ultrasound that would become our little Ellie. I wrote this after taking that call. It is so great that this is happening for you.

“If you had been there you would have seen a young woman, curiously absorbed with a piece of paper.
So much attention to a single page.
You might have thought it was a work of art, perhaps an important note, something that demanded close attention.
In truth, this piece of paper is unique The subject depicted on this single sheet was as near as her heart, but far from her sight.
A safe nurturing environment. We have been there, but we cannot describe it. We have no common language from that place, no way to share, or even recall our individual experiences. Curiously, this single page depicts a place that is, at the same time personal, yet universal. Common but uniquely personal.
She is looking at a picture of the baby in her womb.
I will never forget her description of the message she saw in this single picture.
“Mom, I am your little star, far, far away. But I am coming to you mom.
I am coming to you as fast as I can”.

Talon---May God protect and speed you on your journey.
He is going to be one lucky little boy to have such a kind, patient and loving Granddad.
You rock Granddad!:):)

Love Bridgette
June 7th is the due date which is also our wedding anniversary. I don't know, mom looks like she could blow any day now. I think this is going to be an earlier delivery.
I had two Grampas. One was a real physical specimen. He was a farmer in Kansas with a spread that seemed to go as far as my young eyes could see. My other Grampa had been disabled in a gas attack in World war one. My disabled Grampa always had time for me and looked forward to having me around. He had gained the wisdom that comes from manuevering through life with all the extra challenges of his disability. I have known all my life that our time and conversations on the porch swing taught some of the greatest lessons I would ever learn. My whole life was changed by my disabled Grampa. I know you will do the same for your new Grandson.