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...be an UNCLE!!!

Easter weekend, my sister and her husband gave us each a picture of the two of them standing together. The picture also has these words:

Digital Camera ... $150.00
Photo Paper ... $0.50
Picture Frame ... $3.99
Finding out there's actually 3 people in this picture ... $ Priceless

Joy (due in November) and Eric are THRILLED, and I'm sssooo excited to be an uncle-to-be...FINALLY! Perhaps I'm a wee bit jealous...I'm older than Joy...and, well, even though I'm "chronically single", I'd like to be a Dad....

BUT, I will thoroughly enjoy my new role and make sure that I corrupt this nephew or niece as well as I've corrupted the kids of all of my friends...he he. I'm still not quite sure why so many of my friends' kids love me...and seem to look forward to my visits; though, I've been told its because I make them feel as if THEY have a friend, too ... I'm not just someone "Mom and Dad know".


Whatever it is ... I can't wait to be an uncle! I couldn't mention anything official until now because Joy and Eric wanted to get through Joy's April appointment first.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"We'd all live in a quiet house, without Big Bird or Mickey Mouse" ... Oak Ridge Boys ... 'Thank God For Kids'
Congratulations to all- lucky child to have you for an uncle- enjoy!
Congratulations Cort!!!!

Congratulations Cort!!!!

I can tell you from experience, you will have the greatest experience with your nephew or niece. I know I absolutely treasure my time with Eliza...she wears me out, but this way I am guaranteed a good nights sleep. :D :p :D Anyway, I just know you will be a terrific uncle...Congratulations!!!! Harrybaby:D :D :D
Wonderful news. Congrats! It will be so much fun. We have a three year old grandson and I can not tell you how much fun he is right now. Today he was calling a lizard to come to him. LOL
AWESOME Cort! Yes indeed, you will enjoy being an uncle! :)

I can tell you for certain....it's all fun! With your own children, yes it is wonderful, gratifying, fun, all the 'good stuff'. BUT, you cannot be the friend. With nieces and nephews...you will be the 'fun guy'! :D

I was initially so upset when we found out our daughter would be the one and only. As time went on....I am so happy just to have her and her alone. We have such a close relationship. My 7 nieces and nephews fill that gap very nicely. Especially the twins! Double the fun.

For you, there is still much time to find that perfect match! You are also not dealing with a ticking clock. Which is a good thing!

Congratulations! See you next week:)
Congratulations Uncle Cort. I remember when my sister had her first baby, I was the lucky one who babysat when I was 15. I showed off my niece to our neighbors, it was like playing dolls as I enjoyed dressing and feeding her. Watch out for hurling though, messes up the collar. :p

Thank you everyone :).

I can't wait ... this is going to be fun spoiling and corrupting this kid ;). he he

Debster said:
And what a great way for your sis to tell everyone!!!


That's exactly what I thought ;). Very creative, indeed!

LUVMyBirman said:
For you, there is still much time to find that perfect match! You are also not dealing with a ticking clock.

*raises eyebrow*

I'm not? Sure about that?

As for time ... I need to start soon ... at 34 now, I'd be in my 50s before the kid was 20....aye.

And, yes ... will see you in about a week :).

Superbob said:
Uncle Cort can take niece or nephew to Cubs/Cardinals games!

LOL! Well, sorry to tell ya, Bob, but this kid will be a CUBS fan. I spose he/she could be a White Sox fan, but NOT a Cardinals fan ... no no no no no.

Heh ... I know my bro-in-law will make sure he/she is a Bears fan!


Hmm...sure hope Nikki gets online soon and sees this ... I know she was looking forward to the official news ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I've always seen myself as a hopeless romantic" ... Gary Morris & Crystal Gayle ... 'Another World'
:D Thanks for PMing me... I've been taking care of my own nephew for the past week and didn't get online much.

CONGRATULATIONS (officially)! :D I know you'll be a wonderful uncle. It's fun being able to return them. :D
Congratulations, you will make a great uncle and what a great way to let you all know.

How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you're gonna be a grampa-uncle!! I'm a granny-aunt. So much fun spoiling them. Kinda like being a grandparent -- get to enjoy them, then hand them back to Mommy or Daddy. :)
Gnusgal said:
:D Thanks for PMing me... I've been taking care of my own nephew for the past week and didn't get online much.

You are welcome! I debated whether or not I should, but I remember you noted you were looking forward to finding out HOW they announced ... so I wanted to be sure you saw it ;).

Gnusgal said:
CONGRATULATIONS (officially)! :D I know you'll be a wonderful uncle. It's fun being able to return them. :D


Thank you!!!

And, Curtsmom, Marsha and Gina ... thank you :)!!!

And, yes, Marsha ... I definitely like the "hand them back to Mommy or Daddy" part ;). he he

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"For every heart you break, you pay a price" ... Restless Heart ... 'The Bluest Eyes In Texas'
knightfan2691 said:
You are welcome! I debated whether or not I should, but I remember you noted you were looking forward to finding out HOW they announced ... so I wanted to be sure you saw it ;).
Yes, I was. And I've got to say, their reveal was a clever one! :D My sister just called me and said "Guess what... I'm pregnant." She never was all that creative. ;)

Not sure how/when I'll do a reveal if I get to do one... But knowing me I won't be able to keep it in and everyone will know the instant I do. ;) Nathan will tell you, I'm awful at surprises! ;)