Incision care

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Im 4 weeks post-op today and while about 1/2 my incision (bottom half) appears to have healed up nicely the top half is still in process. Here is my question. When I shower each morning the top half of my incision is moist with some gew still on it when I get out of the shower. As the day goes on it dries up and by the end of the day I will have a scab formed. But the next morning Im back in the same boat ! As soon as I get out of the show Im back to gewey on top ! Anyone have any suggestions on this ? should I cover the incision in the shower at this point to keep it dry and then expose it again after the shower ? I'd like to start wearing t-shirts but Im afraid the shirt will stick to the incision. Thoughts ? Suggestions ?
Sounds like all is normal to me....It will heal...mine never really scabbed up it just dried up...never stuck to my shirts....I was glued shut so I don't know if that made a all takes time.
mine kinda popped open a bit at the top. I think Im going to have a upside-down tear drop indentation in my chest when its all said and done. Not that I care one way or the other. Chicks dig scars right ?
The top of my incision did that scab/open routine for 2 joke.
For a time I tried to use antibiotic cream and a bandage for a few days.
Otherwise, stop showering and let it dry out completely.:eek: :D
Mine did that. I taped very loose gauze over it (tape around it not over it). It was really just to protect it from rubbing, etc. You want to keep it dry but also let it breath. It takes awhile (longer than I anticipated) but it eventually heals. Best wishes and good luck.
I would try to keep it dry and do what Wayne suggested and give it 10 days. If it hasn't improved see your doctor.

Keep the gauze on while in the shower. Remove it when your done and let it the area dry then replace the gauze. I believe it is NOT recommended to put any ointment on the scrap at during this time of healing.

But call your doc if things haven't improved.

Good Luck and take care
Now that you mention the the hospital nurses suggested I tape plastic wrap over it to keep it dry (again tape around, not over) when I take a shower for the first couple of weeks and only clean it with a damp cloth (pat not rub).
I've got some big old band-aids that I think I can custom cut the bottoms so that the top of my incision is covered and that nothing actually sticks below it. I will give that a try in the AM and see how it works, I just want to get to where Im not oozing, its the only way I will ever be able to sleep on my stomach again ! Im in the recliner still and I hate it !
My surgery was one day ahead of yours, I think, and my incision is glued. I've had no oozing just a bit of scab in a few spots. It was very thin and only a bit here and there. I noticed yesterday after my shower there is almost no scab left and very little redness. There are some thick spots that I hope will thin out with more healing. My surgeon opened me exactly along his last incision scar from my first OHS.
Hi ctyguy,
I'm five weeks post on 31 March, and although my zip sealed quickly, my two drain sites have taken much longer. The first drain stopped leaking about two weeks ago, but the other one is still leaking slightly.
As far as showering goes I've been using a hypo-allergenic waterproof dressing across the wound. I was replacing these daily on doctors instructions until the hospital wound specialist advised me that by replacing them daily I was slowing the healing process, because I was peeling off the newly formed cells every time I replaced the dressing.
So unless I notice that water has seeped into the dressing, or it's got really yucky, I've been leaving them on for two to three days. I have to say this is working well, as it has gone from noticing no daily difference to that I can see that the drain is healing.
I can remember when I first left the hospital and the wounds were uncovered I was too scared to even get into the shower at home for fear of doing something to any of the wounds.
I also had it drummed into me in hospital how I should wash in the shower, first thing you wash is your wounds, and the last thing you wash is your behind. I guess they must see a lot of people who infect their wounds by doing the reverse.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
I had the same issue...

I had the same issue...

I had the same issue with my incision (except mine did that at the bottom) and also my chest tube holes. I had my cardio look at it as well as the surgeon's nurse. They said all was just fine and to use two things: 1) liquid Dial soap in the shower - lather it up on the incision, and 2) hydrogen peroxide - clean the incision with peroxide on a sterile Q-tip. I did that, and after about a week, mine scabbed over and fell off and has been fine ever since.
ctyguy said:
I've got some big old band-aids that I think I can custom cut the bottoms so that the top of my incision is covered and that nothing actually sticks below it.

You can buy Nexcare First Aid waterproof adhesive pads at grocery stores, walmart, walgreens.

I used these over my neck incision in '06, they are 2 and 3/8 x 4 inches. It's a non-stick pad with clear adhesive cover. Works like a charm in the shower, remove after you get out.

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Like others, my incision was glued closed. My surgeon told me not to shower for ten days and not to do the bath thing until all of the incisions had completely healed. While it did go against my nature, I followed his instructions to the letter. Missing a couple of months of sitting in the hot tub wa a drag.

This is such an interesting thread. The way different hospitals, doctors and nurses tell us to care for our wounds.

In Mass General, both of my OHS, the nurses had me in the shower as soon as I was steady enough on my feet. Both times, the only covering on my incision was the steristrips. My drainage tube holes were uncovered for the shower. She gave me two washcloths. I was to first use one cloth with lots of foamy soap on my incision and drainage tube holes, then the second washcloth to wash the rest of my body. When I finished washing, she carefully patted my incision dry and instructed me to do the same at home. To make sure it was well dried. Steristrips remained in place for ten days from my surgery and my first surgery they mostly fell off themselves. This last surgery I had to remove them in the shower as they weren't coming off and there was risk of infection if they stayed on longer than 10 days.

One of my drainage holes seeped a little while in the hospital and they put a small, light covering on it after each shower.

By the time I came home, I had only steristrips. No other bandages when the steristrips were removed. I shower at least once a day and wash the incision well but carefully.

Funny how every hospital treats our wounds differently. I'm really surprised about the one that barred showering totally. Most of us cannot soak in a tub for risk of infection until the wound is fully healed but no shower really surprises me.