Nasty weather

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
We were just talking to some family memebers in our hometown of Cleveland.
Sounds like they are getting hammered pretty good by this storm.
I was wondering how Ross is doing down there.
Fortunately this time the storm went a little east of S.E. Michigan. We are just getting a little dusting.
Rich said:
We were just talking to some family memebers in our hometown of Cleveland.
Sounds like they are getting hammered pretty good by this storm.
I was wondering how Ross is doing down there.
Fortunately this time the storm went a little east of S.E. Michigan. We are just getting a little dusting.

Looks like it's headed Ross' way. Louisville has about a foot of snow. We're 45 miles east of Louisville, with about 6 inches.

Sherry probably has lots of snow.

I hope everyone stays warm and safe today.
A little east of SE Michigan? ................

A little east of SE Michigan? ................

where you're getting a slight dusting, eh? Hmmm
The snow here is blowing horizontally, from the east, at times I can't see the barn, there are several knee-high drifts between the house and the drive, every door to the outside has a drift that tumbles inside when the door is opened, and you're getting a slight dusting. Pleease spare me the details.
We have decks on three sides of the house, the south facing one was finally cleared of snow earlier this week just in time for this storm. The north and east facing decks have snow piled higher than they are, I can't throw the snow any further away, so now there are drifts between the pile and the house. We need snow shoes to access the bird feeders. Need I say more?
And a little brag I'll be relating for years of how we attended the Maple Syrup Festival Pancake Breakfast this morning. Just blowing snow, not whiteouts at that time. Only a few harty souls in attendance but boy were the pancakes and syrup good.
So please, please all you Americans to the south we don't need any more.
The ski hills are doing a fabulous business though and it's snowmobile heaven.
We are officially snowed in. we ain't gettin out of here without being plowed out. It's still coming down with about 12 inches now.
Huh, I live in what we call "the banana belt" and I woke up to 12 inches this morning - and that's just the first (and smaller) wave of this two-pronged attack ! Last night's weather man on the local newscast actually said my town seemed to have a bull's-eye on it as far as this storm went. We were warned, though, and as I am self-employed, I gave myself a "snow day" today- I mean, who's going shopping today?? My usual 45 minute commute by public transit last night took over 2 hours, so I wasn't risking getting stuck at the store with no blankie to hide under :D

Lance : where in Ontario are you? up north? anywhere near Blind River?

* * edited to add that I am sure, however, that there are a lot of people worse off than us; we are at least used to it, we all have snow shovels (if not snow blowers) and so on, we just stay home until it is gone ! People who are NOT used to it will be really feeling this bad ! * *

Path to my house, sidewalk is at right angles to the cleared section :
I heard on T.V...the entire State of Ohio was under an emergency state?..whatever that means..some cars are being stopped and given tickets for being on the roads....Our temp has dropped 10 degrees today...with strong winds..:eek: .Grandkids were disappointed..that we only had snow showers..........Maybe things will improve after this round..of cold weather....Hope everyone stays warm/safe..My signature temp is not is 34 degrees here..Bonnie
No, somewhat further south than Blind River

No, somewhat further south than Blind River

We live near Orangeville.
When the wind comes from the east there is just the house and barn to stop it, so we get major drifting. There is a 4 ft. drift outside the patio door and some of the windowsills are piled half way up the windows. I just saw the storm approaching from over Chicago way. Hopefully the wind will change direction. Otherwise ................
Surprisingly for the banana belt you're forecast to receive more than us. So our trip to the Butterfly Conservatory is off for to-morrow. I saw on the news that a bus went off the road in Niagara.
The snow has drifted over the fence in two places and the dogs just walk over it. Not one patch of yellow snow anywhere. We'll probably be host to next door's cattle because that fence is drifted over.
Glad to learn your sidewalk stayed snow clear long enough for you to take a picture.

In Ontario when the ploughs can't keep ahead of the snow fall they are called off the roads and an emergency is declared. Motorists could be stranded--so it's a safety factor.

Now that it's winter can spring be far behind?
Now this is the kind of storms I used to remember. Not these half snow jobs we've been getting, but this bury them people alive storms.
We've had intense rain all day, even hard rain while the sun was shining. That's been followed by 70 mph+ winds this evening. Another very large branch of our tree already crashed down at about 6:30. May not have any tree left to take down by spring, once it's all said and done.

Not as bad as the intense snow, freezing rain and flooding I've heard of elsewhere, to be sure. We are now under severe thunderstorm, high wind, and flooding alerts.

Best wishes,
Heard about tornadoes in Tallyhassee area the other day. Hope Ann is OK, too.

And, this is yet another snow storm Chicagoland missed ... TX got snow, but we didn't. And, I'm happy about that ... got the '87 MC LS washed last Sunday when it was in the 50s ... and it is STILL relatively clean ;).

Course, one last HUGE snow storm would be kinda cool ... maybe.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it all" ... Chris Daughtery ... 'Home'
Well, I didn't hear any thunder last night, so I guess the warning was unnecessary. No more branches crashed down.

It's a very pretty day today (sunshine and 33˚F [0˚C]), but the wind is so strong and steady that the wind chill is 10˚F lower. The furnace keeps going on. We have much of my wife's family coming over later for a belated 80th birthday gathering for her mother. She wants a fire, which probably makes economic sense anyway, so there goes some more from the pile of crashed branches from our poor tree.

Best wishes,
Yesterday afternoon there was not a car to be seen. Our little village store had the local farmers arrive on snowmobiles to pick up any supplies needed before hunkering down for a nasty night.
This morning looks like another planet.....sunny, mounds and mounds of pure white glistening snow.
We also have a barn which created a windbreak and a place for the snow to drop. So we have banks 5-6 feet high, right over the fence. Old doggie now has permission to go pee pee on the snow covered deck.
Understand about the deck - Our little creature has trouble staying above the snow, once it reaches about eight or ten inches. The snow just goes right up to and above her personal business, so there's no place for output to go. Many times, I've shovelled a path for her out to a "relief area" out in the yard, where she usually likes to frequent.

Best wishes,
knightfan2691 said:
Heard about tornadoes in Tallyhassee area the other day. Hope Ann is OK, too.

And, this is yet another snow storm Chicagoland missed ... TX got snow, but we didn't. And, I'm happy about that ... got the '87 MC LS washed last Sunday when it was in the 50s ... and it is STILL relatively clean ;).

Course, one last HUGE snow storm would be kinda cool ... maybe.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it all" ... Chris Daughtery ... 'Home'

We got lucky on that one, Cort. We got rains beginning about 11 pm and stopped by 8 am - not much thunder/lightning. When it got to Tally and Lake City it tore those places up.

Daughter/family spent weekend (they are from Atlanta) in Chattanooga mountain home, got up Sat a.m. to 3" snow that they didn't know they were going to get.

It was cold last night but not bad (32 this a.m.) and was a beautiful day, but I have been thinking of all of those up north who are suffering. I heard thousands were w/o power in Ohio and hoped it was not any of y'all. Spring's gotta be right round the corner.
We are having Chicago Weather Here In NH!!!

We are having Chicago Weather Here In NH!!!

Windy...Windy...And did I mention in the slightest that it is windy? LOL We also have flood watches up due to all the rain we had and the snow that is sloooooowwwwwllllyyyy starting to melt4.....Oy Vey!!!!!:D :D :D
Boy and I are REALLY from the same generation...LOL

Boy and I are REALLY from the same generation...LOL

Ross said:
Now this is the kind of storms I used to remember. Not these half snow jobs we've been getting, but this bury them people alive storms.

I can also remember the huge snow piles from waaayyyy back then when we were little shavers.....:mad: :eek: :eek: :D
hensylee said:
We got lucky on that one, Cort. We got rains beginning about 11 pm and stopped by 8 am - not much thunder/lightning. When it got to Tally and Lake City it tore those places up.

Yes, I'd say you did get lucky. Friends in Tally were telling of a different tale. Luckily, all is well ... just scary for them, is all.

hensylee said:
Daughter/family spent weekend (they are from Atlanta) in Chattanooga mountain home, got up Sat a.m. to 3" snow that they didn't know they were going to get.

LOL! Nothing like a surprise snow in a southern town ;).

hensylee said:
It was cold last night but not bad (32 this a.m.) and was a beautiful day, but I have been thinking of all of those up north who are suffering. I heard thousands were w/o power in Ohio and hoped it was not any of y'all. Spring's gotta be right round the corner.

I sure hope it is! Heh ... I'm ready for it.

Not TOO bad here ... 30s and some sun today. Supposed to warm up middle of this that will be nice.

It was weird having it daylight so late today ... lol.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I guess I'm feeling just a little tired of this" ... Keith Urban ... 'You'll Think Of Me'