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Thanks to all of you, I am seeking a second opinion on my daughters MVP with severe regurgitation. We are Kaiser patients, and can only see another Kaiser doc. At our first go round, the doc brought my daughters case up before the cardio department at his clinic. They agreed that it may be about 10 years down the road before she needs an MVR. So now, we're heading to the big city (Denver) Kaiser clinic for a second echocardiogram and second opinion. These guys are cardio docs, NOT surgeons. Does this make sense, or she we go out of pocket to some non-Kaiser clinic - or should we just move to Canada (just kidding). Thanks for your suggestions.
Second opinion from the big city sounds good. The rules are changing so quickly with valve replacement surgery that doctors who are "out of the loop" may not have the latest and greatest info.

At 19, it is almost certain that your daughter will need a second surgery at some point, but nobody knows after that because the technology is changing fast. If they decide to go ahead with it, I'm sure they would recommend a repair or tissue replacement so that she would have a better chance of having a successful pregnancy at some point and the current life of a tissue valve is around 10-15 years. By the time that one wears out, who knows what will be available? I'm not familiar with the lifetime of a repair, but seems like it could be forever?

I used to be a patient at Kaiser, and I found them very helpful and informative. It is possible to have the MVP with regurgitation and not need surgery for quite a while. It doesn't hurt to come to the Franklin offices to have a second opinion. While Kaiser is about containing costs, they really do care about their patients too. It does their costs no good to have a really sick person in the hospital with an extended stay if they could have had a better result with an earlier surgery.

Kaiser has 2 offices in the Denver/Boulder area with Cardiologists. Franklin (downtown Denver) and Rock Creek in Broomfield/Lousiville/Lafayette (not sure which city it's "officially" in). Both are very complete cardiac centers.
thanks for the feedback

thanks for the feedback

Sounds like you're very familiar with the Kaiser facilities in the Boulder/Denver area. Are you familiar with either Dr. Drake (Rock Creek) or Dr. Reusch (Franklin)

Just wanted to wish you all the best with choosing a second opinion doctor. . If he does agree with the first cardio then at least you will know you have checked everything out and that it is OK for your daughter to wait a while for her OHS. Good luck!! Will be interested to hear how you go - regards Jeanne
Kaiser gives excellent care.

Kaiser gives excellent care.

I spent most of my career in "private" practise radiology but now work for Kaiser half time in the Mid-Atlantic Falls Church facility. I was taken care of for a long time by cardiologists as my mitral valve prolapse morphed into severe regurg. Finally when they thought the time was right they referred me to the surgeons who took it from there. It is still the cardiologists who decide when the right time for referral is. So Kaiser is following accepted practise. I've been with Kaiser 12 years now and I am impressed with the excellent care given by our internists and surgeons. If the patient needs a super specialist Kaiser refers readily to Hopkins, Childrens, etc. sparing no expense.Last week I had a patient whose husband was a prominent internist and he was a former president of the AMA, not known to be friendly to HMO's. He said HMO's like Kaiser now give the best care. I agree.
positive said:
Sounds like you're very familiar with the Kaiser facilities in the Boulder/Denver area. Are you familiar with either Dr. Drake (Rock Creek) or Dr. Reusch (Franklin)



I'm not familiar with either of them, sorry. Just remember your list of questions. Actually, make 2 copies...give the DR (not the nurse) one copy when he/she enters the room and keep one for yourself for reference.

Your daughter may have to specifically say that the Drs can talk to you regarding her condition and treatement...she is over 18, and HIPAA laws prohibit them from discussing anything with you without her consent.
KristyW said:
...Kaiser has 2 offices in the Denver/Boulder area with Cardiologists. Franklin (downtown Denver) and Rock Creek in Broomfield/Lousiville/Lafayette (not sure which city it's "officially" in). Both are very complete cardiac centers.
If it's Broomfield, it could even have a Westminster address.
2nd opinions are always a good thing! Hoping that you get the answers you are looking for.

I am a fellow Boulderite! Dr. Reusch is my cardiologist and has been for the past four years - he is head of cardiology and top-notch.

I have been up, down, and over within the Kaiser system - feel free to PM me for more info, or even if you want to meet for coffee. Would be happy to share my experiences.
