headin down yonder to Orlaner

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I must confess that I am a wee bit Jealous.. Sure do wish I was heading south.. for the reunion and sun and beaches!!
Can't wait to see pix and hear some great tales Have a safe journey
All of us unfortunates who had to stay home will certainly be looking forward to lots of pix of the reunion, and tall tales of all the merriment. :D Hope y'all have a wonderful time down there! :)
marky said:
I must confess that I am a wee bit Jealous.. Sure do wish I was heading south..:D


Same here.....

I _expect_ a full report AND lots of pictures!!!!

Ann ... hope you've had safe travels. Heh ... ya know, if I would've been there, I would've just driven you down to Orlando ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Nothing could be finer" ... Girls Next Door ... 'Slow Boat To China'
Arrived in Sarasota about 5 yesterday afternoon to a temperature of 82 wonderfully warm degrees. Wish I could open the weather door and send you some.


Glad you arrived safely..so worried. knew you had to fly up to Atlanta first..then down to Sarasota..:confused: ..the bad weather hit Atlanta around 5 P.M. Was afraid you would get stuck there..:eek: ........Enjoy your stay with your son..Bonnie