Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-25

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Gnusgal said:
Not good at all. We continue to eat out WAY too much (people taking us out for Nathan's birthday. Going out for MIL's birthday...), which means I eat too much and not as healthy (or low sodium) as I would fix at home. I'm also SO tired lately that exercise has not happened at all. I'm hoping to get the results of my thyroid check today. Maybe that will hold some answers. I don't think I can blame water weight completely anymore. I am fairly certain that some of this weight is now fat. :mad: Part of me hopes that my blood work says I DO have thyroid issues. Then I might have an easy fix to my energy problem and I can get to exercising again.

Niki ... Sorry you are having a tough time... I know what you mean about eating out ,,, it seems like just when I get on a weight loss roll I will have back to back birthdays, drop ins etc.... We love to eat out and it has become painfully clear to me that I have no control over the content (fat, sodium etc.) while dinning out ,,, I know you can make the best choices possible and still it is not the same as preparing the food yourself ... Remember, we are in this for the long hall ...You will succeed:D
terryj said:
I have been doing better on the eating this week. But, I suck at exercise. My husband gets on his treadmill everynight and everynight when he finishes his 36 minute 2 mile walk he asks if I want to use it. He says he is going to tie me to it one night and make me walk. I hate exercise. I know I need it I just hate it. I am up at 5 every morning,leave the house at 6 for my one hour drive to work,at a job I hate for 9 hours everyday and then an hour drive home. But, I do feel I have lost some this week. I ate Lean Cuisines for lunch and I cooked vegetables for dinner this week.

Great job on the better eating Sue!!! ... Our houses sound like twins:) Sherry hates to exercise too ... She is out before seven and home around seven ... I am not as committed as Terry either, if I could do thirty minutes three time a week I would be happy ... These are lifestyle changes and they take time ... If we keep it up front in our minds and continue to chip away at it we will reach our goal ... Good luck!!!
Well, I've been working out on my Total Trainer almost every day for 2 weeks. My clothes were starting to feel a tiny bit different - so I weighed. I know I said I wouldn't, but I couldn't resist. I've lost over 3 lbs. But I'm not going to weigh again for a while. Just keep up the exercise.
Karlynn said:
Well, I've been working out on my Total Trainer almost every day for 2 weeks. My clothes were starting to feel a tiny bit different - so I weighed. I know I said I wouldn't, but I couldn't resist. I've lost over 3 lbs. But I'm not going to weigh again for a while. Just keep up the exercise.

Show off:p :p ..... Great job Karlynn!!! .....I know that exercise is the key ... but I'm always losing my keys:rolleyes:
Karlynn said:
Well, I've been working out on my Total Trainer almost every day for 2 weeks. My clothes were starting to feel a tiny bit different - so I weighed. I know I said I wouldn't, but I couldn't resist. I've lost over 3 lbs. But I'm not going to weigh again for a while. Just keep up the exercise.


Three pounds -- Way to go!!! That is serious progress. I will send you a shipment of fudge brownies as your reward. :D What is that Total Trainer anyway? (Not that I am going to give up my personal trainer. :p ;) Is it one of those Chuck Norris portable gyms advertised on TV or something like it?
Yes, it's just like a Total Gym (Chuck Norris' thing) but cost about 1/4 of the price. I love it. I find it very relaxing.