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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that I made it home yesterday about noon. My sister and I were at the airport by 6:15 am and we departed at 8:00 am. Finally made it through my front door about noon and boy was I glad to be home. My mom came home ahead of me and had the house absolutely immaculate, a wonderful pot of stew bubbling on the stove and everything ready for me. It was so nice to be home~I ended up taking a good nap and just getting settled in yesterday. My surgeon recommended only going up and down the stairs once a day and since my bedroom is upstairs I ended up having my daughter/mom go up and down the stairs many times to fetch things. I discovered that the stairs arean't hard at all though and I have already taken them twice today (much to my mother's dismay) so I need to call and see if this ban on stairs is necessary or just recommended based on how one is feeling? Maybe someone can shed some light on this one.
Last night was my first night sleeping in my own bed and I actually slept for 4 hours! That's the longest span of uninterrupted sleep since Jan 13! Sleep is such a struggle because of the fact that I am sleeping on my back and can't really roll around so I guess I wake up everytime my body would natually be rolling.
To answer your question as to why i had to be admitted to the hosptial a day early. My surgeon called me about 6pm and said that the insurance had not approved my surgery and since I had indicated to him that day during the pre-op consultation that I was having chest pain he wanted me to go to the ER and be admitted on an emergent basis. So I had to spend the night in the ICU the night before surgery listening to all the beeps and whistles of ventilators, etc. and didn't sleep a wink! I was so nervous and exhausted! They kept me totally awake and alert all the way into the operating room so my stress level was at a peak but as you all know the rest of the story everything turned out fabulously!
I am still sore, particularly back and neck, and really can't sit at the computer long so I am going to cut this off for now....just wanted to let you all know I am home!!

Thanks again!


Hey Harley,

It's good to hear that you are home and headed up the road to recovery. You'll undoubtedly have some aches and pains as they bend body parts in an unnatural way when they open you up. I still have issues with pain under my left shoulder blade from my surgery last March.

It's also good to hear that you have some help that you are getting some benefit from. You may need to remind them that you need them for support rather than to get upset with you when you push the envelope from time to time. Others may disagree, but I believe pushing a little bit on occasion helps with the recovery process. Just be reasonable about how far and how fast you push. You'll know your limits. Listen to what your body is telling you.

Make sure to do the exercise thing without over doing it and get plenty of rest. You'll be back on your bike in no time.

Way to go Lorie. I'm so glad to hear that you are home and doing well, and also that you have family there to assist. That is really important.

As for the stairs, I would err on the side of safety and do what the doctor says. You should call the doc's lead nurse and ask for advice. In my case, I found them to be very willing to talk to me aqnytime.
Welcome home, Lorie. Listen to your body and let everyone pamper your for a while.
Welcome home, Lorie. I remember how awesome it felt to be home and in my own bed. Remember to pace yourself during the recovery. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy one.
Welcome home, congratulations, rest easy! :)

Do you have a heating pad? I used mine on my neck and shoulder blades when I was sitting in a chair, sometimes while lying in bed, it helped relax the muscles and my sister, an RN, said the heat helps blood circulation through the area.
Two of the most beautiful words in the English language: Home again! Welcome home, Lorie. So glad things are going well for you. Getting four straight hours of sleep at this stage is pretty good. Best wishes on continued smooth recovery.
Dorothy was right - there is no place like home. Glad you are feeling well. Just take it easy and gentle with yourself for a few weeks. This is the best excuse you'll ever get to slack off and let others do the chores. For the next week your only tasks should be walking, eating, sleeping and breathing.
Hi Lorie!!

So glad you are home and all is well ... Like others have said ...eat ... walk ... and sleep. Take time to heal and get ready for your new life!!! Keep us posted!!!
Welcome home! It must feel SO good to be back! We had two flights of stairs in our house when Chris had his surgery and he would walk them at least 3-4 times a day when he came home from surgery. His surgeon said to listen to his body and take your guide/restrictions from that. Hope this helps.

Yolanda x
Welcome Home Lorie.
And to come home to a pot of homemade stew - how perfect can that be.

In regards of doing the stairs, my surgeon and the physiotherapist at the hospital told me I could do some stairs. I only have 6 steps to get up stairs......and I HAD to do them - thats where the bathroom is. After explaining my situation, the therapist said that doing 6 steps is like a 5 minute walk, but to take it slow. (do we have choice lol).
In any case check with your doctor.
I wish you the best and a continue uneventful recovery
I know just how happy you are to be home. I remember that day like it was yesterday! After being in the hospital for 12 days, it felt heavenly to come home. I did not like the hospital food and I was starving. Like you I had someone, my sister, here to cook for me.
I am so happy that you are home and doing so good.Don't forget to rest.
Welcome home!!! You will probably feel more tired for awhile because you can allow yourself to relax now!! It's okay. Slow and steady she goes.....

Best wishes to you!

:D Marguerite
Welcome Home -- I do remember it well. I think I spent the first night in my recliner, but from then on I slept in bed. 2nd night propped up with one of those reading pillows and then I said the heck with it -- and found to my amazement that I could sleep laying down! So that was ahead of schedule. But, I was always one to kind of push the envelope anyway. Like -- I remember I didn't wait (however long they told you) before taking a bath. In fact, I probably cut that time in half, only because I found I could keep my incisions out of the water - ha.
Congrats !

Congrats !


Welcome back. I share everyone's feelings about getting back home.. my last hospitalization was for tonsils when I was 4, of for me 2 times in a hospital (no matter how nice it is) in 55 years is 2 too many :)

Hope all goes well with your recovery !


I am so happy your recovery is going so well. You give a great example of how one can overcome ichkyness with a great attitude. As others have said this is the greatest time to let others help you, for at least the beginning of your recovery. I know how great it feels to be home and out of the hosp. relax and let the good times rool. You deserve it.
My Surgery this Friday

My Surgery this Friday

Hi, Lorie. My name is Danielle. My surgery is this Friday, Jan 25, and am extremely anxious about what to expect post-op.

I am having an aortic valve replacement and a 5.1 aortic aneurysm grafting. So, other than your valve repair rather than replacement, your surgery sounds similar to what mine will be.

Any details of what to expect and words of advise are greatly appreciated.

I am very glad that yours was successful and that your are doing so well.


P.S. I am 39.
Welcome home Lorie!

So good to hear about your smooth recovery. I can only imagine what it must be like to get through the surgery and come home. I know its sweet!

God Bless