OK Campers, What are you doing for New Years Eve?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Lyn has managed to infect us with a stubborn chest cold, so I don't know that we'll do anything. We did get a Pork Shoulder Roast and Saurkraut, some cheese and crackers and veggies. Plan on staying home safe and sound though after all these years, I'd rather go to someone elses house.

Just wondering how you plan to bring in the New Year.
Could be quite

Could be quite

It could be very quite with my husband and I babysitting our two year old grandson but then it could be much louder and much more fun if our three sons are here and our five grandchildren and our two daughters in law. Haven't bought a thing yet but I guess it's time to get with it. Will eat too much for sure but I'll worry about that after surgery.:D
A whole lot of nothin'! Nathan is working on New Year's Day, so there's not a lot we can do. He'll need to be in bed before midnight (has to get up at 5 am) and I think his patients would prefer that he be well rested. ;) New Year's just isn't a big deal with us. Most of the ones that passed while we were dating we were in different cities (I was usually at my mom's for winter break), and now that he's working he always choses to work New Year's so he can get Christmas off. Works for me. :D I turn into a pumpkin around 10:30 anyhow. ;)
We stay at home and enjoy movies and wine on NYE! We don't like to get out on the roads after a certain hour and we're lucky if we stay awake past 11:00 anyway. Over the years we've stayed up and watched Dick Clark on TV, watch the New Years around the world. We love Australia, France, and England's fireworks.

New Year's Day I make saurekraut and sausage,mmmm, melts in your mouth thanks to my husband's grandmother's recipe she gave me years ago. Sometimes we go over to friends who have an open house on New Years Day, everyone brings something to share.

Happy New Year VR.com family.:)
We are staying home. I am making a chateubriand (sp?), cauliflower soup and baked sweet potatoes (a tradition for us). We do stay up and toast midnight with champagne. I think my brother is coming over as this is his first New Year's back in Ohio so there is a lot to celebrate. Also, I am not particularly fond of 2007 so I am really looking forward to 2008.

New Year's Day we go to our favorite Chines restaurant for Dim Sum. Then a lot of Lasix to get rid of the excess salt. ;) :D

Hey - Louise - care to share that sausage and sauerkraut recipe?:)
geebee said:
We are staying home. I am making a chateubriand (sp?), cauliflower soup and baked sweet potatoes (a tradition for us). We do stay up and toast midnight with champagne. I think my brother is coming over as this is his first New Year's back in Ohio so there is a lot to celebrate. Also, I am not particularly fond of 2007 so I am really looking forward to 2008.

New Year's Day we go to our favorite Chines restaurant for Dim Sum. Then a lot of Lasix to get rid of the excess salt. ;) :D

Hey - Louise - care to share that sausage and sauerkraut recipe?:)

Gina, we haven't had cauliflower soup before. I bet it's good. Maybe you could share that recipes also?

As far as New Year's Eve goes, I don't know what we're doing; I'd guess we'll be at home. We'll probably come up with a nice dinner and a nice wine.
Wise said:
Gina, we haven't had cauliflower soup before. I bet it's good. Maybe you could share that recipes also?

As far as New Year's Eve goes, I don't know what we're doing; I'd guess we'll be at home. We'll probably come up with a nice dinner and a nice wine.
I would love to share it but I do not have a recipe. Here is my best guess but I do alter it depending on taste and consistency.

1 head cauliflower - broken into florets and steamed until just tender
1 pint half and half (can use milk if desired)
2 pints chicken stock
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 stick butter
4 triangles of Laughing Cow original cheese
2 egg yolks, whisked smooth
Fresh ground pepper

Heat stock until simmering

In a separate pan, melt butter over low heat, whisk in flour and cook for 2 minutes. Pour in a little of the stock mixture and whisk until smooth. Combine with rest of stock mixture.

Add cauliflower and simmer until cauliflower is very tender. Process in food processor until very smooth. You can also put through a sieve after processing to make it even smoother.

Return to simmer, add half and half and heat through (try not to boil). Take a 1/2 cup of soup and whisk into egg yolks and then put all back into stock pot. Add cheese and heat until cheese is melted. Taste for seasoning. Serve with sour cream and candied pecans (optional but very good).​

You can leave out the half and half and eggs and add more stock as needed but it is not as good. However, it is more "thigh friendly".;) :D ;)
Ole Harrybaby Is Staying Home....

Ole Harrybaby Is Staying Home....

I am running incredibly tired these days, and my stamina has reduced from great to not so hot, so I will just be staying home and watching a good movie or 2 dozen :D :p :D and enjoy some peace and quiet after a busy month. Happy New Year Yall!!!:D :D :D Harrybaby:D
Dec. 31 is a quiet day for us all....it was my Mom's birthday and she passed away in 2003.
So we invite my Dad over for dinner, this year it is chicken, and then we play some cards for a couple of hours. Dad will go home by 10 pm and I go to bed at 11 and watch the festivities on TV.
Very wild and crazy!!!!
geebee said:
Louise - care to share that sausage and sauerkraut recipe?:)

1 12 or 16oz jar sauerkraut
1 tbs sugar
1 lb beef or polish sausage
1 stick butter, sliced
1/2 can beer

drain and rinse sauerkraut, spread in 13x9 glass cake pan
sprinkle sugar across the top, takes away the sour taste of sauerkraut
place butter slices to cover the top
slice sausage in 1/2 and 1 inch length, spread across top of sauerkraut
pour in 1/2 can of beer, drink the rest :p
cover with foil and bake at 325 for 1 hour

I also buy hard rolls so that we can have sandwiches! Very good IHO. :D
Thanks Louise. This sounds really great and very easy - two things I love in the same recipe.;) :D
Hmm...it appears my New Year's Eve will be rather "blah".

First, I have to work.

Then, it looks like I'll be "home alone" for New Year's Eve. Mom and Dad have been invited elsewhere for the evening; my sister and brother-in-law were invited somewhere else; and everyone I know in this area already has plans. Ssssooo...it'll just be me celebrating. But, that's fine ... I can have my own "Dukes of Hazzard" marathon, listen to whatever music I want, and watch whichever countdown on TV I prefer....

And, of course ... look to 2008, with plans like these....

January ... my radio show returns, Saturdays January 19 and 26 (2p-5p central and 8p-11p central BOTH days) ... more on this later.

February/March ... Mom and Dad will have a kidney transplant (Mom donating to Dad) sometime, so I'll be helping out before and after the surgery.

April ... Monte Carlos at Michigan International Speedway (Friday-Sunday, 11-13)

June ... MC Nationals, near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Friday-Monday, 27-30)

August ... family reunion (near Pittsburgh PA) and visiting other family members in Alexandria VA/Baltimore MD ... perhaps even sneaking to NJ for a bit (Friday-Tuesday, 8-12)

September ... annual CHD Quilt Project Golf Outing in Sandwich IL

October ... Midwest Monte Carlo Gathering, St Louis MO area (Friday-Sunday, 3-5)

I hope everyone celebrates appropriately on New Year's Eve ... and has a GREAT 2008!!!

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Another year comes to a close" ... Sylvia ... 'Reflections'
knightfan2691 said:
February/March ... Mom and Dad will have a kidney transplant (Mom donating to Dad) sometime, so I'll be helping out before and after the surgery.
Quite a little snippet of information, Cort. What a wonderful gift and I will be praying that all goes well for both.

You are welcome to come here for New Year's. :D ;)
New Year's Eve in the Intensive Care

New Year's Eve in the Intensive Care

Hey! I'll be having my tube taken out of my throat for New Year's = after receiving my new aortic valve that day!!
I am thankful to find your site; discovered it through Adam Pick's book "A Patient's Guide to Heart Valve Surgery". Have known about my valve issue (bicuspid and increasingly stenotic) for years, yet am still strangely asymptomatic. But according to the numbers, it's "time"....
I've made a blog through the process thus far; you can find it at
Thanks, everyone, for all you have to share!!
Sign me "not nervous anymore but will still love to receive your thoughts and prayers".... at the Mayo Clinic / St Mary's Hospital in Rochester, MN!
*Will they go ahead with my surgery if I have a little sore throat?

Welcome to our family. Would love to see you get more wishes and prayers so why don't you start a thread in the Pre-Surgery forum?

Quite a way to start the New Year but what a way to start a new lease on life.

My husband and I are going with a group of friends to a local hotel for a New Year's Eve package deal...it includes dinner, hotel room, entertainment (the band playing is a man and woman who are both really good friends of ours) and champagne toast, party favors etc.....I am looking at is as my last big outing before surgery and a great opportunity to see all my friends before the big day. Literally our entire "group" that we typically hang out with will be there...probably 20+ friends so I am really looking forward to it...and since we will be staying right there at the hotel no problems with getting home or being on the roads with all the drunks.

Happy New Year to everyone...time to get on with 2008 and say goodbye to 2007. I am thankful though, for so many blessings...like the blessing of finding my aneurysm incidentally during an MRI of my spine and having a second chance at life...and for finding you all...you support and encouragment has meant the world to me!!
Teresa (daughter) has to work Monday and Wednesday. We have no plans to do anything but rest. We have had company for a week, had a wonderfully enjoyable time while they were here and now we are ready to sit awhile and chill. It will be very cold here and that's when one gets a book, nestles down in a blanket and nap, isn't it?

Debra, welcome. Glad you found Adam's book. And, too, that it brought you to us. He's been a member quite a long time.

Guess you are right busy now getting ready for your trek over the mountain on New Year's day
Probably not much..
my young ones want to stay up and play games etc. but I am sure we will all drop off by 12:02.
New Years Day we always go to a friends house for food and games and of course Football!