Lorraine1234 is in recovery!

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
New York, NY (my mom lives on Long Island).
My mom is now sleeping in the ICU after her successful surgery today! She had her mitral and aortic valves replaced, 1 bypass, and a PFO repair.

The surgery seemed to last about six hours. We were allowed to see her about one hour after she was brought into the ICU. She was actually semi-awake by that time- and trying to remove her breathing tube. After about an hour and a half of that, they were able to remove the tube!

The next time we were allowed in to see her, she had an oxygen mask on and was talking to us. I was really surprised that she was able to talk. She asked how it went, and then grilled us to make sure that we weren't lying and that she really did make it and is going to be okay. She also asked my brother not to mess up her hair, which was awesome to hear her say.

When we left, the nurse gave her some more morphine and said that it should help her sleep through the night. I hope she gets some good sleep. We are so grateful for everyone's prayers, good thoughts, and kind words (don't hesitate to keep them coming:)). I will update tomorrow.
Thank you so much,
Thanks so much for taking the time to post the great news, Katie. I know how relieved you all must be and will send prayers for an uneventful recovery.
Great news. So happy to hear she is out of surgery and seems to be doing so well. Thank you for sharing the good news with us. Please keep us updated as you are able.
Great news. It is such a relief to see them after surgery. I'm so happy she is off the vent already too, that is a big step and she should be much more comfortable.I hope you both get a good nights sleep tonight.Lyn
Great news!

Thoughts/prayers for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

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I'm so glad to hear your mother is out of surgery. Now the recovery process can start, best wishes for it to be as smooth as possible!
Great news! You won't believe how good she looks today and how much better she will look tomorrow!

Tell her welcome to the other side of the mountain.

She also asked my brother not to mess up her hair, which was awesome to hear her say.
:D Well, she's fine!

Congratulations to all of you, and keep the updates coming--your mother is a real trooper, and so are you. :cool: You're at NY Presbyterian, Cornell/Weill, yes? Hope they're treating you well~

Take care, and get some rest!

Best, Sona