Death at the Boilermaker

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Clay, NY
After finishing the Boilermaker 15k in Utica Sunday, I heard about a 24 year old who collapsed and died on the course. He was between mile 6 and 7. Although it was hot, there is so much water on the course,no one should be dehydrated. My first thought was there must be an underlying cause...sure enough they annouced the autopsy results:
" Autopsy results are complete on the 24-year-old runner who collapsed and died Sunday during the Utica Boilermaker Road Race. Officials say Sean O'Neill, 24, had underlying, undetected heart abnormalities and suffered a cardiac arrhythmia."

Sounds all to familiar.......
So Sad. Someday I really hope they start testing routinely for CHDs, you would think since they are THE most common birth defect, and leading cause of birth defect related deaths, this would be a priority...but it isn't. Everytime a famous athlete dies from an undectd CHD, I pray THIS will be the person that finally makes a difference, but so far, not.
This kind of news is very sad indeed, and always upsetting to hear of one so young dying.

It worries me terribly, when I read or hear news like this because my son, who is only 16 has suffered a blackout twice due to an arrhythmia. He has an appointment with a cardiologist on 9th August and believe me it cant come fast enough.

*I will take a minute to offer a prayer for his devistated family.
Yeah, a real shame, a 24 year old kid. It happens every year at some race somewhere, but it's almost always a middle aged guy and the press has a field day with "Is running inherently dangerous?" type stories. I haven't seen any such coverage with this one in the Albany papers. The TV news just mentioned it briefly, then in the next sentence went on to say that this was a record turnout.
I ran eight marathons, countless races at shorter distances, track, cross country, etc. all before I was diagnosed with ANY heart issues. I've often wondered how lucky I really was that nothing happened...