INR dropped again

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2007
Kent, OH
I could use some help. My INR has dropped again and I have no idea why. In March (and most of the winter) I was in range with an INR of 3.2. But since then I've had trouble reaching my range of 2.5 to 3.5.

3/27 INR=2.1, increased from 26 to 28mg per week
4/10 INR=2.3, increased from 28 to 30mg per week
4/24 INR=1.7, increased from 30 to 34mg per week
5/8 INR=1.8, increased from 34 to 40mg per week
5/22 INR=2.7, in range! was a happy camper:)
6/5 INR=2.0, increased from 40 to 44mg per week:confused:

What is wrong with me? I haven't changed my diet, my exercise has leveled off, I haven't been sick (although I have had some diarrhea), I haven't started any new medicines. I take warfarin, aspirin, cozaar, and Lyrica.

On the plus side, my cardiology office thinks that home testing might be a good option for me!:D

Any ideas!!???

Why is your INR range 2.5-3.5? Have you also had a stroke or other complications?

Otherwise, most of your INR results -- other than the 1.7 and 1.8 -- are in the range recommended for AVR patients.
I have had some possible TIA's in the past few months. But back in August when I had my surgery my Cleveland Clinic doctors told me to keep it in that range. That was before I even had any TIA symptoms.
Wish you were next door, I'd test you with my machine. I think your lab is getting erroneous results myself. The only other answer is that which Rachell has told you about. Would it be possible to get tested somewhere else once?
Thanks, everyone. Rachel, I'll have to ask my doctor about those possibilities. Ross, if this doesn't stabalize soon, I might show up on your doorstep! I filled out the paperwork for the home testing machine, so I'm getting closer to having my own.
Thanks again!
catwoman said:

Why is your INR range 2.5-3.5? Have you also had a stroke or other complications?

Otherwise, most of your INR results -- other than the 1.7 and 1.8 -- are in the range recommended for AVR patients.
My range for my AVR is 2.5--3.5 also.
Maybe they set my INR range high because of the gortex graft that replaces my ascending aorta. Is it possible that it would create clots, too? The only other complications I had was one day of an irregular heart beat (a-fib I think) and fluid around the heart the first 2 weeks. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only AVR patient with a high range.
3/27 INR=2.1, increased from 26 to 28mg per week


Your INR levels are puzzling.

Where you on a lower dose before 3/27 ?

If so it could be that your body is simply taking longer to reach the target INR level.

I notice though that your INR started to rise then dropped without a reducton in Warfarin dose which is the puzzling bit.

I've found that my body doesn't like dose variations once the INR is in-range, and I'm having a constant battle with my clinic. To be honest I'm now starting to ignore their dosage recommendations !

Best Wishes
