Jiddo's father's surgery on Friday

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Just want to wish you and your family best wishes for your father's 3rd AVR on Friday. I know how concerned you have been and hope that all questions have been answered and that he has a successful surgery and uneventful recovery and that he soon gets to hold his grandchild after the birth of your second son. Godspeed!
Thanks for the well wishes, Wayne and Phillis.

Actually, as of yesterday, the surgery has been pushed back to next Wed, June 13th. We decided to have the Chief of Cardio Surgery at Kaiser SF perform my dad's surgery and his first availability was next Wed.

My dad has been in the hospital for the last week; however, he is coming home today. The doctor said it might be more beneficial for him to rest at home since there is a higher possibility of catching an infection in the hospital. My dad was all for this because he hasn't really gotten a good night's sleep since he's been in the hospital.

So, after much discussion, my dad decided to go with the mechanical valve after all. It will most likely be the St. Jude valve, which is what Kaiser typically uses. This is to avoid the increased risk of a 4th surgery in my dad's 70s.

Since my dad will be on coumadin, he will have to be very diligent about his health (i.e. watching what he eats, walking at least an hour a day). My sister and I are planning to hire a nutritionist to get him on track after recovery.

By the way, I am officially 2 days past my due date. If my baby doesn't come this week, I will be induced on Monday. I also have a twin sis who is pregnant and due on 6/20, so this is going to be one very busy month. Being able to see and play with 2 new grandchildren will give my dad something to look forward to after recovery.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. I will continue to keep you posted on my dad's condition.

I changed the date on the calendar, Jennie. It sounds as if things are going just as you wanted them to with a mechanical valve and the surgeon you want. We will keep you all in our prayers and look forward to hearing about healthy deliveries for both you and your sister. Your father is blessed and I know his new grandchildren will speed his recovery.
Jiddo said:
Since my dad will be on coumadin, he will have to be very diligent about his health (i.e. watching what he eats, walking at least an hour a day). My sister and I are planning to hire a nutritionist to get him on track after recovery.

Jennie when it comes to Coumadin, don't fall victim to the nonsense that people can't eat as they always have. He can eat anything he desires and as much as he wants. Beware of Grapefruit juice, it's dangerous if consumed shortly after taking Coumadin. Coumadin will be adjusted for that diet. You know your dad better then I, but I think getting a nutritionist in on this is probably a waste of money. He'll revert to the way he's always eaten in the past anyhow. We humans do that. Plus nutritionist's aren't Coumadin experts and will likely have him all screwed up. As his activity increases, his INR will decrease, so plan on making small (10-15% over one week) dosage increases for a little while after surgery. ;)
Hi Ross.

The nutritionist is not really for the coumadin. My dad is overweight and has high cholestrol. In addition, my mom has high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Sometimes they eat things that they really shouldn't and I don't think they really understand what's good and what's not. I'd like to get a nutritionist to come into their house, clean out their fridge/cubbards, identify good foods for a heart-healthy diet and educate them on how to properly read labels.

Neither of my parents have ever had a structured exercise regimen either, which would really be beneficial for both of their health.

Now is a better time than any to establish healthier habits....

Ok, gotcha. Just don't let the nutritionist cut out his green vegetables. So many of them are educated in old school of thought misconceptions of Coumadin. I don't want to see another person suffer the stupidity of being told they can't have this or that because it contains Vit K and the person is on Coumadin. Dad can eat healthy, nutritious meals with greens and Vit k. Once his diet it established, the dose of Coumadin can be adjusted to match his new diet.
It is going to be a busy time for you all next week. I hope that your dad has a successful surgery and an easy recovery. And I hope you don't go too far past your due date!
God Bless and Godspeed
Hi All.

Just a quick e-mail to let you know my son, Andrew, was born this morning at 11:15 am. He weighed 9 lbs 1 oz and was 21.5 inches long. I called my dad with the good news and he started crying out of joy.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Congratulations, Mom and welcome to Andrew. So happy for all of you!

God has His own plans for us so I guess your dad was just supposed to know all is well with you and your new son before his surgery.

Congratulations on welcoming Andrew to this world and I will be praying for your father and your family that all goes picture perfect tomorrow.

Take care.