Menopause ????

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2006
Tucson Az.(warm country)
Hi Everyone,
Its been awhile since I've had the time to post anything. I have a question for any of you going through Menopause. I don't want to take anymore meds if I can help it so wanted to know if there was any natural herbs or supplements that we can take. I know theres certain stuff we can't take with being on blood thinners. The dr. mentioned Black Cohash but when I checked it out it was not
good for the heart. If anyone can give some advise I would love the chat.
Thanks, Crystal T.

I did not like all the side effects listed on HRT so I opted for a soy supplement which I took for about 3 years during the worst of my symptoms. It did lower my INR but I just adjusted around it since I took it every day.

It made a big difference in the hot flashes and even a bit with the emotional.
Crystal, are your symptoms unbearable?
With summer coming, too many hot flashes could be a nuisance.....I managed to get through a couple of years of it.
No HRT or extra soy for me since my aunt had ovarian cancer and my mom had uterine cancer.

There are lots of opinions and research on menopause, good luck :)
I went through it without anything but that was some while ago and maybe there is more awareness now in the medical community for ladies' ailments and conditions. I have heard of cohash and my daughter used it but she was not menopausal at the time and she quit. She's not using anything now either, and has reached the age where menopause is approaching.

I had hot flashes in the middle of the night and would find my nightgown across the room next morning without realizing I had thrown it in my discomfort! It was so hot where I lived that I never knew if the heat or hot flushes were causing me to be so hot during the day.
Thanks for the info. Seems to me that letting it working its way through is about the only way without taking alot of stuff. I looked it up on the web and it gave alot of other options. Most of them said not safe or not proven to help the symptoms like Vitamin E,primrose oil and wild yam. dong quai, and a few others
sounds like a lunch menu.:rolleyes: Well any ways, I'll keep checking things out and wait for the blood test to come back. Let me know if you come up with any thing else. Crystal