Update on my mom

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers you sent for my mom. She had her consultation with the surgeon yesterday at USC, and will be having a fairly invasive surgery to repair her bile duct, as well as to remove the tumor from her pancreas. Her surgery will by May 4.

When I talked to her yesterday, she sounded really upbeat and excited to get this surgery over with. Then she said she feels bad about having to have me help out when she gets home, as she'll likely have a long recovery ahead of her. It's really nothing, and as a matter of fact, I want to help out. She was there for me after my valve surgery last year (I lived with her for 6 weeks after my surgery), and my husband offered to sort of "move in" and help her and Dad out until she's back on her feet.

An interesting side note, though: My mom will need a cardiology clearance before her surgery. The surgeon asked her if she had one, and she said no, but that "My daughter has an excellent cardiologist I'd like to see if I can." She pulled out Dr. V's business card from her wallet, and the surgeon called Dr. V right there to get my mom in as soon as possible. (My cardio is really hard to get in to see, since he always has a long waiting list). What's kind of funny is that he name-dropped: "I'm here with Debra's mother..." and Dr. V got my mom in right away, next Wednesday to be specific. I teased my mom about not telling Dr. V any embarrassing stories about me during her visit... :rolleyes: My mom, is after all, my mom. :p

I'll let you all know how Mom's surgery turns out, but I'm so glad this is all happening quickly.

Thanks for your support!
Debi (debster913)

Glad to hear the surgery will be soon. We all know how tough the waiting room can be.

Wishing and praying for a smooth road ahead.
Keeping your Mom in my prayers! Looks like you got her the "hook-up" with the cardiologist!:) I'm sure that makes you feel better that her heart will be checked out by someone you trust a lot.
It's amazing how fast the wheels are greased when it's one physician speaking to another. Same deal with Chris and an Ankle Trauma specialist. The guy he sees has been known to be Iraq taking care of soldiers on the lines. He is no easy man to see, but our Surgeon down here got him an appointment 5 days later.
I'm glad things are falling into place, Debi. I'll keep you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers!!:)
Praying all will go well in the next few weeks. Tell her she has a booster club at VR.

I don't know eny embarrassing stories about my mother - my children can't say that, tho. sigh
I hope everything goes well with your mom. I sounds like it worked out really well with the cardiologist....I remember you mentioning how much you like your cardio.