arthritis support?

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Beloved Member
Apr 28, 2006
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Does anyone know of a good website for arthritis support & information? A site that has a GREAT forum such as this one would be very much appreciated, if such a thing exists. Thanks!
Just to be clear, I was asking for referrals from those who might have a specific GOOD support group they are personally familiar with. I had obviously already googled it, and I'm doing the legwork to research those sites as well. But nothing beats a personal recommendation, which is why I asked.
musician2k said:
Just to be clear, I was asking for referrals from those who might have a specific GOOD support group they are personally familiar with. I had obviously already googled it, and I'm doing the legwork to research those sites as well. But nothing beats a personal recommendation, which is why I asked.
Sorry, didn't mean to be a smart arse. Some people don't google and simply ask, so I just posted it. I'm sure someone here has it bad enough to be involved in one. If not, I'd be highly surprised.
That's OK Ross. I realized after you responded initially that I hadn't really been clear. I'm like you, I figure there's others here who probably deal with this disease as well as heart ailments. Right now I'm on more drugs than I ever thought I'd be, and although I'm doing OK I can't help but wonder if something (like my aspirin therapy regimen) is affecting my gout. If it were just a joint here & there, I wouldn't worry so much about it but it's usually affecting multiple joints and keeps me from being as active as I'd like, to say the least. I'm on short term prednisone now for flare-ups but so far, it hasn't affected my INR.

Ross said:
Sorry, didn't mean to be a smart arse. Some people don't google and simply ask, so I just posted it. I'm sure someone here has it bad enough to be involved in one. If not, I'd be highly surprised.
What type of arthritis do you have?

My youngest sister has rheumatoid arthritis, plus lupus, another autoimmune disorder. Will e-mail her about support groups.

Nancy has gone through Humira & Enbrel, several other drugs, with no appreciable results. So her insurance is covering her 100% for Rituxin ($37,000/year).
She's had 2 infusions of Rituxin, which seems to be helping her. She was told it would work for up to 6 months, then she'd need another 2 infusions (2 weeks apart).
She sounds much more pain-free since the infusions, has gone back to doing some gardening, using her hands more.
Thanks for the replies. I'll check out the suggestions.....I currently seem to have 'gout' which can be caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. They checked mine, my levels were elevated and they put me on medicines to lower them. Now, I'm 'normal' but still having flares. My maternal grandmother & uncle both suffered greatly from rheumatoid arthritis, so I'm not ruling that out just yet. Again thanks...!
Website for arthritis

Website for arthritis

I haven't delved into this website, but my sister likes it:

This for chronic conditions such as lupus, RA, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's, asthma, cancer, migraines, MS, asthma, psoriasis. There are links to blogs on the website. Nancy says she gets informative e-mails from HealthTalk. She has lupus & RA & has a medical background (is an RN).
This site may not be for everyone, but you might want to check it out.

"HealthTalk is a trusted, respected information resource for patients and caregivers facing serious diseases and health conditions and the medical professionals who treat them. We have a 20-year track record for reaching, informing and empowering millions of people and providing them with the most comprehensive information on managing chronic illnesses effectively.
"Our goal is to help patients with chronic illnesses improve their quality of life, stay informed and live with hope.
"By interacting directly with the nation's leading medical thought leaders via our popular interactive webcasts, patients become empowered about their disease and treatment options and develop into self-advocates for their health and wellness.
"At our core, we are about people.
"Our focus is not only the diseases we cover but the people who suffer from them. We've created supportive communities for patients as well as their caregivers, families and friends where they have access to the latest information on research and treatment advances presented by top medical experts."