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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2006
I don't even know where to begin....I had a-flutter last week. I think the a-flutter issue may be resolved. Today I had a stress/echo. The new cardiologist I am seeing advised me I have heart weakness and has put me on a couple of medicines that hopefully will help. Then he asked....has anyone told you you have a mild leak in your aortic valve? I was stunned and am now obsessing over this. I am in the process of getting copies of prior echos to pin down when this started. I know I should have gotten more details out of the cardiologist but was too upset to even say much. I see him in 2 weeks. Has anyone had a new valve problem come up in their follow up to surgery?
He said a MILD leak. Many people have mild leaks and go for years and years without any worsening of the problem. My bet is that he will just keep on whatever he has been doing for you, and testing every so often to keep track of it. Don't stress about it.

The heart weakness is going to be treated with medication.

You are lucky that you have someone who is telling you about everything that showed up in the testing. It doesn't mean that it is a terrible problem. Just means that they will keep their eyes on you, and that is a GOOD thing.
Also, now that your other valve is fixed, the aortic could just stay as it is, with mild leaking. When my aortic valve needed replaced, there was the possibility that the mitral would need "work" too. But when they put the new aortic valve in, the surgeon did a TEE while I was still under and the mitral worked much better, well enough that they didn't have to fiddle with it. I'm not sure, but I thought that this kind of thing was fairly common.
Here comes a probably not so bright question (bear with me - I feel like I'm losing my mind with all of these new heart problems jumping out at me!:confused: ).....could the aortic valve have been repaired during a mitral valve repair surgery, even if the leak is minimal? I don't know a lot about aortic valve repairs but my brother had his mild leaking tricuspid repaired during the mitral valve replacement surgery. My sister in law had both her mitral valve and aortic valve replaced at the same time - but both valves were leaking substantially.
Some things to keep in mind...

A mild aortic leak doesn't cause heart damage. They come and go unacknowledged in many people's hearts.

When you are recovering from OHS, your heart "remodels" (changes shape while returning to its former size). During this time, it's not uncommon for minor (mild=minor) leaks to come and go as the heart adjusts. It might not be there at all the next time you do an echo.

The mitral and aortic valves are not exposed at the same time or by the same cut. It's not like it was right there to be workd on. They would not have cut the heart in a second place for a mild aortic leak. It's not a threat to the heart or recovery.

I'm surprised they gave you a stress echo a week after a bout of aflutter. I think that too often they tend not to think too much about the effect on the patient.

Best wishes,
Mary -

Sorry to hear that you have this to process at this time. First, try not to panic, as easy for that is for me to say, you want to think this through and not jump to a conclusion while still recovering. You and your heart need some time to recover.

Now, help me out here someone if I have this wrong. The blood comes back from the lungs into the left atrium. When it beats the blood goes through the mitral valve at a slowish pace to the left ventricle. When it beats then the blood really goes fast through the aortic valve out to the body. I think I have that right.

My cardio described my mitral regurge as 40% of the blood going backward every time the ventricle beat. That means that now that the mitral is fixed that *all* of the blood (mostly all at least) goes forward through the aortic valve. Sooo, wouldn't that mean more pressure on the aortic valve? Hmm, maybe not because somehow my body was getting enough oxygen to live then and enough to live now. I wish I understood better how these valves affect each other. I had mild aortic regurg before surgery, I don't know what it is now and won't until the next echo.

The surgeon said that during the heart remodeling after surgery that the valves might improve (I have/had aortic and tricuspid regurg too). She didn't mention that my leaky aortic valve might worsen, hmmm, though she did say that my aortic valve (damaged by rheumatic fever) had lots of good years left but it might not last my lifetime. Hmmmmm.

I suppose this post probably just muddies the water but maybe someone can clarify.

I wish you all the best, Mary, take care.

WHOA Mary!

Take a few Deep Breaths and think calming thoughts.

Here's a list of Medical Modifiers in increasing order of severity:

NO / None

Usually MILD is when a Doctor says "By the way, you have such and such. We need to monitor that to see if it progresses. It is NOT a problem at this time." or some such message...

Most surgeons do NOT make Aortic Valve Repairs, only replacements. It sounds like your Aortic Valve leakage is NOT a major concern and certainly did NOT justify replacing the valve. (My understanding is that Aortic Repairs do NOT have a good track record).

OK, take a few more deep breaths and get a good night's sleep! It sounds like your new Cardio is on top of things and will take good care of you.

Note that Depression (and Anxiety) are common after OHS, not to mention being on an Emotional Roller Coaster so try to turn your 'sensitivity control' down a notch or two and let your body recover at it's own pace.

Also note that A-Fib (and A-Flutter) are quite common after OHS and are generally considered to be benign (did your Cardio Yawn?). They're not fun, but once you are convinced they are not dangerous, it is easier to 'ride it out' without getting overly anxious. Call your Cardiologist if / when you experience anything 'unusual'.

You WILL get stronger (and braver :)

'AL Capshaw'
I can't begin to tell you how much better your replies have made me feel!! I've had a rough go of it the last 3 weeks of my 7 week post op, when I had my 1st post surgery checkup with my cardiologist and was given medication for the a-flutter. It seemed strange that this was the first time I have heard about the aortic valve leak. I am going to keep my fingers crossed that it's part of the remodeling and won't show up on the next echo.

Bob, you're right, the stress/echo would not be the normal procedure at this stage of my recovery. The reason they did it was because of a problem over the last couple of weeks where I almost passed out twice when I was doing physical activity. The stress test part of the visit, walking on the treadmill, actually made me feel better because I know now that I can get my heart rate up without similar episodes. :) The new cardiologist now feels confident it was a reaction to the Flecainide.

THANKS, everyone! I am going to take the advice you all have given me and not stress about it. I will focus on getting my energy back through exercise and diet. (Adam, I'm back at cardiac rehab but in the 2p class. Hope your rehab is still going good.)
I got some good news today regarding a recent echo and I felt I needed to post an update for the other members who find themselves freaking out in the early weeks following OHS. I was at an EF of 33% when I posted this thread in April. My echo from a couple of weeks ago came in at 55%. After my last visit with my cardio, he took me off of a couple of medications. I anticipate him continuing to reduce my medication after my next appointment at the end of August.
Glad to read the good news. It really does take a while for the heart to "remodel" itself. There are just some things that take time and can't be rushed. I hope you continue to improve. Best wishes!
Reading along on this glad to hear that things are stabilizing more each day, Mary! :)