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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Today was my visit with the Cardiologist and a chance to bring up the coumadin issue and the rude nurse comments. First, I am So happy to report that my perfusion scan showed a right bundle branch blockage (must not be important as it was never discussed) and pac's. I now have both Pac's and Pvc's. My cholesterol is too high and the readings from my CBC show problems with my liver so I am now being tested for Hepatitis:eek: :eek: She took me off the atenolol and put me on verapamil and pravastatin. Then blood work in 5 weeks with a hepatitis panel also to see where I am with my levels. She was very nice and I really like this Doctor. HOWEVER>>>>>When discussing Nurse Nadia this is what I was told. "Nadia is a very nice nurse to be honest with you and you really scared her when you sent those flowers. I wonder if we can just have your coumadin sent directly to you or maybe we will just have your psyciatrist write a new script and then they can be sent there" WHAT????? AM I FREAKING DREAMING HERE PEOPLE????? Now my psyciatrist is in charge of my coumadin? I Just surrender! I said yes PLEASE just sent it there and I will call him and ask him if this is ok. Now Please I beg....what is wrong here with this picture. I can hardly sit here and type this I am so out of control angry! I will send myself flowers I guess! Since when is a Psyciatrist responsible for my heart issues? I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS TYPE OF TREATMENT! The problem is the more I complain the worse they treat me. Today I gave the receptionist my letter to put in the file so the doctor could read it before she saw me. I then watched along with my husband, the receptionist read my letter then tap on the shoulder of another girl and handed it to her and then she read it and then a THIRD! Thank You for the patient/doctor confidentiality. I guess I am just a trouble making low life indigent loser who is never happy and has nothing in life to do but complain. I cant deal with this type of stuff very well as I really am nice and try daily to do something nice for others. I really am so upset that people have to be rude and so uncaring for no reason. I really DONT wake up each day and look for things to complain about I swear. I just know when I am being treated unfairly and I am one of those that wont lay down and take it.
You SCARED her by sending flowers. This is all such BS. Hayley, hon, it is time to find another doctor. It is clear that this nurse is the type of person who is nice to the people that "count" in her eyes and mean to everyone she does not consider to be on her level. I used to work for a man like that who had everyone fooled "up the ladder" and was a complete ogre to those "down the ladder". These type of people know how to play the game well and should be avoided at all costs.

Your health is way too important to put up with this crap. Perhaps your psychiatrist (now your coumadin manager) can recommend a replacement for this idiotic group you are dealing with.

DO NOT let them make you think this is your fault. They simply don't care and you need medical professionals who do care.
geebee said:
You SCARED her by sending flowers. This is all such BS. Hayley, hon, it is time to find another doctor. It is clear that this nurse is the type of person who is nice to the people that "count" in her eyes and mean to everyone she does not consider to be on her level. I used to work for a man like that who had everyone fooled "up the ladder" and was a complete ogre to those "down the ladder". These type of people know how to play the game well and should be avoided at all costs.

Your health is way too important to put up with this crap. Perhaps your psychiatrist (now your coumadin manager) can recommend a replacement for this idiotic group you are dealing with.

DO NOT let them make you think this is your fault. They simply don't care and you need medical professionals who do care.
Well my Psyciatrist just called me and informed me that he unfortunatley does not want to handle my coumdin prescription (whole other can o worms he said) and will call the Cardiologist and explain that it is not his job. Oh my.......I think I need to eat a stick o butter!:)
You scared her by sending flowers??? Boulder Dash!!! I agree with Gina. And, I would add that the nurse is the one who is in need of some retraining and counseling. Her attention getting behavior and her total disregard for even the most common courtesy is unacceptable and it is the Cardiologist responsibility to deal with it. Absent that, you really do need to find another cardiologist to deal with you as a whole human being who has heart problems that need attention. You don't need bull scat from an unstable, unprofessional person who should be helping you. Sadly, I think this is going to get worse before it gets better.

Hold your head up high, woman. Don't let them get to you again.

Kind regrds,
I would call the state health board, or who ever deals with patient confidentiality and and report how you saw your letter to the doctor passed around to at least 3 office staff to read before it was placed in your file. I think I would have leaped over the counter and grabbed it away from them. If you can't find who to report it to, call your local hospital and ask who you refer breaches in patient confidentiality to.

I agree with Gina - time to find another practice. But I understand that this might be difficult with your insurance situation.

As Blanche said "Hold your head high."
You have to find another cardiologist, and one whom you can trust. I don't care what they say, something fishy is going on with prescriptions that are sent there. You really need to discuss it with the drug distributor, since they may be doing this to others as well. If you are due two bottles of a script, then you are to get two bottles of a script, not some lip from a know-it-all nurse, and an insulting one at that.

And trying to make you take the blame for what happened, well, that goes beyond the norm, and should not be tolerated.
I agree with Nancy. If they are not doing something fishy, they are at least careless with medicine - not to even mention their patients. I just can't stand rude people in a doctor's office. I have been there and it's not a good thing for the doctor's rep.
Yeah, here too. When I read what Nancy wrote in your other post from last week, well it was what I was thinking too, namely, what was that nurse really planning on doing with that second bottle of pills of yours?

I'm sorry you've been treated with disrespect. It's just wrong. But a rude and/or sloppy staff is frequently indicative of a rude and/or sloppy physician so now you have their number. And that just seems preposterous and flabbergasts me, that your psychiatrist should have even been mentioned by your cardio, let alone the cardio wanting the psychiatrist to manage your Coumadin!?! That's just wrong.

Hang in there. Take some deep breaths. Don't let their rudeness control your internal contentment.
You have been treated terribly by your providers. Nadia was in the wrong the way she spoke to you & insulted you, and your doctor is in the wrong to defend her. The office staff passing your letter around for their own amusement is WRONG. This seems like a very bad situation that is just getting worse. I hope you are able to jump your insurance hurdles and get out of that place as quick as you can. But don't leave without the last word ... and since flowers scare them so much, perhaps they would like a letter summarizing your case from your state medical board! At the very least, I would file a complaint against the practice with the state board. Thanks for the update, I was hoping you would have better news to report though.
Karlynn said:
I would call the state health board, or who ever deals with patient confidentiality and and report how you saw your letter to the doctor passed around to at least 3 office staff to read before it was placed in your file. I think I would have leaped over the counter and grabbed it away from them. If you can't find who to report it to, call your local hospital and ask who you refer breaches in patient confidentiality to.

I agree with Gina - time to find another practice. But I understand that this might be difficult with your insurance situation.

As Blanche said "Hold your head high."

I think that would be HIPPA
I also would turn the doctor in to the AMA for even suggesting your pschiatrist managing your coum WTF?

while you are at it a nice letter to the anmerican disability people since they are discriminating against you for not only needing help paying for med, but blame your actions on something mental
and heel get the FDA involved to find out what they are doing w/ all the bottles of meds they are taking out of the envelopes specifical marked for you.

I am so sorry you re such a sweetie
Here is my problem.

Here is my problem.

I live is a small comunity and there are only 2 Cardiology groups here. When I first went to see a Cardio and once they found out I could NOT get insurance the Doctor told me I was fine and had sinus tachacardia. I KNEW something was wrong with my heart and argued with this Doctor who then FIRED me as his patient. He said it was out of his hands now and didn't even refer me to any other Doctor! I then changed groups and now feel I have had a RED FLAG put on my file ever since. This is a good o'l boy town I live in and the LAST thing I would do is send in a complaint to the state medical board. I WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO GET ANYTHING AFTER THAT. You must understand I have lived here my whole life and know this to be a true fact! I already am feeling the repercussions of just arguing with the first Dr. Cardio and thanks be to GOD that my Heart Surgeon didn't play ANY games and assured me that my Cardio group was a pain in the butt. He also said they harrass HIS staff and he has had words with them. SO...I feel like I'm wasting my time and energy (well I guess I know I am) as I will lose in the end just like I do everytime I fight. You have seen what the track record shows here and I didn't sleep last night at all and am still so p.o.'d that they are using the "scare" tactic to fight me off as if I'm some crazed maniac who has been jerked around by their Doctors office who LIES and TREATS ME LIKE DOG POOP. I had a talk with God and acceptance is the answer to this problem I think. I will try to complain less and be mor grateful I guess as the only one suffering from all this stress is ME and I cant take it anymore. I have cold sores on my mouth this morning from the stress and I feel sick too. All I can say is the F word. Good day!:)
Haley, again let me say how sorry you are going thru this. dealing w/ medical problems is tough enough w/ou hav to deal w/ unecessary crap on top of it.
Would ot be possible to call your surgeon and ask him if he could recomend a nice, group of Cards? that may not be right in your town, but close?
Not knowing exactly where you live, how far away are you from a larger town or city. I live in the Chicago "burbs" and I travel up to an hour one way to go see my cardio. If you are feeling pretty well, heart wise, and just use the cardio for checkups, you may want to consider looking outside your community. I would hope that you could get your meds mailed to you either by the company or by the doctor they ship them to.

There is a lot to be said for having faith in your cardiologist. Knowing that your issues are taken seriously can greatly affect how you feel mentally and physically. It's a good suggestion to contact your surgeon and find out who he/she trusts.


I have now made arrangements to go their Carson City office (30 miles away...not bad at all) now and be done with it! YOU ARE RIGHT..moving on! Same group just different office with different staff. They called me and offered to even get me my coumadin......prayers answered. I am so happy right now and very relieved. I will also see yet another Doctor in the practice. Hope this goes well. I am hopeful.:)
I'm glad it's not much of a drive. Best wishes with the new office and doc!
Hope it works out better for you, Hayley. You deserve so much better than you were getting.
Sounds good Hayley. It even sounds as if they have offered an olive branch--taking care of the Coumadin issue. Someone has to be professional here, and it wasn't the other group.