Should I be concerned?

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I did that about a month ago and had no problems (other than feeling stupid and a sore spot).:rolleyes: :D

However, the doctor told me to watch for signs of concussion/bleeding which are unusual sleepiness, numbness, violent headache, dilated pupils or uneven pupil size, slurred speech or memory problems.

BTW - my INR at the time was 4.8.


Gina, thanks for the reply. I certainly won't worry as much now. Although I thought I read on Al's site to get a CT scan if you bang your head and take warfarin.
Robbyn said:
Gina, thanks for the reply. I certainly won't worry as much now. Although I thought I read on Al's site to get a CT scan if you bang your head and take warfarin.
Well if you show symptoms as such, then yes. It holds true for older adults.
The CT scan question has no definite answer. Sometimes the bleeds will be tiny and take days to show up. Rushing to the ER may give a false sense of security.