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I am sorry that you are going through this. I have a dear friend and his wife has cancer and is not going to live. They go to a counselor together and one on one. He told me the counselor asked if he had any thoughts of leaving his wife. He was SHOCKED!! The counselor said it is very common for that men will leave their spouce when illness strikes.

I too was shocked. I can not imagine leaving under these conditions. Try to work on recovering and hire a shark of a mouth piece.

Kim (((hugs)))

Kim (((hugs)))

I can only second all the comments of the others. What a douche bag! Sending lots of hugs and prayers. And, FWIW, I am now taking Wellbutrin but it's not helping at all................guess that is why I am posting past midnight.:D So you might want to try something stronger maybe. Oh, and you can have my husband if you want him. Tried auctioning him off on Ebay but had no bidders whatsoever. :D Much love. J.

I am so very sorry you're going through this. Divorce is a very messy, trying time. Been there, done that -- almost 35 years ago, as a new college graduate. Didn't know about antidepressants then -- my family didn't understand and basically told me to bite the bullet and quit crying.

I would definitely advise you to get on some antidepressants.

BTW, the day after a friend went home after breast cancer surgery, she got a Dear Jane note from her husband.
Oh sweetie......

I am so sorry. I cannot imagine what you must be going through.

I have been married for 38 years to a wonderful man, sweet and kind in so many ways. I cannot imagine my life without him. When I hear of people like you, going through something like this, I am always amazed at the strength and fortitude. You married a real heel. Believe me, there are a lot of men made of much much better stuff. This one is a boy, not a man. Go get yourself a man when all is settled.

rachel_howell said:
Sorry you are going through this. I guess he thought 7 weeks was a "decent interval" -- or maybe he didn't even care about that. Newt Gingrich asked his wife for a divorce while she was still in the hospital recovering from a hysterectomy. I guess he thought one day post-surgery was a decent interval. So your husband has more grace than Newt Gingrich -- what a recommendation -- less of an a-hole than Newt Gingrich! Go ahead and get mad if it helps you, only you can decide that. Some people need to turn the hurt into anger for a while, just to get energized. Whatever it takes, be a survivor.

My ex is a psychiatrist and he used to say you can't be angry and depressed at the same time. Choose one!

And yeah, I remember ol Newt doing that - then she didn't even have enough $ to pay her electric bill and children at home, to boot! And he wants to be our president????