wow Anna Nicole smith

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My goodness, I was shocked when I read your post Lyn.
I had just seen a news item this morning that said the diet pill company she had endorsed was being sued. She had used their product and said it resulted in her substantial weight loss.
Do you know what heart condition her son had?
Sorry to sound cynical but maybe they should be looking at her dead husband's family as suspects in these deaths. They were fighting a pretty nasty war over a great deal of money. Sounds awfully suspicious that both these deaths happened a few months after the courts started siding with Anna Nicole.
Gee Bee didn't one of the husbands sons that was suing her die too?
Mary, they didn't say they new of any specific ones a medical examiner was just saying they should look into that since they both died young and suddenly
Her and her son's deaths may have been heart related in the respect that the drugs in their systems didn't work too well with the heart. She has abused substances for quite some time.

I felt badly for her after the death of her son. I felt the press needed to just leave her alone to grieve.
My money's on drugs or foul play or a combination of both (foul play to slip in a bad batch of drugs...) .

Normal families maybe CHD..... JMHO
Anna Nicole's son died with three different drugs in his system. They ruled his death an accident because the drugs interacted with each other with a fatal result. Reports of Anna Nicole's behavior lately has been that she was interviewed slurring her speach and seemed out of it. I think her lawyer said that she used alcohol and other substances...or should I say, abused. She said she always wanted to be like Marilyn Monroe. Need I say more? Maybe it is something other than drugs that caused this but she certainly led a troubled life. LINDA
Did anyone see her interview on ET last night? She was talking (or trying to) about the custody issue with her daughter and she had some serious slurring speech. How tragic all this is. I agree, how very sad for this baby daughter.
Anna Nicole

Anna Nicole

I just read about the passing of Anna Nicole and I am not surprised that this happened so soon in her life:( . It is sad so say and I have felt sorry for her for some time, but her life was nothing to envy. Personally I think her death had nothing to do with a heart condition or any type of foul play, I think it was a pure overdose, whether intentional or not, that is the real question. With all her problems, the death of her son, the paternity test of her daughter, and all her legal dramas I'm sure that was very difficult on her. Other posts that talk about recent interviews were Anna was slurring her speech do not surprise me either, anyone see the award show (I can't think of the one..maybe MTV Video awards, where she presented to Kanye West) she was obviously on something. Unfortunately, she does leave behind a baby girl and with any hope, will find out who her father is an lead a happy life in spite of all the tradgey she was born into.
I was introduced and visited with Anna Nicole in 1989-1990 prior to her marriage to Howard Marshall. At that time, she was simply a foul-mouthed dancer with a foul-mouthed child. One of the doctors I worked for did some of her early surgeries. From what I saw, I'm fairly positive she was an abuser then, as were many of the other women in her profession who visited our office. With what she has been going through, I would think it would magnify her bad habits. I really doubt that it had anything to do with a heart condition, other than what might be caused by drug and alcohol abuse.
Wow Lisa...that is some story. Do you work for a plasitc surgeon.:confused:

Agree......she did have drug abuse issues. Her mother could not say enough about it. I beleive Anna's mother will be on Good Morning America tomorrow.
Yes, I just saw the commericial for Good Morning America, and how Anna Nicole's mother was going to be on there, and something about her fighting to get Anna's daughter...but does anyone think that is a bit odd:confused: I mean no where ever in the press did it mention Anna was that close with her mother, and the next day after her death, her mom is going to appear on national television. I'm sorry but I think that is ridiculous. Just goes to show what some people will do for publicity. How sad:(
Yes...odd indeed. Her mother admitted (on another talk show) that they were estranged. Thought that might have been her way of reaching out to Anna.:confused: Now I beleive it was self serving. How on earth could you go public less than 24 hours after your childs death. Strange.:rolleyes: With all that said....the entire saga has always intrigued me:p ;)

Now I hear the sister wants custody of the daughter! What they really want is the $$$$.
Anna Nicole Smith was a sad woman. She gave birth to a daughter and 5 days later her son died. What kind of sadness...What kind of joy. This was a woman who was troubled, scared, and in jeopardy because of her choices, many negative choices. Anna Nicole Smith died today...she is gone. She made bad choices, as many of us do. I made bad choices, but I have lived to almost my 65th birthday. I've had time to mend my ways and deal with the years of bad choices.

Let s/he who is without sin cast the first stone.


How very kind and sweet your post. I agree. From the very first time I heard about this poor woman, I thought how troubled she must be. Her life's story is sad beyond words.

I will keep any stones I may have, in my pocket, on this one.

I hope she is at peace, finally.

Blanche said:
Anna Nicole Smith was a sad woman. She gave birth to a daughter and 5 days later her son died. What kind of sadness...What kind of joy. This was a woman who was troubled, scared, and in jeopardy because of her choices, many negative choices. Anna Nicole Smith died today...she is gone. She made bad choices, as many of us do. I made bad choices, but I have lived to almost my 65th birthday. I've had time to mend my ways and deal with the years of bad choices.

Let s/he who is without sin cast the first stone.


Amen Blanche! There are many things that I have done in the past and present that I am not proud of. Somethings I do or did are ok with me and maybe not with you. The point is That I have found myself throwing stones and when it was brought to my attention I was ashamed.

I think it is my job to clean my side of the street not anyone elses.

Blanche said:
Anna Nicole Smith was a sad woman. She gave birth to a daughter and 5 days later her son died. What kind of sadness...What kind of joy. This was a woman who was troubled, scared, and in jeopardy because of her choices, many negative choices. Anna Nicole Smith died today...she is gone. She made bad choices, as many of us do. I made bad choices, but I have lived to almost my 65th birthday. I've had time to mend my ways and deal with the years of bad choices.

Let s/he who is without sin cast the first stone.


Blanche, that was so well said,I agree w/ you, I find everything just so sad too, from her childhood to her death and so much in between, just sad