Have to share my joy with fellow computer geeks!

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They were threatening to system restore my computer! What, you say? I have an eMachines notebook model that has a class action law suit against it for constantly overheating due to a bad heat shield design. I've had it almost 3 years and it just went in to have the problem fixed for the 3rd time. It probably would be more, but since this is my work computer, I limp along on it as long as possible before sending it in.

I was told that they had to do a system restore and resurface the hard drive!!!!! That means I would lose everything. I backed up all my files, but it would take me hours and hours and hours to reload all the music and graphics I have on my computer for my job as music director for a church. (I have 20 GB of music alone!)

I was despondent. I was getting myself sick to my stomach to think all the work I'd have to do just to get my computer back up to working condition.

It was delivered today - I held my breath and turned it on......and there all my stuff was! Right where it's supposed to be. My sweet Avery was smiling back at me from my desktop wallpaper - right where I left her when I sent the computer off.

The funny thing is, if it weren't for the heat shield issue, I'd be singing the praises of this computer because I've had no other problems with it. Knock wood!

The other good news is, when the suit is settled, I'm due to receive $400!


Granny, It looks like you are a double winner on that one!:D
My advice to thee--Get a portable hard drive and install it. Ghost the entire current hard drive info to it, then if something does go wrong, you just hook up the portable, transfer the data back to the original hard drive. ;)
That's what I do, Ross, but so far (knocking wood) I haven't needed it. But it's pretty easy--it just plugs into a USB port and every once in a while I use "Image for Windows" to back-up onto it. It just sits on top of the CPU and I can move it to other computers in the house and back them up too.
Ross said:
My advice to thee--Get a portable hard drive and install it. Ghost the entire current hard drive info to it, then if something does go wrong, you just hook up the portable, transfer the data back to the original hard drive. ;)

That was my son's advice too. Guess I'd better look into it.

Any recommendations Ross or PJ on a particular one to get?
Not particularily. Just make sure it's big enough to hold all you have and then some more.
Karlynn said:
I was despondent. I was getting myself sick to my stomach to think all the work I'd have to do just to get my computer back up to working condition.

Oh my do I know how you feel. This is how I've been since my computer crashed. I was, like you, pleasantly surprised when it was able to be repaired ... with files (well, most anyway) saved. I did lose some pictures that I can't get back ... the guy who took them during my October 2004 road trip has since died. Ah, well.

I, too, need to look into getting a portable hard drive. My sis and bro-in-law have one ... and my sis says she'll never do without one again.


That, and I'd like a laptop.....

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"I missed a million miles of fun" ... Len ... 'Steal My Sunshine'
Good advice from Ross:

Good advice from Ross:

I would do exactly what Ross said. And then I would consider physically disconnecting the new hard drive from your computer as well as the wall outlet. Despite the best surge protectors, a single big-time power surge could wipe them all out in one fell swoop.

At least that can be a big problem in our with our rural electric coop.