I can at least assume it's good...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
Went to Dr. V's for my echo today, but the boss man had already left for the hospital. The echo tech did my test and we chatted as we always do--and as far as she can tell, there's nothing wrong with my valve. That's the good news I already expected. The bad news is, now I have to wait. She said Dr. V might call this evening once he gets back to his office to read the echoes, but I may not get a call until tomorrow. I hate waiting, even when I know the news is good. The only thing is that if it's not my valve, then why am I having shortness of breath and lightheadedness? My guess is that it's post-surgery recovery, like Mike suggested. The echo tech thinks the same, too, and that I might just have been throwing myself too hard into my work, but as a teacher, I can't avoid "being up" all day and grading/planning in the evenings. October is the worst month because of progress reports, and I find myself falling behind every Oct.

Anyway, I'll post again once I know for sure. Sorry to make this a quick one, but got stuff to do!

Debi (debster913)
Thanks for the update, Debi. I sure hope the tech is right and you get nothing but good news from the cardio- waiting is the hardest!
Sounds good, and I hope it is. I always hate waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Docs are notorious for thinking that the medication that they prescibed couldn't be causing you problems. Check the side effects on the web in several places. If some of them match your issues, you just may be more sensitive to that drug than some of his other patients are.

Best wishes,

Do you have an aid? Could you get one or a student worker? I am glad it appears to be not one of the scary things. Get some rest.
I like Randy's idea. Ask for some help. It's okay. Just this one year. I'm sure something can be arranged. You need to step back from your perfectionism (aha! every teacher is a perfectionist!!) and let this one year slide just a little bit. It's okay. YOu need to give yourself permission to do things a little less perfectly this year. Take care of YOU! All your students, current and future will thank you!

:D Marguerite
Hey, Randy and Marguerite--

Thank God I have two TAs who have done the brunt of my non-subjective grading (vocab cards, quizzes, putting up student work on the walls)---but, as I always do, I fall behind each October and try to play catch-up. I've been pretty stressed the past couple days trying to get stuff graded and entered, but I have to learn to give myself a break. Just because I don't assign much homework this year is not a bad thing. But I do need to manage my stress better. :eek:

Thanks for your support!!!

Debi (debster913)
Grrrrr!!!:mad: Still NOTHING. Called the cardio's office today, and Dr. V hasn't read my echo yet. :confused: Maybe he'll call tomorrow night. He usually calls with "news" on Friday nights.:p Who knows. I'm still assuming the best, right? Besides, I'm too stressed about getting grades in to care....Oh, no, that's bad. I DO care. I just have OTHER fish to fry right now.

I'll keep you all posted---
