Today is my four-month anniversary, and I'm freaking out...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
Hard to believe that four months ago today, I was in the ICU recovering from heart surgery, and today I dealt with squirrely 15-year-olds. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I called my cardio's office to ask about the ProAmatine after my husband dragged my rear to the ER Friday night. I anxiously waited for a call back all morning with one eye on the classroom phone as my students read aloud, and around 12:30, the echo tech called me. I knew immediately it wasn't good.

I have an echo date with the cardio tomorrow.:confused: And I'm freaking out. I know I shouldn't get worked up about anything since I don't know what's going on, but I'm still a little short of breath and lightheaded. :( My cardio is afraid my ring may have slipped since he doesn't think the meds caused (are causing) my symptoms. I won't know until tomorrow, but I am so scared of having to go through another surgery. He'd even listened to my heart last Monday, and still heard no murmur.

I'd been doing so awesomely! I just don't want to go through this again, miss another semester of work, go back to where I was in April.

I don't mean to vent or make you all feel sorry for me. For the first time in months, I feel scared.

Thanks for reading this,

Debi (debster913)
Debi -

Debi -

I would think that maybe your cardio is just following his normal procedure by calling you in to discuss the echo. My cardiologist has me schedule an echo and he sees me immediately following the reading of the echo.

I am hoping that this is all this is about with you. I am almost positive it is. You are only four months out - you are going to be having shortness of breath and lightheadedness for a while.

Take some deep breaths. I know you are majorly worried and I can relate. This heart surgery stuff, pre, pan and post, is all as scary as it can be.

You are in my thoughts and prayers -

Christina L
Hi Debi!

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. It is very stressful to have get a phone call, and not know what the heck is going on but try and hang in there. I know that I had my surgery over a year ago, and I still get short of breath sometimes. Being four months isn't all that long, since they say it usually takes up to a year to be fully recovered. Just try and relax, believe me i know it's easier said then done. Try and stay positive. Remember we are all here for you no matter what happens. Take care:)
I'm with Christina. This could very well be standard operating procedure for your cardiologist. Try to stay positive and I'll keep my fingers firmly crossed for you. (...and thanks for putting up with the squirrely teens--I've got a couple of them.:eek: )

I'm so sorry to hear you are so worried tonight. And for goodness sake don't apologize for venting here of all places! What you are feeling is very natural - anyone else in your situation would feel the same way so vent away.

I will say a little prayer for you that nothing major is found on the echo.
Best wishes and lots of positive thoughts are coming your way!
Get some rest if you can tonight

I can certainly recall myself for the six months (or so) "freaking out" over several things that I was sure were signs that my repair had failed. I had SOB, chest pains, arrythmia, and a couple other issues that I started panicked threads for on this site or visited the doctor. In fact, I started a thread within the past two weeks due to the return of fullness and uncomfortable feeling in my neck that (when I look back) may have actually been the very first symptom that I had valve issues. It has me so concerned that I've moved up my one-year Cardio appt. to this Friday so I can get it checked out. Anyways, I can't assure you that it's nothing, but I can tell you that the odds are still very strongly in your favor. I wish you nothing but the best and I certainly hope that we can both look back at the reunion on Sunday night over a cocktail and laugh about how we got worried about nothing. :D

Best of luck tomorrow!
Thanks, all, for your support!:D

I suppose "freaking out" is too strong a term. Actually, I'm worried but still have the tranquility of mind that my valve is as tight and healthy as Dr. V said it was only a couple weeks ago when I called him about seeing the dentist. Still, there are no guarantees until tomorrow's echo. It was my cardio who wanted to do the echo because he himself is the one who's the more worried out of the two of us. It's that "little sister" thing I'd noted on another thread. Every time I've seen him since my surgery, he's told me to call him if I have shortness of breath, weird fevers, or anything like that. And I seriously don't think Dr. Starnes would have done a crappy job, either. Look at me rambling. :rolleyes:

Mike--Looking forward to laughing about my freak-out at the reunion dinner. :D

I'll let you know tomorrow how things work out. At least I get another day off work to finish my grading. It's progress report time!!! :eek:

Debi (debster913)
Wishing you good luck tomorrow, Debi. It seems that if there has been no murmur, it can't be that bad.

Maybe he just wants to see you. Your husband had thought you were working too hard. Doctor's like to see their patients. They can tell a lot just by looking and listening.

Will look for your post tomorrow.

Best wishes...I'll be thinking of you!

I will be anxious to hear the results of the visit..
Praying here.
Debi: How did it go? How do you feel? We';re all there with you, so hang in, baby. sending some good vibes your way.

Hi, Farid--
My annuloplasty ring that holds my mitral valve in place.

It's OK--I learned a lot about valves the past few months!

Debi (debster913)