How Many Of You On Coumadin/Warfarin Have Broken Bones Since Starting The Drug?

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How Many Of You On Coumadin/Warfarin Have Broken Bones Since Starting The Drug?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Sagebrush wanted to post a poll on this subject, so I'm lending a hand here.

Not counting your sternum being cracked for surgery, how many of you have broken bones since starting Coumadin/Warfarin?
Broken elbow - bicycling accident.
Accident was not serious, nor was the break.
Radial head fracture 2 places.
No excessive bruising (yes I'm on Coumadin).
Healed 5 weeks.
100% 10 weeks
I first joined this list when Matt broke his arm at 12 yrs old and it took over a year to heal... The reason? Coumadin.
The poll

The poll

For this to mean anything, you would have to do a poll with a control group- people who have had heart surgery but not on warfarin. Then you would have to adjust for how long it has been- the longer the time period the longer the chance for the event to happen. Of course their would be adjustment for age and sex- (I know the women lib. types will bash me on this) but young boys are notorious risk taker when compared to their more senior female data points. and the list goes on............
RCB said:
For this to mean anything, you would have to do a poll with a control group- people who have had heart surgery but not on warfarin. Then you would have to adjust for how long it has been- the longer the time period the longer the chance for the event to happen. Of course their would be adjustment for age and sex- (I know the women lib. types will bash me on this) but young boys are notorious risk taker when compared to their more senior female data points. and the list goes on............
Well I didn't get into thinking about all that, but how about setting me up a poll that would mean something. I can stop this one until the new one is ready? Just a thought. Of course then maybe not, it would have to be a larger poll then we have options for.
Ross said:
Well I didn't get into thinking about all that, but how about setting me up a poll that would mean something. I can stop this one until the new one is ready? Just a thought. Of course then maybe not, it would have to be a larger poll then we have options for.
Well, i'm not going to do it! I'm not that CRAZY!:confused: ;) :D
hey RCB

hey RCB

You found one..senior lady..:D One whose age 14 year old Grandson has a hard time keeping up with me.:D :p I can do anything he can do..:p No broken bones playing with him in over 4 years..:D Bonnie
Granbonny said:
You found one..senior lady..:D One whose age 14 year old Grandson has a hard time keeping up with me.:D :p I can do anything he can do..:p No broken bones playing with him in over 4 years..:D Bonnie
Hey Ross, Granbonny can do a new poll:D :D :D
Granbonny said:
You found one..senior lady..:D One whose age 14 year old Grandson has a hard time keeping up with me.:D :p I can do anything he can do..:p No broken bones playing with him in over 4 years..:D Bonnie

And she does these things while humming:

I can do anything you can do better
I can do anything better than you!
No you can't! Yes, I can...

(if you know show tunes, you'll know that song)

Bon - you are my Grandma idol! Hope I'll be able to keep up with my granddaughter 1/2 as well.
I'll just leave this one run. It gives a general idea and that's really all we want anyhow I think.


Kameron is older...and now we just do golf, bowling, ect...but when he was younger..I did have to be on my toes. He hit a fly ball over the batter's fence and guess where it landed.a few inches from my head.:eek: ...We will see. for now I have 2 new ones. Ages 3 and 5..:D :D the 5 year old Grandson is no problem..but the 3 year old Granddaughter is fearless.:eek: Took her to the pool, turned my head for a second and she jumped right on top of me in the deep water.(over her head)..:eek: she thought it was so funny:eek: Hopefully, I will not need to change my vote.:D Bonnie
I have broken my foot twice in the last 6 years (most recently this last April). Lots of bruising - gorgeous colors but healed just fine.
Thanks Ross!!!

Thanks Ross!!!

Thanks for your help Ross!!! Just thought this would be interesting!!!

No broken bones yet and grew up and live on a farm with horses and cows and call my self a klutz!!

Been on warfin almost 4 years.
Never a broken bone until.....

Never a broken bone until.....

two years after going on warfarin, then had a stress fracture of a metatarsal bone. Healed well in 6 weeks, but it was on my right foot so I couldn't drive for that time (wore a big boot for the 6 wks.) We had to rely on good neighbors and family for transportation. Coincidence??????? Who knows!!!!!