DJ's surgery

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Hi to all. DJ's surgery went very well on Monday. After surgery, however, he continued to bleed...wouldn't clot..... and ended up having to get 4 units of blood. He stayed on the vent and in ICU under sedation Monday night, and then Tuesday morning, the bleeding had slowed down and they got that horrible vent out. Yesterday was very good.... good color, talking, etc. Then this morning when they tried to get him up in the chair, he fainted...blood pressure got very low. He is so tired today, and just sweaty and clammy from fainting. Plus, his left shoulder is so painful...from some kind of drain maybe, or from positioning during surgery. He can't get any all know how it goes. Hopefully, tomorrow will be another good day. As of now, we have had enough setbacks that we may not get to go home this weekend after all. Thanks so much for all of your prayers on Monday. It was as if I could feel everyone thinking of DJ. I'll post more when we get home.
Continue to pray..

Continue to pray..

that the rest of recovery is boring as can be!! Sorry that you have had some setbacks - I am sure that any events in recovery can be very scary.
I will continue to pray for you both - good luck!
Get Ready to Massage!

Get Ready to Massage!

dear Teri, Thanks for letting us know! I sure hope DJ gets some pain relief, and that much needed sleep. I was lucky when I had my OHS it was just the nurses jabbering away that kept me awake. I couldnt have slept at all without backrubs, so ask the docs about giving him some. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. I know that it can be very tough on you as well! Things should start to get better. Brian
Things will only get better!

Things will only get better!

You're over the hump like Randy said. Good luck. sending good vibes your way.
Hope each day gets better and he is home soon. Remember to take care of yourself too, Teri.
They have to get that bleeding stopped and then he should start to pick up a bit. Prayers continue for you both.

Thanks for letting us know and I am praying all will just get better from here.

Get some rest.
Yes, glad its over..I can relate to shoulder pain...Someone Told me they Really pin your shoulders back....maybe it was just me because I had the By-pass also. What was bleeding? Do they still have the drains in? By all means...Take the Pain Killers...
Teri, thanks for the update. We're sending prayers and lots of good thoughts DJ's way.
best of luck

best of luck

Teri: Sorry to hear of DJ's problems there but sometimes these setbacks are somewhat normal. Would be great to have gotten through it with NO PROBLEMS but I'm not sure how often that really occurs! I too was in the hosp. a lot longer than I'd like to have been but it was for the best, truly. The fainting thing is somewhat normal, I came close to fainting more times than I care to remember but they kept reminding me to just take EVERYTHING super-slow. Take care of YOURSELF too, Teri, and remember we're all thinking of you & DJ.

prayers for DJ

prayers for DJ

Still praying for DJ. Things will get better as the bleeding stops. I was so happy to get those chest tubes out. Felt very wierd though when they pulled them out. I am sure it won't be long till he is up and walking down the hall.

So glad the surgery is over.. Praying for a smooth Healing from here on out!
We're home

We're home

Thanks to everyone for all of your support. We are home now, and DJ is resting comfortably. We had our few setbacks....extra bleeding and then he had a major migraine today just before leaving the hospital, but he seems ok now. The bleeding just happened...we don't exactly know why, but it was through the drains in the incision site. He had been on one 325 mg aspirin and a magnesium pill for quite some time as a migraine preventative, so even though he went off of it before surgery, they think the aspirin might have been part of the problem. Anyway, that is all behind us, and again, I appreciate all of your insight and support. I will continue to be here to maybe "give back" to people who are just beginning their journey, and also to get more advise as we venture into the recovery stage.