DeWayne - I am back home!

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Acworth, GA
Well I know that my wife, Gwen has kept you abreast of the happenings of and since my surgery. She is a great wife :)

Emotional day, coming home. Seem to take forever to check me out, my surgeon told me at 8:10 AM I could go home, finally got out the door around 3 PM , just enough to beat rush hour from downtown Atlanta.

Was sure great to get home, I basically walked up the stairs, then back down, then found my basement recliner and slept for awhile lol. Probably one of the most restful couple hours I had in many days.

Here is is past midnight and now I am wide awake and feeling pretty danged good. Pain hasn't been too terrible the past couple days, Today I think I took 5 pain pills total since about 3 am (now 1 am the next day). When you cough, that is when you know how much pain you are in. I found strangely sitting on the comode in the bathroom with a pillow, for some reason the angle just worked right for getting the cough out with a little less of a problem.

Foods still pretty much don't taste right yet which is a bit of a bummer. Strangely the one thing that seems to taste the worst is anything with sugar in it. Cokes don't taste right, shoot straight sugar out of the packet tastes nothing like it should lol

Thing I didn't realize before hand is how much weight one put on during surgery. My feet are still pretty swollen yet, but improving. Hands and stuff are back to about normal. They said I put on almost 25# through the surgery. And seeing how I weighed in at 164 that was a bunch!

I don't know if doctors, nurses and techs tell everyone the same thing but they sure seemed overjoyed with how things went. If not the the small bout of A-fib, I would have been home Monday, I already had release papers on Wednesday when it returned and they cancelled my leave and changed my medication. But Once I returned to sinus rhythm I stayed there. So hopefully that part is behind me forever.

But from the minute I woke up last Friday in ICU they were amazed. I came out of surgery I guess shortly after 5pm Thursday, and woke up around 2:30 AM. I guess within a half hour they wanted to move something, don't recall what, I told them I could stand up so they could do it, I did. they seemed blown away that I could do that at that point. By 6 am they told me I was ready for the main floor, but they were waiting on a room. Man I never knew ice chips could be so darn delicious, and hard to come by lol

Anyway I will put more out there later, had to get some words down, at least what I could remember! I do have small periods of slight mental confusion. Most of which have been pretty funny.
So glad to see you home and posting. All sounds normal and we wish you an uneventful recovery that goes as smoothly as your hospital stay. Your appetite will return with time, weigh yourself morning and night to be sure you are not retaining fluid, breathe, rest and walk and enjoy the comforts of home.
Welcome home! Don't push your recovery for the first few weeks or so. Walk, sleep, eat and breath.
Coughing? Good for you to do that. It clears lungs. However, if you feel a sneeze coming on, try NOT to do it. It's downright evil.

Glad to know you are home now and resting in your own surroundings. Never know how much we appreciate home till we go to the hospital.

Glad to hear you're home DeWayne, and that apparently things went great for you. I also gained weight in the hospital but this was because they pumped fluids IN to me. I had lost all of it and then some by the time I was discharged. I'm now down to 175lbs - and weighed 195 pre-surgery! I guess that's just different for everyone. Like they say, there's no place like home!
Welcome home

Welcome home

DeWayne -

So happy to see that you're home. And the best news is that you're doing so well. Fantastic.

Regarding the fluid retention: that little facet of the OHS experience was also a surprise to me. I gained 18 pounds post-surgery, lost 7 in the hospital and then lost the balance during my first week at home (aided by Lasix). I stopped the narcotics when I got home; they just blocked me up and made me too uncomfortable (instead of the narcotic, 600mg of Advil every 6 hours worked for me).

Now take it easy, let Gwen do the heavy lifting and just concentrate on feeling better. The VR mantra is walk, breathe, sleep. It works.

Warm regards,


PS I agree with you about the ice chips. And when they gave me that first sip of ginger ale, I thought that I'd died and gone to heaven.
Yeah that weight gain after surgery is insidious, isn't it? I had counted on getting a nice weight loss that never seems to come fast enough from working out in the gym. :D I'm sure they've told you, but you need to keep close tabs on weight in the initial post-op weeks, so that they can help you deal with the fluid retention if need be.

We're very glad to see you back here. You are blessed to have an angel as a wife. :) Gwen kept us very well informed about you and clearly she'll be taking great care of you. You may just owe her some nice dinners out when you get out and about again, and food starts tasting better! :D
Glad you're home, DeWayne!
I remember being unhappy the first time they weighed me and I weighed more than when I got there!
Bad enough to get my sternum split open without adding weight gain to my misery!:eek: :eek:
Enjoy your new found health.:)

Welcome home! :) :) :) Now you can really start to get some rest. It took a little while for my taste buds to return to normal. Make sure you keep on eye your on the fluid retention. If it gets worse, call your doctor ASAP. Relax and do not over do it. Your job now is to get better. As Kristine stated "The VR mantra is walk, breathe, sleep. It works." It most certainly does work.

I am praying for a smooth recovery for you.

DeWayne gave me a little more credit that I was due regarding keeping the forum here up to date on his progress <g>. I should have pointed you to his "carepage" at (carepage name: DeWayneEpley).

MANY (many!) thanks to LYNLW who pointed me to and

I pointed his family and friends there and posted updates as I could. What a HIT!!! The days I was home for a while I printed the new posts to take back so he could read. He loved it. His family is all over the country and they were terrific posting chatter there. I know the carepage made it easy for them too. I'd recommend it to everyone!

It wasn't until the last day or two I took my laptop to the hospital with me and let DeWayne help me set up a "dial-up" internet connection through the phone line into his room. Dial up was slow but better than nothing. On the last day, Dr. Chen (upon seeing my laptop) said he was pretty sure they had recently added wireless networking too for internet access from the rooms. OH if only I'd have known or asked! I didn't have my wireless card with me to check it out. However, in hindsight I think it was best I didn't know or ask. My purpose there was to help DeWayne, listen and observe, ask questions, take notes. etc. If I'd have had a wireless connection i would have been trying to "work" too, which would have been way too stressful and totally defeated my purpose. I have to thank my boss too, who didn't hound me or make me feel guilty about being away. (I work in a company with 4 employees including myself, so it's always a strain when one of us is away).

OK, i'll quit rambling <g>. The carepage was a beautiful thing, Spread the word!!!!!

Glad to hear that you are Home!

Glad to hear that you are Home!

Good News! It sounds as if you are doing very well and of course, that makes us all very happy :)

Just keep taking it slow and don't try to do too much all at once. I think that I did too much yesterday, and now I'm paying for it.....just very tired!

I couldn't wait to get those darn ice chips. As far as I was concerned, they were the best thing in the whole world.

Keep up the good work!

Home is always the best place to recover and it never looks so good as after OHS. Glad to hear you are home and obviously getting wonderful care from Gwen. Follow the doctors' orders and get lots of rest. Take care.
Keep Up The Teamwork!

Keep Up The Teamwork!

Dear DeWayne and Gwen, What wonderful posts to find here tonight! Warmed my heart, and gave me a good laugh with DeWayne's sense of humor! Brian
DeWayne, glad you're home. Sounds like you're doing really well. And to survive rush hour traffic in Atlanta after having heart surgery should really make you proud. (I lived in Dacula for five years). Nothing quite like crawling up 85 north at the end of a day.:D Anyway, keep up the good work! LINDA
Home sounds great hey!...seems like you are having the recovery we all wish/hope for...
keep it up and you will be back to normal in no time...
PS:...I had a craving for ice-chips too...and they were about the only thing that tasted normal ...LOL...
Welcome back DeWayne! I hear you on those ice chips, man! They were most delicious thing ever right after surgery, haha.

Take it easy, I'm sure your recovery will go just fine.
Climbing stairs already! Man, you are doing great....I made the mistake of taking the stairs at a fairly rapid pace. I thought I was a dead man after I got to the top....I stayed on the couch for several weeks. I had that blood infection tho that really wore me out. Glad your on our side of the Mountain Dewayne....Yeah coughings bad, but definitely do not Sneeze until at least 6 weeks out!

Welcome home.