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Randy & Robyn

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2005
For years I have had recurrent infections in the lymph nodes in my neck, usually just one side or ther other. I rarely sought treatment and the situation always resolved itself within a week or so.

I have not had one since my AVR but now I do have the first indications of one...some discomfort swallowing and a swollen node on one side.

Now that I have a prosthetic valve do I still have the luxury of letting my body fight this off for itself? I have no fever or any other signs of infection, just the pain and swelling. Suggestions?

It will be interesting to see what others have to say here. Did they ever find the cause of your lymphadenitis? I know that blood infections can be a big deal, but not sure if is any more a big deal to have an arficial valve than having a malfuncitoning valve. I know in Nathan's case post endocarditis,he needs to have blood cultures drawn with any suspicious fever or malaise that lasts longer than a couple of days.

Again, maybe a call to your doc with the pulse, vertigo and lymph issues wouldn't be a bad idea ;) But you know me....I am always on the nervous side of things!
I have had enlarged neck lymph nodes from black fly bites. They resolve within a week or so. But the nodes can get quite enlarged. And you can't feel the darned things biting because they have an anesthetic in their saliva.

Any chance it could have ben from something like that?
I get the same thing Randy and I've always just let it resolve without consulting the Doc. I guess the answer would be yes?
Nancy said:
I have had enlarged neck lymph nodes from black fly bites. They resolve within a week or so. But the nodes can get quite enlarged. And you can't feel the darned things biting because they have an anesthetic in their saliva.

Any chance it could have ben from something like that?

Nancy, you may very well be on to something. I have been out in the woods nearly every day and have gotten bitten by hoards of deer flies and every other kind of flying vermin.

Ross said:
I get the same thing Randy and I've always just let it resolve without consulting the Doc. I guess the answer would be yes?

In that case, Ross, I think I will just keep an eye on my temp and wait a few days. Any fever and I will be off to the clinic just to be sure.

Ross said:
It's a freaking annoyance. I hate it. Happens about every other month for me.

Usually a couple of times each year for me. I had hopes that having my wisdom teeth yanked last year would put an end to it but I guess not.
Normally I'd agree with everyone; but since you're less that 6 mos out from surgery, I'd get it checked out. Your immune system simply isn't up to par yet.
Go To The Doctor....there Is Peace Knowing You Aren't Letting Something Get Ahead Of You....your Valve Will Thank You For It.......
Best Always,
i just realized we both had dr. g pettersson as our surgeon............about 7 weeks apart or so!!!!!!!