Leah 35's surgery on Friday

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Just want to let you know that we are thinking of you Leah and hoping that you have a most "boring" surgery and recovery. We'll be here waiting to hear all about it so be sure and have someone post for you.
You go, girl!

You go, girl!

Leah, I have been noticing your posts for some time, and you are a beautiful person through and through. You have a wonderful, positive attitude and that will be your biggest asset through this. You should know you have made many friends on VR.com and are part of our family now. We will all be praying for you and cheering you on. Looking forward to the positive posts about how well you are doing!
Friday sounds like a great day for surgery!
See ya on this side Leah..
praying for a quick and boring surgery/recovery..
Big Thank You!

Big Thank You!

Hi all,

Phyllis, thank you for starting this thread, I appreciate you!

Thanks to all of you who have already wished me well. I truly do believe that I am a part of the VR.com family and I have learned so much from y'all. Even though I've had two surgeries already, I've never had one as an adult and it sounds like it might be a different ball game. I will be posting throughout today, as I don't leave for Vancouver until tomorrow morning!

I truly hope that my experience is boring and uneventful, but I'll keep you updated. I'm going to try to keep the positive attitude through it all because I know that it will be an asset.

p.s. isn't my husband a cutie?? lol....


Leah, I will be prayer for a very successful surgery for you!

(Yes, your huband is a cutie.:) )
My, jumping the gun early are we?

Well best of luck, good journey, and prayers go with you up and over the hill. We shall see you coming down the otherside. :)
Leah, good thoughts & prayers will be with you on Friday.

I agree, your hubby's a cutie.
Adding my prayers

Adding my prayers

Dear Leah - As others have said, your inner beauty and strength really shine through in all your posts here. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones (especially your boys) as you go up and over the mountain. With your two previous surgeries, you already have the experience of gettiing through this, you know that your body is strong and can handle the surgery and heal. Friday is a great day for surgery. Seeing you, your medical team, and all your loved ones surrounded in healing love and light. Looking forward to hearing from you on the other side.

Yes, Leah, your husband is a cutie!
He's so cute, I guess you'd better have a successful surgery and easy recovery so you can recapture your wedded bliss quickly!:)
You're in my prayers; we'll see you on the other side of this.
Thank you All!

Thank you All!

Hello Everyone!

This will be my last post before my surgery. I'm headed off to bed and then we're leaving first thing in the morning. Thank you so much for all of your kinds words, your thoughts and your prayers. You guys are amazing and you're a real inspiration to me. I am very grateful that I found this site when I did.

I'll see you all on the other side of the mountain.....I hear that the view is amazing over there.

I think my mom will be posting for me....so hopefully you'll get quick updates.

Hugs to you all.:p
OH! You just posted elsewhere, so I hope you'll come back and catch my best wishes. You have a GREAT attitude and I think you sound really ready for this. You'll do fine!! Glad that someone will be posting for you.

Keep smiling.....you're right! It certainly helped me!

Good luck, Godspeed!!

Good luck Leah! I don't know that you'll get this before your surgery, but just in case, please know that I will be thinking of you and anxiously awaiting to hear about your swift recovery. - Between your kids & your hubby, looks like you have a lot of cuties to wake up to! :p
Let your strength, faith and "heart" guide you. The surgery will be a memory sooner than you think.
Prayers from my heart to yours,
Leah I hope you get a chance to read these posts before your surgery. you have a lot of people praying and wishing you and your family the best. I am one of them. :) Best wishes for Friday and your recovery.