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I noticed this hasn't come up lately; since so many of you are having surgery in the next couple of weeks, it's worth mentioning.

Most hospitals will give you Ensure to drink right after surgery. It's really not a good idea - it's loaded with Vit. K, which will keep your inr low. Since they'll be feeding you Coumadin to raise your inr, it's ill-advised. So REFUSE THE ENSURE!!!

Best of luck to all of you.
Thank you for this "heads up." I'll definitely say 'no' to the ensure. I wonder what they say if you refuse it? Or if you refuse anything while in the hospital? I always had thought I'd go in there with an attitude of 'trusting' but I guess you also have to be 'thinking' even when you're doped up post-op......
Oh, that's really good to know! I wonder why they bother offering Ensure and friends?
Yep, I third that.........

Yep, I third that.........

speaking from experience. Almost every supplement they tried to give to Katie had vitamin K.............and there were several different ones. The folks on here had given me the head's up about it. Keep in mind that if you are a tissue valver, it won't be an issue, just the ones going on coumadin.....................and it's not an issue either..............IF you plan on drinking a can of Boost or Ensure daily. Regularity is the key.................although you won't be regular in the hospital.........at least not for a while! :D :D

M2K, they will probably feel like idiots when you tell them why you are refusing it.

Kim, cuz they don't read individual charts. The dieticians just automatically recommend those types of supplements to any post-op patients who are not eating well.............which are most. It's a standard order. Makes you wonder, though, how many patients don't know about it. Drink the Ensure daily in the hospital. Get their INRs in range and go home, only to have their INRs shoot through the roof when they stop drinking the Ensure............never having a clue as to why.

Hugs to all. J.
M2K, I refused all food from the hospital except italian ices. My wife brought food from home. I found that they used entirely too much salt for me, I couldn't eat it and the moldy roll was just the finishing touch. They never questioned why they just said "oh, ok"
musician2k said:
Thank you for this "heads up." I'll definitely say 'no' to the ensure. I wonder what they say if you refuse it? Or if you refuse anything while in the hospital? I always had thought I'd go in there with an attitude of 'trusting' but I guess you also have to be 'thinking' even when you're doped up post-op......
If they give you grief, tell them to look at the amount of vitamin K in each serving. Chances are they are going to try to get you to drink 3 or 4 of those a day. It's hospital INR sabotage. I really feel sorry for those that don't know about this and are only in the hospital because their INR is not in range and cannot be discharged until it is!
I was never offered any of those products and I have a tissue valve. My hospital food was fine. In the pre-op visit they went over any food allergies and sensitivities. Perhaps one can mention this going in at pre-op and not have to remember while under heavy sedation. They paid strict attention to me! I casually mentioned a little exema from undercooked eggs and they wouldn't bring me any eggs!! I was dying for scrambled eggs and had to beg the orderly to go find me some. :D

Good to have the head's up, Georgia. :)

So what I think we're saying here is, that "Ensure" et. al. would be "ok" as long as we drink, say, the same amount of it daily while we're in the hospital. But, to prevent our INR from going through the roof after we get home, we'll need to KEEP drinking it for the foreseeable future? Yep, that doesn't make sense so I think I'll just say no thanks and try to eat some regular food. If I absolutely can't do that then I'll have to drink the Ensure & try to get some for the home supply as well, perhaps wean my way off of it.
More wisdom from Georgia

More wisdom from Georgia

Thanks again for the great advice! I am for sure going to refuse the Ensure etc..
From what I understand is that getting your Coumadin levels right can really hold you up in the hospital!
Do any of you have those 'at home' test for your Coumadin?
denobobeno said:
Thanks again for the great advice! I am for sure going to refuse the Ensure etc..
From what I understand is that getting your Coumadin levels right can really hold you up in the hospital!
Do any of you have those 'at home' test for your Coumadin?

quite a few members hometest here is the forum, sorry typing one hand http://www.valvereplacement.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=14
My hospital had me on the Ensure thing too - when I couldn't take another one they encouraged me to have an ice cold Boost shake - tasted great! Funny thing is they would let me have even a piece of shredded lettuce - that would seem too obvious. Of course the dieticians know about the quantity of Vit K in these products - why do you suppose they want you to drink them? Hey, what's another couple days in the hospital to get your INR up?
Lynlw said:
it's a drink like boost or carnation instant breakfast, if that helps, it a feeding supplement, lyn
Ok, thanks...:D What about all natural, no sugar, protien powder drinks ?
I had no idea! I drank at least 1-2 of those a day for several weeks. I am not on any blood thinner (just asprin therapy)..but that is still good to know!

I just looked on my boost bottle (yes I still have some) and it says 40%dv of vit. K per bottle.

I laughed b/c the first meal they brought me 12 hours post op was scrambled eggs and 2 sausage links! I found that a strange meal for a heart surgery patient.. and a first meal! Naturally I gracefully declined that meal!