6 weeks post OP and feeling great

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Its been six weeks now,, rehab has been my ticket to feeling good. no sternum pain
no soreness just alot of energy and surprised looks from everyone around me. (the first one didn't come out like this!) I can't wait to swing a club on July the 11th ( 8 weeks) Pete,, Ya I can hear it sometimes but it doesn't bother me. Just got done helping my son cut the grass and sweep the sidewalk. Doc Werner says everything is pumping perfect. The insurance would not let them charge full price for the second time around!!! go figure that?
SO one more sucess story I'll keep in touch.



It sure sounds like you are doing great. Last Sunday, June 18th, was the 6 month anniversary of my OHS. I feel fine and just came back from a trip to MA.
Thanks for the update and we are glad to hear you are doing so well. Those folks at cardiac rehab certainly do a great job, don't they? Keep up the great work and best wishes on your continued recovery.


P.S. Thank you for giving me hope as our company golf tourney is approaching fast and I was worried I may miss it! If we can swing a club at 8 weeks, it may be ugly, but we can at least participate! Actually, it would be ugly without OHS who am I kidding....
That's great Paul. Posts like yours helped me keep a positive attitude while waiting for my surgery. It's been three weeks for me, so I hope I'm hard on your heels!
Great news!

Great news!

This is wonderful to hear! Take care and keep up what you have been doing.

Thats great news, Paul. Glad to hear you're doing so well. I'm pretty sure Dr. Werner will make this month's mortgage payment even without getting paid his normal amount!

Hope the golf game goes as planned - even though I think it's a terribly frustrating game to chase around a little white ball all day!
Hey Paul,

So glad to hear your surgery went well, and your recovery is progressing normally! I haven't been on the board for quite a while, though have been hoping things would go better for you this time around. Have you been back to work yet?

Way to go Paul!! It feels great to feel great!! Hope you hit em long and straight!! I was pleased my first time out. First two or three time on the tee box I took it easy but after that with no pain I let it rip!! Congrats!


wonder why they didnt shave a couple of strokes off while they had the knife out?????:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Paul, I'd been looking

Paul, I'd been looking

for a post from you. I am so glad things are going well this time. I know you'll continue to get better and better!!! Godspeed! Cindy