surgery re-scheduled..

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They called me yesterday AM wanting to reschedule my Monday AVR surgery, the nurse asked if I wanted Wednesday or Thursday and my reply was that I wanted MONDAY so that I could get it over with.. she just laughed and agreed w/ me, but my surgery has been moved to Wednesday lol..

Yesterday was my last day at work, I work at a daycare and I know Im going to go nuts missing my babies(I work in the nursery) we have one thats starting to walk and another fixing too, by the time I recover enough from this to go by and visit Im sure they will be well on their feet..

Im thinking maybe I need to find a recliner, I keep reading here about how people spent lots of time in the recliner post-surgery but I dont have one.. May wind up renting one from a rent to own place for a few weeks, or maybe I could find one second hand cheaper.. Ironically Im to be getting the couch and recliner from my Mom once they get new furniture,but thats not going to happen before my surgery(thats why I was thinking Id just rent one).

I do have a question tho. How well do people get around after coming home, I dont plan on running marathons or anything, but is getting up to go to the bathroom on my own something I am going to be able to do? or will I need help? I will have lots of support,but not sure about having someone her 24/7(other than my kids who will help all they can but wouldnt want to take me to the bathroom ya know).. Also, I LOVE my porch swing,so can easily imagine myself relaxing out there some too so I hope I can gt out there some too(even if not the first few days home,just eventually).

What do you do about the shoulder belt portion of the seat belt in cars? does it cause tons of discomfort and pain? Im figuring wearing a bra will be out of the question for a while too,but cant imagine not wearing one really but will do without if its too painful..

anyway I have a couple extra days to get things in order. Taking the kids today to see that CARS movie and out to eat and shopping to pick up a few things..

Unless you have to go up or down stairs to the bathroom, you should be able to go potty like the big girls do with little trouble. Stairs will be a chore and should be avoided for the first week. You'll be able to do pretty much everything except for stooping and picking up stuff or reaching above your head. Get the pots and pans and food on a working level for you.

As far as the seat belt, through a pillow across your chest before buckling. You won't win the Miss America contest, but you won't be in pain either.
thanks so much..m

thanks so much..m

I dont have a 2story house so stairs wont be a issue, well not after I get in anyway ;) have three of them to get up to the porch but will just have to manage those..

The pillow w/ the seatbelt is a good idea,thanks

Another alternative to the recliner is one of the big reading pillows. Not sure what they call them, (bolster maybe?), but they are big and slanted on an angle. That will give you almost the same effect as a recliner as you will be propped up. I did this for a couple of nights, but then found I could lay flat on the bed and even sleep on my side without pain. I think this was because the surgeon double-wired my sternum and it was rock solid.
I was able to walk steps as often as I wanted to from the first day home. I did not have a problems with them. I did live in the recliner when I was up in the bedroom. Could not sleep in the bed for several nights. Could not sleep through the night for quite a while. I borrowed a potty chair from a friend so essentially I had a raised seat over the toilet. Made life much easier because my access for heart-lung bypass was through an incision in the R groin area.
Also used this seat in the shower because I was too weak to stand in the shower for several weeks.
Definitely needed a small pillow or my heart bear between me and the seat belt for quite a few weeks. Forget the bra. The weather will be warm and you can wear loose fitting clothes. I found a bralette at Macys and started that a couple of months after surgery.
PS: the recliner is great but I could not get it back upright without help in the beginning. I also was not alone for the first 2 weeks which was good because I passed out cold 10 days after surgery. Had gotten dehydrated even though I drank plenty of fluids.
graciebeth said:
They called me yesterday AM wanting to reschedule my Monday AVR surgery, the nurse asked if I wanted Wednesday or Thursday and my reply was that I wanted MONDAY so that I could get it over with.. she just laughed and agreed w/ me, but my surgery has been moved to Wednesday lol..

Aye ... sorry your surgery had to be rescheduled ... can be very frustrating. But, at the same time, as you noted, you do have a few extra days to prepare :).

graciebeth said:
Taking the kids today to see that CARS movie and out to eat and shopping to pick up a few things..

{attempting to help take your mind off your upcoming surgery for a bit} ... how did you like the movie? :)

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Why can't that be me?" ... 3 Doors Down ... 'If I Could Be Like That'
You will definitely be able to manage the bathroom on your own....otherwise they probably wouldn't let you go home from the hospital....they'll have you up and using the bathroom at the hospital as soon as possible!

I spent a couple of nights alternating between sleeping on the couch and the recliner when I first got home, but then I was able to sleep in my bed on my back with a pillow under my knees from then on.

I don't know about other women who have had this surgery, but I have felt much better wearing a bra. I have a few comfortable sports bras and that's what I wear and have been doing so as soon as I got home. I just feel more comfortable that way, and there isn't any pulling on my incision. I guess it's all up to individual preference!



The movie was great ;) as it turns out it was just me and my daughter, the boys decided they'd rather stay at a friends.

Hey there,
I know how frustrating delays are! I was scheduled the same day and time and place as another person, Atlanta Pat and I wanted so bad to get it over with. I told him I was sure I was the only person in the world that would want to be in his surgery slippers at that particular time. Anyway, I just had to wait a day and half later...but it sure seemed like forvever to me. I was out of town and it was just another day in the hotel! Ugh! Once you have your mind set, you just want to get it over with in the worst way!
When I got home, I could manage to take care of myself...totally. The onlything I had to have help with the first night home was moving my comforter and pillows....too heavy. Seems crazy now! I remember doing laundry the next day and getting scolded about it by some vr friends. I was going stir crazy at the hospital. Didn't feel much like walking at the hospital but once I got home, I was walkng all over the place the first full day home. It's amazing how resilient we become when we are back in our comfort zone.
Bras......You'll probably wake up in a beautiful, sexy, armour like surgical bra. It will become your best friend. Not wearing a bra was much worse than wearing one. I threw the surgical bra away the other reminders....I have the biggest reminder in the middle of my chest!!! Soft cottony sports bras are great...camis with bras are nice too. I never needed a pillow for seat belt, but can see how one might want one.
Recliners.....most people seem to swear by them! I struggled through so many sleepless nights. I had a friend who said he would give me one of his extra recliners but I mistakenly told him not to worry about it. I tried sleeping on the pillow wedge thingy but that wasn't comfortable either. I think I was just pain, just uncomfortable and losing more sleep every night. If I had to do it over and thank goodness (knock wood) I don't, I'd go with the recliner!!
I hope this helps! I will be saying a prayer for you Wednesday! You're almost out of the waiting room!!
graciebeth said:
The movie was great ;) as it turns out it was just me and my daughter, the boys decided they'd rather stay at a friends.

Hmmm....the boys didn't want to see the movie? Seriously? Hmmm...they almost sound like the boy I encountered at the barbershop last Wednesday (posted about it in the "Small Talk" forum)....

Anyway ... glad that you enjoyed the movie ... it was great!!!!
Debbi. That's wonderful that they gave you a bra at the hospital! I had to buy one ahead of time ($75!) from a website recommended here, called I actually bought the "vest" since it offered more back fabric and just seemed more comfy. It has massive velcro in the front, though, and until my drainage tube incisions healed up (one stayed nasty for quite awhile, for some reason) I just went without. Wish now that I had NOT gone without because much of my current sternum discomfort (7 weeks out) may be a result of having not been adequately supported.

Gracie. Here's what I've ended up doing lately, and I think it might have worked fine from the very beginning (without the expensive surgi-vest). I bought "extenders". You can get them online, or any decent department store lingerie department will have them. They are extra hooks for the back, so that you can wear your own bra, but much looser. Then, I just cut little slits inside and took out the underwires. Of course, sports bras are good, too, but I was having a lot of pain lifting my arms up. Many of us have been wearing camisoles with the extra layer inside, or even with a little built in soft bra. I think the key is to get it bigger than you normally would. Even two sizes bigger, maybe....around the middle, not the cup.

As for the recliner. I bought one, used it for a week. Stayed in bed for 2 weeks and now for the last 3 weeks I'm back in the recliner. You just never know!! I like your idea of renting and then getting one given to you!

Getting around may be somewhat related to the severity of your experience, but I had no trouble at all. It was really nice, the first week, to have someone dry my hair after the shower! Your range of motion is greatly reduced because, well, you hurt a bit!! Feel stiff. And your personal just don't have any!!

Sorry that you got delayed a few days, but I'm sure it will all work out for you just fine!!

You seem to have a wonderful attitude and that will be your greatest asset in this journey.

Take care! Marguerite
Marguerite- you now have the same surgery day as Adam. I think the 14th is a lucky day- Valentine's in June- heart day/love day etc... That's our theme! So may you have a wonderful Valentine's day in June, filled with love, and all that heart stuff! We will join you on the other side!
Well, a couple of extra days to treat yourself are a special little gift. How about a day spa? Definitely plan to use a bit of the time to beg borrow or steal a recliner. But find one that fits you - so probably renting would be better than buying second hand sight-unseen.

Plan to have someone around the first couple times you take a shower - the hot water can leave you quite light-headed. Also put a shower chair or small stool in the shower with you - I just couldn't stand the whole time for the shower and it worked really well. Just sat there and let the hot water heater empty. Heaven!

NO LAUNDRY. DO NOT MAKE THE BED. Both "easy" chores are a problem when you have your chest split. Avoid even pulling the covers up to the pillows; and DON'T take pillow cases off the regular way. No movement that will tend to pull your chest muscles apart.

NO VACUUMING OR SWEEPING. But you're allowed to dust. :D

A gallon of milk weights 8 lbs. Most docs say 5# is max; some allow you to pick up the milk. 8# is really very heavy post ohs.

Buy yourself a tippy cup (the non-leaking kind) and put it and your pain meds in a plastic container & take to bed at night. If you oversleep your pain meds you can pop them and not have to try to get up when it hurts a lot.

I'm not generously endowed; I didn't wear a bra until I started cardiac rehab (at 3 weeks out). Found them very uncomfortable. I think it really depends on whether you need the bra for support or not. I get enough support from a t shirt.

I'd very very cautious about going to see the rug rats at your daycare - your immune system is pretty trashed after ohs. I caught everything and got pretty sick from it for about 6 mos.

Have a nice couple of days of respite.
I didnt use a recliner,. I was sleeping on my side before I even left hospital, and once I got out I just used extra pillows to get comfy and support me.

As for getting around it probably depends on what sort of experience you have in hospital...I was pretty wobbly on my feet for 2/3 weeks but I also had a really rough time with my OP and could barely walk unaided for the first 2 weeks. If you have a good experience with a boring surgery etc you will do much better than I did and many are up walking only a day or two after surgery...Surprisingly its not as disabling as you think it would be.

I imagine you will still tire easily but this passes as the days/weeks go by and you can arrange your day around the naps :D .

Sorry that your big-day was postponed til Wednesday, hope you find something to keep your mind busy til then...