Can't breathe lying down, I'm going to lose it

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I understand about trying to quit smoking, but hon, I was in your shape before my MVR, and have lots of residual damage from the MVP. That's why I'm having the AVR next month. Call your Doctor about rescheduling. Seriously.

A month earlier for my MVR surgery could have made a huge difference to where I am now, but my internist didn't think I had a heart problem ("Oh, no, Laurie, you couldn't run agility and have a heart problem, besides you're too young") and sent me to a pulmonologist, instead. HE figured it out.

I got my surgery 10 days after my first meeting with my cardiologist, and most of that time was taken up with running tests. "Hello, nice to meet you, you need surgery. Let's find out exactly what kind." I was in the hospital all but the immediately prior holiday weekend. My surgeon (who, btw was chief of cardiothoracic surgery and a specialist in heart transplants) moved his schedule for me. He thought I was an emergency, given my condition.

I'm only waiting a month on my AVR because I AM in good shape, with minimal symptoms, and taking it easy in the meantime while I get some personal stuff done (signed a new Will today, for example, and I'm going to take a long-planned and much desired short vacation in the company of some family which includes a doctor 24/7).
Good luck, MIchelle. My heart only has minor, minor enlargement and I have trouble breathing sometimes when laying down. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Good luck, do call the docs. .it can't hurt. And do your best on the smoking thing. Every little bit will help your breathing. keep us posted.
Quiting is one of the hardest things to do but you need to just do it. I too smoked quit when I started having problems 8 years ago and then started again 4 years ago with one here and one there and the next thing back to a half a pack a day.
It's been 10 weeks since my last one , I had gotten myself down to 3-4 cigs a day before the surgery and stopped cold turkey now. It's tough but you really really need to stop and call the Doctor. No reason to suffer as you are .
Wish you lots of luck and hang in there.
I know you want to wait until the 11th, but I'm not sure at this point, if that amount of cigarettes between now and the 11th will make as much difference as being in bad CHF for a month going into surgery. I hope I said that right, it would be best if you weren't smoking, but even if you didn't have 1 more cigarette until the surgery, I don't think that would make as much difference as avoiding any more damage to your heart and other organs from the CHF. This would be a good question to ask your doctors and let them decide.
I have to chime in and agree with Lynn. You really really need to let your doctors know what's going on with you now so that they can determine if your condition has worsened. If they feel you need it, they can schedule emergency surgery for you in the next few days or get you in quicker than the 11th. My concern is that you don't do have any additional damage to your heart and/or other organs with your CHF now. This is no time to be stoic.

Cleveland Clinic does emergency surgeries. You don't want to be a 911 call and end up at a local hospital when CC would be much better for you. We're not always thinking at our best and clearest when we feel crappy. Let the doctors decide what's best for you.
I did call my doctor, and she did tell me to take more lasix. I will call again Monday if I'm not feeling better to get another echo and a bnp blood test to make sure there isn't much damage done. My cardiologist is great, she spent her first two years of practice at the Cleveland clinic and everything she's done for me so far has been great. My bnp was over 600 to start with and she got me down to 60 in two months. When my bnp went down to 60 she told me just to take the lasix when needed. So I think getting back on lasix like I have should sort thing out. I felt great until the past few nights. But the good thing is that now I'm looking forward to surgery, when I felt fine it was less appealing to me.
Thanks for the update, Michelle. I don't want to sound like I'm harping on you, but I don't know anything about your personal situation, if you live alone, if you have someone to look out for you, etc., etc. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do when you feel awful. A lot of us here know what it's like either to feel that way, or take care of someone feeling that way.

I'm glad you talked to your doctor. I hope you can get some rest over the weekend.

Wishing you all the best!
Last night I had no problems breathing (used just my normal two pillows). Luana, I am married and my younger brother lives us. Whenever I talked to my doctor she told me I'm very lucky to have low blood pressure, and I think my 90/60 bp was the reason she didn't rush me into anything. I was diagnosed in feb but had symptoms of chf for at least a year before that. I have a very very slight enlargement and that's all. I think the lasix has everything back in control now and I'll be heading up to Cleveland in three weeks. Now I need to try to quit smoking.
I'm glad you checked in with the doctor, and are feeling better. Be very careful, and be good to yourself!
Okay so even with the lasix I'm still short of breath. I called up to dr majalevich and they said not to worry so much my surgery is in three weeks and my blood pressure is low so I'll be okay until then. I also had an online chat with the nurses there and that helped, I think partially the shortness of breath is anxiety. I'm only up at three in the morning because of horrible cramps but I'm breathing okay. Thanks for being here everyone.
Okay so even with the lasix I'm still short of breath. I called up to dr majalevich and they said not to worry so much my surgery is in three weeks and my blood pressure is low so I'll be okay until then. I also had an online chat with the nurses there and that helped, I think partially the shortness of breath is anxiety. I'm only up at three in the morning because of horrible cramps but I'm breathing okay. Thanks for being here everyone.

Hi Michelle,
Glad you have contact with the medical folks. Maybe they'll give you an Rx for some anti-anxiety meds for you to start on now? I got some when I went in for pre-op, but I'm sure if you ask for them sooner, you would get them. Anything to ease the wait would help. This really is the toughest part, waiting. Hope you get some good sleep.
Take care!
Well, yeah, you're going to be short of breath. When I was in your shoes I couldn't speak an entire sentence, even while sitting down, without gasping for air every few words.
Forget walking and talking, or running, or, or, or.
and forget taking a really deep breath. I felt like there was a wall in my lungs and they wouldn't expand all the way.
It's pretty awful.
If you can sleep, and rest as much as possible, that will help a little. I heartily recommend xanax or perhaps valium. Something for anxiety. I've got some while waiting for our mutual surgery date, although I've only taken the xanax twice.
Shall we have a race to see who gets out of ICU first???
Michelle Don't forget I will hopefully be walking the halls shortly after your surgery. I will look in on you if possible. Mine is the 9th and yours is the 11th. I'll let everyone know how you are doing if I can. I will have my laptop and there is suppose to be wi fi at Clevealnd Clinic. We will do the "New Valve Dance" before we leave for home! LOL Well, the "New Valve Shuffle" Try to take it easy. Drop me a note if you like. I am anxious too, but at 66, I probably have gone thru more stressful stuff than you have and know I can only wait it all out and hope for the best. Have you gotten any of the meditation cd's or mp3? I loaded one to help you relax and know your heart surgery will be fine. You will get a CD at the Clevealnd Clinic as far as I understand. I loaded up a new mp3 player to have something to listen to while recovering. They are very relaxing. You might want to download one. It is nice to have someone talking in your ear assuring you eveyrthing will be fine. Pat
I talked to my cardiologist today, I went to walgreens and felt like I was going to pass out because I couldn't breathe, it was like I ran a marathon. My cardiologist told me to get off the Valium. I did seem to be fine until it kicked in. So hopefully that is it. I'd rather deal with the anxiety than not breathing. Please visit me Pat, I'll being my iPhone so hopefully I can update too. Everyone cross their fingers for me and hope once my Valium wears off that I can breathe. I'm going to buy a recliner today, do they make remote control ones yet? I imagine it might be hard to get out of post surgery if it's the standard kind.
I talked to my cardiologist today, I went to walgreens and felt like I was going to pass out because I couldn't breathe, it was like I ran a marathon. My cardiologist told me to get off the Valium. I did seem to be fine until it kicked in. So hopefully that is it. I'd rather deal with the anxiety than not breathing. Please visit me Pat, I'll being my iPhone so hopefully I can update too. Everyone cross their fingers for me and hope once my Valium wears off that I can breathe. I'm going to buy a recliner today, do they make remote control ones yet? I imagine it might be hard to get out of post surgery if it's the standard kind.

They are expensive, but Lazy boy makes electric lift recliners so I'm sure other brands make them as well
Janie - Thanks for the good wishes. Neat 8-9-10 Didn't think about that. I'll always be able to remember the date, probably would anyways. How do you forget something like OHS.

Michelle - I will visit if I can. Hopefully, I'll be walking the halls when you get to a regular room. They told me that if all goes well, I would go home Friday or Sat after my Monday surgery. Of course, you never know. So hopefully, we will get to meet. I was having diffiuclty breathing, but not as bad as you seem. After they put me on the Digoxin, I have not had that problem. So I feel better, but am still taking it easy. Just counting the days.

I'll be watching for your posts. Recliners are great. I slept in mine most of the time after my hip replacement. I imagine I will do that after my heart surgery too. They are just so much more comfortable than laying in bed on your back. Of course, we are all different, but I love my Lazy Boy. Works good for times when my back bothers me too.

Good Luck.

Just bought n electric recliner from rooms to go. It was $650 for anyone who wants to know. It has a reachable button on the side for adjustments. Now that the Valium is out of my system I can breathe!!!!! Yay! I love breathing.