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Well wishes right back to you. You've been through a lot, but you have a perspective that says a lot about you. Some people go through life not having an understanding of what is really important, and I think that you've got things figured out.
On an unrelated note, I was interested to learn that you worked for a Japanese company. I studied Japanese for a year while I was in college, and your screename reminded me of the language. Is there any relation?
You and I are about the same age(I am 1 yr older) and like you I was diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis while very young. I remember cardiac check ups, stress tests, and catherizations from a very young age. Fortunately for me I didn't have OHS until last year, but I understand to some extent how you feel. At the time of surgery I had 2 kids and just had my 3rd. Good luck to you and I hope it works out well.
On an unrelated note, I was interested to learn that you worked for a Japanese company. I studied Japanese for a year while I was in college, and your screename reminded me of the language. Is there any relation?

Grant, honestly I wish it was more interesting. My middle name is Matt (which i go by) and my last name is Wyglendowski (why-glen-dow-ski). Going through high school, instead of writing out my whole name I strated signing my work MATSKI. Teachers were cool with it and that's pretty much how everyone addressed (and how I avoided carpal tunnel syndrome) me through my high school years.

In case your curious why I go by my middle name, my first name is Thaddeus. Yes Thaddeus Wyglendowski, yuck it up! Its a good Polish name! Anyway I asked my dad when I was younger why I went by Matt (he and my grandfather were also Thaddeus) in instead of Thaddeus like he did. He said he was speaking from experience and said " Trust me son, your gonna get into enough scuffles with Wyglendowski, you don't need Thaddeus on top of it."

You and I are about the same age(I am 1 yr older) and like you I was diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis while very young. I remember cardiac check ups, stress tests, and catherizations from a very young age. Fortunately for me I didn't have OHS until last year, but I understand to some extent how you feel. At the time of surgery I had 2 kids and just had my 3rd. Good luck to you and I hope it works out well.


Eric, thanks for your kind words. Good to know I wasn't the only one foolish enough to shoot for 3 kids and have heart issues.

Thanks Lyn for your feedback.

I've read yours and Justin's story a week or so back, it made me think back to my mom and the drama she went through with me as a child. The surgeries, the coumadin, the protecting me from myself because I was a kid and kids do stupid things because they want to be like all the other kids. Growing up it was always there (the issues), now that I've had to really face the issues myself, as an adult with children and a family and the consequences that come with it I have a new perspective. After reading about you and thinking about my recent experiences it made me realize what she went through 36 years ago (and still goes through today, I'll always be her baby :p). I called her and thanked her for her taking care of me (even when I didnt want it), something I dont think I ever did before because i didnt really understand when I was younger and later took for granted. It reallly touched her, I have to thank you for helping me see that.

Sometimes we get caught up in everything and forget to address what we take for granted. I'm sure Justin has told you but just in case he hasn't, know that he appriecates everything you have done for him, even when he complained.

I know there are are some cool customers out there with ice running through there veins and nerves of steel who lets nothing get to them but those people have nothing on a parent who has a child with heart disease. Definately the strongest people I know.


Thank you , you made me cry. I know how Blessed we are and I'm sure your Mom feels the same. I'm glad you called her, I can imagine how she must of loved that.

ps my Grand Mother was a pugarowlski (sp) and my dad parents were all polish coalminers
Matt (BTW my Brother is Matt) I don't know if you have found the adults w/ chd isite or their forums, but I think you might really like that there are alot of people that are going thru/gone thru the same things as you. http://achaheart.org/
(I haven't been there for a hwhile, because I keep hoping Justin will be interested in it someday and don't want me posting there to keep him from joining, but there were alot of great poeple there last I checked) I'm not saying leave here just thought you might like both places. The also have national conferences, work with getting things thru congress, raising awareness ect. Lyn
Matt, are you still on this site? I've been looking through older posts. Interesting to read your story. Our stories are somewhat similar. I've had two open heart surgeries to have artificial mitral valves put in. Have also had at least 5 heart caths. I'm also now dealing with heart symptoms and having to look at things as an adult with two children. Like you said, much different than being an invincible kid. I was 2 and 13 for my first two surgeries. I was born 9 years after you.
I hope everything has worked out well for you, and you welcomed Chase home with great ease and joy. Let us know your updates if you find time. Congratulations!