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  1. L

    Mechanical Bentall Resources

    My hero on this site is Superbob, who had two Bentalls (bio) due to aneurysm and AR and quite recently said that his heart was OK, in his eighties.
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    Severe Regurgitation and Blood Pressure

    Hi, I found this article interesting. Elite athlete with at least moderate AR and a severely dilated left ventricle had normal BP. Could it be, that his normal BP was from his meds?
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    Awake and recovering

    By the way... Was removal of the tubes any painful? I hear different stories on that.
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    Severe aortic regurgitation and now mild mitral regurgitation

    Left ventricle dilatation affects mitral valve, which starts closing worse, it's called mitralisation of the aortic insufficiency. If the aortic insufficiency is dealt with in a timely fashion, dilatation often regresses, and the mitral valve works better again.
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    Awake and recovering

    Congratulations and thanks from the future potential patient. Your future occasional feedback here is also very welcome.
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    Big surgery coming up

    Jase_101 Fixing the valve and aorta at the same time is really common. Adding CABG is less common, but still plenty. Best of luck to you.
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    332 Days Out Of Surgery

    Good to hear that! I guess your heart was so "trained" from the AR, that now it barely felt any work!
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    37 yr old with BAV and Severe AR

    David's procedure requires more experience, comparing to Bentall's. I'd look at the most experienced surgeon I could find.
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    Foldax Continues

    Sure, longevity is essential, but let's not forget that the valve is pretty innovative, and even the basic things need to be tested, like basic structural integrity in vivo, abscence of allergic or immune reaction, and everything that science doesn't know about but what can happen.
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    Surgery now not recommended after TOE/TEE

    SwansCity1912 Yeah, I agree with pellicle that AR is more complicated than AS, due to more difficult quantification, due to more equivocal opinion on when the damage to the heart is really significant. Also with Timmay, that if the surgery is imminent you gotta have it fast. I heard that MRI...
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    Surgery this Wednesday

    Jeff Congratulations on your successful surgery, also a very nice picture of a heart. One question: did you have pure stenosis, or there was some regurgitation too?
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    Hello again...

    It's BAV with mild AR and borderline dilation (40 mm), which is small for my height. I learned about it more than 2 years ago. Funnily, for the first year I was calm about it, but then it suddenly grew into a strong depression, first in my life, and then a really bleak year passed. Before that I...
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    Hello again...

    I am quite alright. The initial shock from knowing my condition was harsh, but now it has receded. Also I'm almost starting to believe that I will evade warfarin in the end thanks to the Foldax valve or other options. And the possible future surgery itself seems to me more like a space flight...
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    Hello again...

    Thanks so much for your update. I'm glad that you're stable and it seems that you are feeling aright. Do you take any medications? Looks like people with regurgitation are prone to systolic hypertension, but then some have normal BP even on severe stage.
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    28 yrs old with BAV & Severe AR

    Could you please tell what are those pills? Your profile info says only losartan.
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    28 yrs old with BAV & Severe AR

    Hello and welcome. Your disregarding of Ross procedure seems to me quite prudent, considering your height, gender and young age, that may presuppose some variation of systemic connective tissue disorder or even Marfan. I am tall and have AR too, and talked to a geneticist who thought I have some...
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    How long have you had your aneurysm?

    My aortic root is at 40mm, stayed like that for 3 years that I am watching it, and I am 39 YO with BAV. The growth speed really differs a lot between people, some never develop threatening aneurism throughout their whole life, despite having a large aorta and BAV. The genetics and other factors...
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    Facing a 2nd operation

    Nik B You have a lot to deal with, and it's hard, I know. All I can say that a man has inner sthrength that helped to endure countless dangers throughout man's evolution and history. You are not alone. Here's a video of a classic Marfan case. The guy is about your age. He is blind, he has a...
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    Bicuspid Aortic Valve and possible future aortic dilatation

    It almost never shrinks, but a lesser occasional measurment speaks for a probable stability, which is great.
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    Bicuspid Aortic Valve and possible future aortic dilatation

    This "high" means a lot higher than with a tricuspid valve, but still less than 50%.