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  1. T

    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    Thanks Chuck and Pellicle. Yes, I wouldn't think Lp(a) was the only factor in this key valve-type determination, especially for those with good number as you said. Opposite is more applicable as you said, totally makes sense. Hopefully this level of Lp(a) is helping with my around heart...
  2. T

    Lipoprotein(a) | Lp(a) test

    Thanks Chuck.
  3. T

    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    I just my Lp(a) tested. It's 35 nmol/L. Am I correct in its conversion to ~16 mg/dL (= 35/2.15)? Does it mean that I may be a good candidate for a tissue valve? PS: My LDL, HDL etc which they test every year in the standard cholesterol panel have always been super favorable too.....
  4. T

    Lipoprotein(a) | Lp(a) test

    Chuck, After reading various posts on Lp(a), I just got mine tested. It's 35 nmol/L. Am I correct in its conversion to ~16 mg/dL (= 35/2.15)? Does it mean that I may be a good candidate for a tissue valve? PS: My LDL, HDL etc which they test every year in the standard cholesterol panel have...
  5. T

    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    hi Daniel, I appreciate your insights. It does provide balance in perspective and experience. I'm happy to see that you're happy with your choice :) May you forever keep your tissue valve. Thank you.
  6. T

    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    All, Thank you so much for great insights, as always. You're a great bunch :) I'm leaning mechanical but doing diligence while I can :) I had my initial surgeon consult yesterday and we got the surgery date set (July 22). Will keep you all posted, and I'll have many more questions yet. Just...
  7. T

    How to Choose

    Hi Richie, We're in a same/similar boat except I'm 5 years older (54). I need a new aortic valve myself (and posted mechanical vs tissue questions recently on the chat). This forum is super (both the members and the information presented), isn't it? I've thought of mechanical for a long time...
  8. T

    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    Forgot to add that I'm (almost) 55. If I can get a tissue valve last 20 years, then I may go that route (with the option of TAVR when I'm 75 let's say......).
  9. T

    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    Is there any data or information to suggest that tissue valve may last longer under certain lifestyle conditions? For example, if someone lives a very clean (e.g. eating) and active lifestyle, can they expect it to last longer? For sure, they are many many other variables, but wondering if...
  10. T

    Best mechanical valve?

    Thank you all again. Great, useful info :-)
  11. T

    Best mechanical valve?

    I really appreciate you all for responding. I learnt so much from each response. Pellicle, I'm in California, USA, not in India. I will be watching the video on mechanical valve you sent. Watched the other one on Curcumin, I get your point :-)... Now, the chart you sent, there are 2 St Jude...
  12. T

    Best mechanical valve?

    I'm 54 who's having AVR with root replacement (Bentall procedure) this summer. As the title suggests, I'm leaning on mechanical (although I'm open to suggestions and convincing otherwise:-)). For example, my cardiologist was preferring tissue with future TAVR(s) since he thinks risks of...
  13. T

    Best surgeons in Bay Area (Stanford, UCSF, other)

    Thank you all for your recommendations and feedback. Very helpful :-)
  14. T

    Best surgeons in Bay Area (Stanford, UCSF, other)

    I'm 54 BAV with severe stenosis, starting to shop for surgeon in the bay area, preferably Stanford. I would need an AVR and also aorta (root and ascending) replacement (Bentall procedure), so hopefully this surgeon would specialize in the latter as well. Any recommendations welcome. PS: Not...
  15. T


    Is PEARS procedure only available in the UK? This procedure appears too good to be true. Why has it not become mainstream and available in the US, when it can be the answer to all our worries with dilated aortas e.g. 4.8cm etc?? Why not reinforce aorta to avoid any possibility of rapture or...